Is Democracy in the Middle East a good idea ?


Active Member
May 24, 2006
Lets take a look at this for a second.

Palestine has elections and democracy elects Hamas

IRAN has elections and they elect nut job Ahmadinejad

Lebanon has a democratic govt, 23 of their 128 seats in govt are held by Hezbolah. Nice. Score another one for Democracy.

Democracy in IRAQ isnt looking like such a good idea either.

It makes no sense to try and instill democracy in a radical islamic country. Why cant people understand that it will just never work.

Oh, and look at what Democracy in the US gets us. George W Bush. So much for Democracy.

Thanks for reading. :bye1:
T-Bor said:
Lets take a look at this for a second.

Palestine has elections and democracy elects Hamas

IRAN has elections and they elect nut job Ahmadinejad

Lebanon has a democratic govt, 23 of their 128 seats in govt are held by Hezbolah. Nice. Score another one for Democracy.

Democracy in IRAQ isnt looking like such a good idea either.

It makes no sense to try and instill democracy in a radical islamic country. Why cant people understand that it will just never work.

Oh, and look at what Democracy in the US gets us. George W Bush. So much for Democracy.

Thanks for reading. :bye1:

So. The alternative is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it?
Forcing a specific Political theory on a nation who has yet to ask for it, is like forcing food in the mouth of an already full bear.

The outcome will never be good.
T-Bor said:
Lets take a look at this for a second.

Palestine has elections and democracy elects Hamas

IRAN has elections and they elect nut job Ahmadinejad

Lebanon has a democratic govt, 23 of their 128 seats in govt are held by Hezbolah. Nice. Score another one for Democracy.

Democracy in IRAQ isnt looking like such a good idea either.

It makes no sense to try and instill democracy in a radical islamic country. Why cant people understand that it will just never work.

Oh, and look at what Democracy in the US gets us. George W Bush. So much for Democracy.

Thanks for reading. :bye1:

Noah ... it's far better having extremist, militant theocracies terrorizing and murdering anyone that doesn't buy their brand of Heaven. Hell, look what's it's done for them so far.
To answer your question, yes democracy in the mid-east is a good idea. Sure beats tyrannical autocracies in which your family would disappear if you spoke out against the government.
Semper Fi said:
To answer your question, yes democracy in the mid-east is a good idea. Sure beats tyrannical autocracies in which your family would disappear if you spoke out against the government.

I agree. Its just going to take a lot of work.

People scoffed at the idea of introducing a free society to Japan after World War II. But it worked. It took time but it worked.

Problem is we live in a society where we expect results over night.
T-Bor said:
Lets take a look at this for a second.

Palestine has elections and democracy elects Hamas

IRAN has elections and they elect nut job Ahmadinejad

Lebanon has a democratic govt, 23 of their 128 seats in govt are held by Hezbolah. Nice. Score another one for Democracy.

Democracy in IRAQ isnt looking like such a good idea either.

It makes no sense to try and instill democracy in a radical islamic country. Why cant people understand that it will just never work.

Oh, and look at what Democracy in the US gets us. George W Bush. So much for Democracy.

Thanks for reading. :bye1:

Actually, no...democracy is too good for them. The rest of the world needs to make the Middle East one huge theme park where one can go and experience the pastorla medievil lifestyle; you know, live in a tent, ride camels, herd goats, etc. That would be far better than democracy for the ME and the rest of the world.
Said1 said:

Yes, sorry, I think I was a little vague in my statement.

The point I was attempting to illustrate was that the Arab nations have seen an emergence of American aid, and American intervention. When another nation intervenes in a different countries business, natural effects won't take place.

If a successful democracy is to occur, it can only occur at the will of the people. So far, these Arab nations have always had big brother America, or big brother England to fix their problems for them. In effect the Arab nations have not been forced to rely on democracy, as there is no need to when you have someone else to fix your problems for you.
How many times has the US caught shit for "propping up a dictator". Frankly I don't care what kind of government the mideast comes up with as long as they treat thier own people decently and quit screwing with America.
I don't think they'll ever get the "democracy" that we are used to with all of its freedoms.

Kuwait's society seems to be doing just fine though.

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