Is critical race theory hate speech?

It's creating an entire generation of anti-white sucker punchers and angry coloured folk.
Your kids and grandkids will end up like this.
critical race theory is part of the cultrual marxism agenda, it is a tool to divide people and advance the failed marxist economic system
No. It's just a theory of history that can discussed, debated, even argued about. The right-wingers issue list after list of Words That Must Not Be Spoken, from "slavery" to "abortion" to "diversity," and beyond, and then complain about "cancel culture." It involves only discussions of people's actions, and most of those people are dead anyway. Theories are meant to be discussed. This is not a matter of launching an insulting diatribe against living people just because of their race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, etc.
CRT is correct once you look at the legal decisions and public policy made in this country. The fascist right wants to eliminate any criticism of the system so it can be maintained.

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