Is Chris Mathews Losing His Mind? He Compares The Tea Party To The Muslim Brotherhood


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
MSNBC is going nuts. Right after the election they called for armed revolution against the government. Now Chris Matthews is comparing the Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Okay, so Chris thinks the Tea Party wants to establish Sharia Law? Is this guy losing his mind? Does he realize just how nuts he sounds. Well, in all seriousness, Obama sounds like he is a strong supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, with his constant calls for Egyptian President Mubarak to step down "NOW", so maybe he's a closet Tea Party member. That's how insane this sounds. Isn't there supposed to be something resembling journalistic integrity in our news? To pass off gossip as fact is the height of irresponsibility.

I remember last month when everyone was up in arms about the vitriol in media and politics. What the fuck is this then????

At a Code Pink rally last week they said that they would cut off Clarence Thomas's toes and feed them to him, string him up and his wife too, and that they need to send him back to the fields. They said they wanted riots in the streets like in Egypt. Seems the left is who is spewing hatred, not the right.

I'm counting to ten and by the time I get to ten I bet somebody will accuse me of spewing hatred. Maybe even call me a racist.

Wake the fuck up people. I'm not asking for MSNBC to be taken off the air, but they need to tone this violent hate-speech down. It feeds the lunatics on the left with enough violent rhetoric to keep them going for years, even decades.

The only way we can get them to stop is by not tuning in. Then maybe their advertisers will bail on them.

All I can say is don't talk to me about Fox. Nothing they say even compares to this.

Wanna know what these idiots are saying these days? Talking about crosshairs is peanuts compared to what these numbnuts are saying:

My what a peaceful group.


Chris Matthews and his rantings

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Actually Muslim Brotherhood and Tea Party share a lot in common.

The both hate gays.

They both want laws based on their religious beliefs.

And they love their guns.
Is Matthews losing his mind?

Does a duck fart in water.

It's sad to watch it on National T.v.
Actually Muslim Brotherhood and Tea Party share a lot in common.

The both hate gays.

They both want laws based on their religious beliefs.

And they love their guns.

Uh, who said they both hate gays?? Oh, the left does. Silly me.

I think they have less in common then the left does with them.

I can show you reams of statements the left has made that matches up with statements from Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, and the President of Iran.

I haven't heard anything about the Muslim Brotherhood up to this point. Didn't even know they existed, thanks to the Obama Administration. Now, all of the sudden, Egypt's government is corrupt and abusive to it's people. Who would have guessed. I heard that this ouster has been in the works for years. Wonder why? Egypt is the only Arab country to sign a peace accord with Israel. They are the only Arab country to recognize Israel as a sovereign nation. Now Obama wants them gone.

I think Obama likes the Muslim Brotherhood more then he likes Israel. Because if they gain control Israel is in serious trouble. Israel will be totally surrounded by enemies. That would lead to a nuclear war ladies and gentlemen. Obama is ushering in a Muslim uprising that will lead to unprecedented death and destruction in one of the most vital areas in the world. We cannot function without their oil, and thanks to Obama we cannot drill for our own.
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i'm always amazed by the number of people that believe that because someone says someone or something is like another in one way that they must believe that what they are actually saying is they are alike in all ways.
Check msn's ratings Mud. Thier top show can't match O'Riely's re-run at 11pm, one of thier shows gets beat out by an HN show, and I have never heard of HN. So thier time is nearing it's end.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

Seems the best coverage MSNBC gets these days is on talkradio.
He had a mind to lose? Who knew!!

yes, being a presidential speech writer and a top aid to tip o'neill when he was the speaker of the house isn't any indication of intellect, i'm sure. :rolleyes:

although i do question his voting for dubya in 2000.

Chris Matthews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the problem with this thread, and all the other threads like it is no one should ever look to a rightwingnut blog to ever rationally discussed anything said by anyone they disagree with.

explains so much.
i'm always amazed by the number of people that believe that because someone says someone or something is like another in one way that they must believe that what they are actually saying is they are alike in all ways.

Say what????

well... you're the perfect example.

because matthews likened the tea party and the muslim brotherhood together in that they've both taken it upon themselves to give 'expiration dates' to political careers

you somehow believed that that comparison meant that matthews believed the tea party wanted to impose sharia law.

which frankly, is just retarded.
Check msn's ratings Mud. Thier top show can't match O'Riely's re-run at 11pm, one of thier shows gets beat out by an HN show, and I have never heard of HN. So thier time is nearing it's end.

except that matthews isn't their top-rated show. olbermann was and i'm pretty sure rachel maddow comes next.

and, frankly, o'reilly couldn't compete with network tv numbers-wise, so we need to stop doing that as a gauge.

or else maybe we think that barbara carland is a better write than shakespeare? you know, because she's sold more books. :eusa_whistle:

and whenever i put too much stock in numbers like that, i remind myself that laverne and shirley was the top-rated show on TV for a while.
He had a mind to lose? Who knew!!

yes, being a presidential speech writer and a top aid to tip o'neill when he was the speaker of the house isn't any indication of intellect, i'm sure. :rolleyes:

although i do question his voting for dubya in 2000.

Chris Matthews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the problem with this thread, and all the other threads like it is no one should ever look to a rightwingnut blog to ever rationally discussed anything said by anyone they disagree with.

explains so much.

Well, since I saw him say it on's not a figment of some wingnut's imagination.
Check msn's ratings Mud. Thier top show can't match O'Riely's re-run at 11pm, one of thier shows gets beat out by an HN show, and I have never heard of HN. So thier time is nearing it's end.

except that matthews isn't their top-rated show. olbermann was and i'm pretty sure rachel maddow comes next.

and, frankly, o'reilly couldn't compete with network tv numbers-wise, so we need to stop doing that as a gauge.

or else maybe we think that barbara carland is a better write than shakespeare? you know, because she's sold more books. :eusa_whistle:

and whenever i put too much stock in numbers like that, i remind myself that laverne and shirley was the top-rated show on TV for a while.

Olberman was the best they had and they fired him.

Makes perfect sense.

Rachel Maddow is a real winner too.

I can get more realism from watching Machete.
He had a mind to lose? Who knew!!

yes, being a presidential speech writer and a top aid to tip o'neill when he was the speaker of the house isn't any indication of intellect, i'm sure. :rolleyes:

although i do question his voting for dubya in 2000.

Chris Matthews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the problem with this thread, and all the other threads like it is no one should ever look to a rightwingnut blog to ever rationally discussed anything said by anyone they disagree with.

explains so much.

That's not a 'right wing' issue, Jillian. It's a non partisan one... left wing blogs are no different.
Check msn's ratings Mud. Thier top show can't match O'Riely's re-run at 11pm, one of thier shows gets beat out by an HN show, and I have never heard of HN. So thier time is nearing it's end.

except that matthews isn't their top-rated show. olbermann was and i'm pretty sure rachel maddow comes next.

and, frankly, o'reilly couldn't compete with network tv numbers-wise, so we need to stop doing that as a gauge.

or else maybe we think that barbara carland is a better write than shakespeare? you know, because she's sold more books. :eusa_whistle:

and whenever i put too much stock in numbers like that, i remind myself that laverne and shirley was the top-rated show on TV for a while.

Ahh, Maddow.... you mean the idiot who's more concerned with being first than being accurate? :lol:
Check msn's ratings Mud. Thier top show can't match O'Riely's re-run at 11pm, one of thier shows gets beat out by an HN show, and I have never heard of HN. So thier time is nearing it's end.

except that matthews isn't their top-rated show. olbermann was and i'm pretty sure rachel maddow comes next.

and, frankly, o'reilly couldn't compete with network tv numbers-wise, so we need to stop doing that as a gauge.

or else maybe we think that barbara carland is a better write than shakespeare? you know, because she's sold more books. :eusa_whistle:

and whenever i put too much stock in numbers like that, i remind myself that laverne and shirley was the top-rated show on TV for a while.

Ahh, Maddow.... you mean the idiot who's more concerned with being first than being accurate? :lol:

you mean because she made a mistake and retracted?

sorry honey, i'll put her rhodes scholar, stanford educated mind up against anyone's.

though i suppose she could have litigated for the right to lie like faux news did. *shrug*
i'm always amazed by the number of people that believe that because someone says someone or something is like another in one way that they must believe that what they are actually saying is they are alike in all ways.

Say what????

well... you're the perfect example.

because matthews likened the tea party and the muslim brotherhood together in that they've both taken it upon themselves to give 'expiration dates' to political careers

you somehow believed that that comparison meant that matthews believed the tea party wanted to impose sharia law.

which frankly, is just retarded.

Maybe you need to go back and re-read what I said. I asked a question, sort of tongue in cheek question. Maybe I need to indicate sarcasm so it won't scream over your head next time. I was joking about Matthew's stupidity.

So, who's being the retard here??

That was in the form of a question btw.

Okay, so Chris thinks the Tea Party wants to establish Sharia Law? Is this guy losing his mind? Does he realize just how nuts he sounds. Well, in all seriousness, Obama sounds like he is a strong supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, with his constant calls for Egyptian President Mubarak to step down "NOW", so maybe he's a closet Tea Party member. That's how insane this sounds. Isn't there supposed to be something resembling journalistic integrity in our news? To pass off gossip as fact is the height of irresponsibility.
He had a mind to lose? Who knew!!

yes, being a presidential speech writer and a top aid to tip o'neill when he was the speaker of the house isn't any indication of intellect, i'm sure. :rolleyes:

although i do question his voting for dubya in 2000.

Chris Matthews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the problem with this thread, and all the other threads like it is no one should ever look to a rightwingnut blog to ever rationally discussed anything said by anyone they disagree with.

explains so much.

That's not a 'right wing' issue, Jillian. It's a non partisan one... left wing blogs are no different.

and i wouldn't get my news from DU either. so there ya go.

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