Is Cheney Crazy?

Cheney's a pro compared to what you have now. what's his name??? oh yeah thrown under the bus. Osama's know no more about national security than he does about fornicating. and the terrorist are moving in. :eusa_whistle:

Cheney and his tactics have provided the best recruiting tool the crazed terrorists have. Our own military and intelligance have verified this.

The way to beat the terrorists is to win the hearts and minds of the population. General Patreaus has proven this to be the case.

Dick Cheney and his tactics are contrary to our best military minds of today; General Patreaus et all.

Cheney the slime bucket evaded the draft and did not serve.

No one on any side of the political spectrum should defend him. he should be in jail.

so where's your VP ??? handing out lolipops to school girls. I believe he was appointed to do something????
they have no fuckin hearts and no fuckin minds. the slime bucket's in the black house playing with his pecker.

did Osama serve???? oh i forgot. he was banging white chicks

The powers of the VP vary. Historically their service depends on the will of the P. George didn't have much will, and I've often thought that his cabinet picked him rather than the way it is normally done. As for the rest. you've got problems only you can sort out. Good luck.
Cheney's a pro compared to what you have now. what's his name??? oh yeah thrown under the bus. Osama's know no more about national security than he does about fornicating. and the terrorist are moving in. :eusa_whistle:

Cheney and his tactics have provided the best recruiting tool the crazed terrorists have. Our own military and intelligance have verified this.

The way to beat the terrorists is to win the hearts and minds of the population. General Patreaus has proven this to be the case.

Dick Cheney and his tactics are contrary to our best military minds of today; General Patreaus et all.

Cheney the slime bucket evaded the draft and did not serve.

No one on any side of the political spectrum should defend him. he should be in jail.

so where's your VP ??? handing out lolipops to school girls. I believe he was appointed to do something????
they have no fuckin hearts and no fuckin minds. the slime bucket's in the black house playing with his pecker.

did Osama serve???? oh i forgot. he was banging white chicks

Was he?

According to the Article I, Section 3 of Constitution:

His duties are that he shall be President of the Senate, buthave no Vote, unless it's to break a tie.

His only other constitutionally mandated duty is to receive the tally of electoral ballots from the states and open the certificates in the Presence of the Senate and House so that the total votes could be counted (Article 2, Section 1).

Not much.

Cheney grossly overeached himself.
and we've 1 or 2 terrorists attempts here at home on Osama's watch. great security. more hearts and minds to win????
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Possibly, I really don't know.

But even the crazy can be evil mofokers, too.

Is he evil?

You betcha'!

He's one of the most evil SOB's ever so close to becoming POTUS.

Entirely wrong.

He is not in the slightest bit evil.

He is a truly great man.

Unlike the current ass-clown infesting the Oval Office (or his incoherent addled side-kick playing the role of Vice President these sad days) Vice President Cheney actually cared about protecting the security of the United States.

You libbies loathe Vice President Cheney because he does not suffer you fools gladly. He tells the truth about you guys and what you're doing. And, like so many libbies, you cannot ABIDE the truth.

Truth is he wouldn't have become jack shit if it weren't for his wife. That is the truth.

Wrong. It is just an opinion. And a pretty dopey one at that.
Cheney's a pro compared to what you have now. what's his name??? oh yeah thrown under the bus. Osama's know no more about national security than he does about fornicating. and the terrorist are moving in. :eusa_whistle:

Cheney and his tactics have provided the best recruiting tool the crazed terrorists have. Our own military and intelligance have verified this.

The way to beat the terrorists is to win the hearts and minds of the population. General Patreaus has proven this to be the case.

Dick Cheney and his tactics are contrary to our best military minds of today; General Patreaus et all.

Cheney the slime bucket evaded the draft and did not serve.

No one on any side of the political spectrum should defend him. he should be in jail.

so where's your VP ??? handing out lolipops to school girls. I believe he was appointed to do something????
they have no fuckin hearts and no fuckin minds. the slime bucket's in the black house playing with his pecker.

...oh i forgot. he was banging white chicks

Oh my Lord! He should be lynched!!!!! Where is your rope namvet?

btw, where do you get this crapola from? The depths of your inner being? What in heaven's name does a half white man sleeping with girls that are white have to do with anything? How do you even know that he spent his time sleeping with WHITE women and WHY would whether they are WHITE or black have anything to do with anything other than you, appearing to be a complete racist?

I don't get it namvet? If you were even trying to make a point other than showing your own problems with being a racist....?

and maybe that is something to be proud of in your circles of the world, but it shouldn't be and it certainly is not the position from most on the board that do oppose him, for his policy...not for his race or or some sort of perverted jealousy that he got 'some pun-tang' that you obviously didn't get. look, you made me lash out...that doesn't happen often! :eek:

Both Cheney and Buh are cowards and deserve to be in prison. There is no place for these despots in a civilized world. They, in no way, represent what the United States is all about. They are what the founding fathers were running from.
Both Cheney and Buh are cowards and deserve to be in prison. There is no place for these despots in a civilized world. They, in no way, represent what the United States is all about. They are what the founding fathers were running from.

^ Just another meaningless rant from an imbecile who could not back up his illogical musings if his life depended on it.

Your opinion, frankly, sucks. You could hardly be more wrong.
Both Cheney and Buh are cowards and deserve to be in prison. There is no place for these despots in a civilized world. They, in no way, represent what the United States is all about. They are what the founding fathers were running from.

but their not going to prison. hope that burns your ass
Or is he trying to cover up all the illegal crap he did? None of the files released show anything like he keeps saying about how they kept US safe.

Oh, wasn't it on their watch that we had 9-11 a few months after they failed to read the briefing that "Al Quaeda Determined to Attach in US."

They blew it out their butts and then in panic threw out any laws they didn't like.

He still has his Ducan idiots who say that training our troops in SERE training using waterboarding is the same as waterboarding suspected terrorists.

In SERE training, you know they are on your side and won't kill you. In Cheney's Gitmo, that wasn't the case. They did actually kill a few "suspected" terrorists.

The Cheney supporters have lost touch with any reality but the one he has created in his own dark little mind.

Too many chicken craps in congress etc, however, to really follow up his crimes and the other crimes of the Bush administration. In breeding brings out the worst in our politicians.

If any other country did this to our men, we would have obliterated them, but it's okay because we are the good guys.:evil:

Cheney better hope there is not heaven or hell, because he won't be able to lie to God.

He is the biggest pos in politics. The man is the curious combination of a snake and a bitch.

I wouldn't believe him even if he were on his deathbed and the pope was praying the rosary while sprinkling holy water over him.
Or is he trying to cover up all the illegal crap he did? None of the files released show anything like he keeps saying about how they kept US safe.

Oh, wasn't it on their watch that we had 9-11 a few months after they failed to read the briefing that "Al Quaeda Determined to Attach in US."

They blew it out their butts and then in panic threw out any laws they didn't like.

He still has his Ducan idiots who say that training our troops in SERE training using waterboarding is the same as waterboarding suspected terrorists.

In SERE training, you know they are on your side and won't kill you. In Cheney's Gitmo, that wasn't the case. They did actually kill a few "suspected" terrorists.

The Cheney supporters have lost touch with any reality but the one he has created in his own dark little mind.

Too many chicken craps in congress etc, however, to really follow up his crimes and the other crimes of the Bush administration. In breeding brings out the worst in our politicians.

If any other country did this to our men, we would have obliterated them, but it's okay because we are the good guys.:evil:

Cheney better hope there is not heaven or hell, because he won't be able to lie to God.

He is the biggest pos in politics. The man is the curious combination of a snake and a bitch.

I wouldn't believe him even if he were on his deathbed and the pope was praying the rosary while sprinkling holy water over him.

Yes Sarah. We know you tend to be pre-disposed to close-mindedness.
Or is he trying to cover up all the illegal crap he did? None of the files released show anything like he keeps saying about how they kept US safe.

Oh, wasn't it on their watch that we had 9-11 a few months after they failed to read the briefing that "Al Quaeda Determined to Attach in US."

They blew it out their butts and then in panic threw out any laws they didn't like.

He still has his Ducan idiots who say that training our troops in SERE training using waterboarding is the same as waterboarding suspected terrorists.

In SERE training, you know they are on your side and won't kill you. In Cheney's Gitmo, that wasn't the case. They did actually kill a few "suspected" terrorists.

The Cheney supporters have lost touch with any reality but the one he has created in his own dark little mind.

Too many chicken craps in congress etc, however, to really follow up his crimes and the other crimes of the Bush administration. In breeding brings out the worst in our politicians.

If any other country did this to our men, we would have obliterated them, but it's okay because we are the good guys.:evil:

Cheney better hope there is not heaven or hell, because he won't be able to lie to God.

It's obvious you have a distain for facts.

Out of all the accusations you made, how many can you verify with documented facts? In other words provide evidence of crimes you claim were commited by Cheney.

I'll wait......

Subject:[SIZE=+1] Cheney confessed to a war crime [/SIZE] > Dick Cheney: I knew about the waterboarding - as a general policy we had approved.

That's confessing to a "war crime." At what point do they take him into custody?
[SIZE=+1]Cheney for President?[/SIZE]
Some Rethugs want him to run
Link Excerpt:
At first, it seemed like a joke. Whore Street Journal columnist James Taranto opined on Monday that -- if the 2012 election were to turn to national security -- "it's hard to think of a better candidate than Cheney." But while his headline -- "Cheney for President" -- provoked guffaws in some quarters, some well-regarded strategists and pollsters are actually taking the idea deadly seriously. Alex Castellanos, a frequent CNN analyst and GOP cabana boy, told "But if the agenda turns to security, Obama is mired in a no-win mess in Afghanistan, and Obama hasn't created a single job in four years after indebting us for generations, Cheney could run on a theme of 'Change'."
First she used the 50-50.
Then she phoned a friend who said "Moon."
Then she asked the audience - they said ""Moon,"
then she said "I gotta go with my gut - Elephant."

bet she's for Cheney for prez too.
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Subject:[SIZE=+1] Cheney confessed to a war crime [/SIZE] > Dick Cheney: I knew about the waterboarding - as a general policy we had approved.

That's confessing to a "war crime." At what point do they take him into custody?

No you Canuck idiot. It isn't "confessing" to anything. It is a statement of historical fact from an honest guy. In this case, it amounts to a mere statement about NON-torture.

Waterboarding is only "torture" to leftists who like to propagandize dishonestly against anything done by America especially when the evil Booooosh was in Office or by moronic Canucks.

Medical Definition of Torture

Torture: An act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person, for a purpose such as obtaining information or a confession, punishment, intimidation or coercion, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind. Survivors of torture often suffer from physical and psychological symptoms and disabilities. There may be specific forms of physical injury including broken bones, neurological damage, and musculoskeletal problems. Torture may results in psychological symptoms of depression (most common), post-traumatic stress disorder, marked sleep disturbances and alterations in self-perceptions together with feelings of powerlessness, fear, guilt and shame

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