Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
The economic problem lately, is: following stimuli that ran out in 2010 but did avert a full blown SECOND Pub Great Depression, conservative fear mongering about the big "debt crisis", "common sense", and their mythic ability of "jobs, jobs, jobs" brought conservative electoral gains- austerity and spending cuts, and double dip recesions and fears, especially in Ireland,Greece, Spain, the Uk, and the USA now. And yes, the resemblances all over ARE REAL, and you can LEARN from them...

How 'bout some real jobs bills, party of NO!- The French may help all of us out of this. Sweden has the most successful recovery, dittoheads, so cut the crappe about EU Socialists- which you ALSO don't understand LOL.
Yes, that Obama averted a great depression isn't propaganda !

:lol: :lol:

Move to Cuba Franco.

They will love you there.

We will love you for having left.
The UK is back in recession. They put the conservatives in power and went the austerity route.

Whether or not austerity is a good idea in the long run may be worthy of discussion, but what is inarguable is,

austerity is not a plan for job creation, as the GOP persists in lying about.
You just cant have enough spending, welfare, debt and mindless social engineering for these left wing marxists...............

Its govt bureaucrats that are going to "improve" their miserable lives............

Hail Che Guevara !!! lol
Any rational RW thought out there? I didn't think so.

There are two kinds of "Republicans"- the Mega rich, short sighted, greedy Pubs, and the huge crowd incredibly ignorant, now propagandized or bought off dupes, ie, you morons. See sig pp1 and 4.

I see Obama is really starting to point this out.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich and destroy Medicare! How dumb can you get?
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the entire wealth of the 1% wouldnt make a dent in the debt or the pathetic lives of entitlement loving socialists.........

But its the thought that
The UK is back in recession. They put the conservatives in power and went the austerity route.

Whether or not austerity is a good idea in the long run may be worthy of discussion, but what is inarguable is,

austerity is not a plan for job creation, as the GOP persists in lying about.

You can't honestly buy this.. right?
The UK is back in recession. They put the conservatives in power and went the austerity route.

Whether or not austerity is a good idea in the long run may be worthy of discussion, but what is inarguable is,

austerity is not a plan for job creation, as the GOP persists in lying about.

Wrong, you simply don't understand how the policy works.

First you have to have bad regulation cut, tax cuts and most of all Spending cuts. You can't cut taxes, spend more and call it good.

Then you have to let the bad debt liquidate itself.

Then things get better for the long run.
Any rational RW thought out there? I didn't think so.

There are two kinds of "Republicans"- the Mega rich, short sighted, greedy Pubs, and the huge crowd incredibly ignorant, now propagandized or bought off dupes, ie, you morons. See sig pp1 and 4.

I see Obama is really starting to point this out.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich and destroy Medicare! How dumb can you get?

Go back from today, every 4 years and tell me if we spend more or less on our Government. If the answer is less every 4 years back then you literally by the definition of the word can't have austerity.
Robert Reich has written an article headlined "Britain's Austerity Recession." In it he laments his own created fact that the reason for Britain slipping into a recession recently is due to their austerity; better known as Budget Cuts.

But his claim is a blatant lie. Here are the numbers:

The 2008 U.K. national (excluding local) Budget was £426 billion. It rose to £496 billion in 2010, and the new and current 2012 budget is £527 billion. This is a total increase of 24% within four years.

Increasing your budget six percent in each of four years back-to-back is only austerity when placed against Obama Budgets.

The 2008 U.K. Budget was 26% larger than the one of four years earlier. In other words, England's budget rose on a similar pace from 2005 through 2012.

Hardly "austerity."

When comparing by category the 2012 budget to the 2008 budget, Welfare spending increased 29%; Education 'Investments' as Obama would call it, is up by 20%; and spending on Health Care increased by 21%.

Place U.K.'s budget size against the size of the Country's GDP, and spending is also on the rise: In 2000 the budget was 26% of GDP; it rose to 27.8% four years later; increased to 29% of the GDP by 2008, and is 32.9% of GDP as of 2012.

Daunting austerity?

Local governments in England spent a total £155 billion in 2008, and are spending £185 billion in 2012. In my math book, it is an annual budget increase of 5%. For context, the British population over those four years grew by a total of less than three percent!

If you want, blame the recession on tax! U.K. hiked tax on the Super Rich early last year from 40% to 50%. Instead of getting £1 billion in more revenue, the income to the U.K government from this group dropped by hundreds of millions compared to a year earlier.

Yossi Gestetner blogs at Gestetner Updates - Jewish Political News & Updates

Read more: Blog: Britain Has No Austerity. Blame its Recession on Last Year's Tax Hikes
Obama spent 700+ billion and while it "floated" some amount of jobs when the money goes away so do the jobs... So unless the Government wants to spend 1+ Trillion (growing) every year to float the economy and jobs, you need to realize that like the theory of evolution you will end up with something that looks more like genocide.

Buying your way out of a depression or recession can be done, it won't always work (Great Depression) )Great Recession lol), but again, there is a price that is bigger than just a dollar number.
I want to know how anyone can say that in tough times, when your mired in debt, the answer is to go even further into debt. Do these people conduct their personal affairs in this manner?
I want to know how anyone can say that in tough times, when your mired in debt, the answer is to go even further into debt. Do these people conduct their personal affairs in this manner?

They want to gamble but call it an "investment." They also push the idea that if you don't overspend that you are for no Government and no spending...

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