UK in recession- German/Pub austerity a mistake? Jobs bills PLEASE!


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Construction questions

The ONS said output of the production industries decreased by 0.4%, construction decreased by 3% and output of the service sector increased by 0.1%.

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Stephanie Flanders

Economics editor


These figures are slightly worse than many expected, but the fact that the UK is now technically back in recession should not detract from the underlying reality, which is very much as predicted.

The UK economy has been bumping along the bottom for more than a year and is still struggling to gain momentum.

Many have questioned the dire numbers for the construction sector, which accounts for less than 7% of the economy, but has done much to pull the GDP figure into negative territory.

The sharp fall in output from the production sector is also at odds with recent business surveys (though manufacturing has not fallen as the sector overall).

However, this preliminary figure is consistent with the message coming from official and private data - that the UK was once again relying heavily on services and consumption by households. That suggests the recovery will continue to be weak, though whether we will see further quarters of negative growth is very much an open question.

Read more from Stephanie Q&A: What is GDP? It added that a fall in government spending had contributed to the particularly large fall in the construction sector.

"The huge cuts to public spending - 25% in public sector housing and 24% in public non-housing and with a further 10% cuts to both anticipated for 2013 - have left a hole too big for other sectors to fill," said Judy Lowe, deputy chairman of industry body CITB-ConstructionSkills, said.

BBC News - UK economy in double-dip recession

Good thing Dems are keeping up spending- Many experts agree you work on the deficit mainly AFTER recovery..."common sense" austerity doesn't work. See 1937, Greece etc today- Probably the Socialusts coming in France will be a good counterweight for German austerity overkill (mainly for OTHER countries...)

How 'bout some typical jobs bills, Party of NO!...?

That's Tory politics. The only real competitor to Pub Idiocy champions...Arrogant xenophobic a-holes...

How come a Pub screed against French Socialists stays? etc etc
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How 'bout some typical jobs bills?

Pass. The notion of that a government can take money out of an economy, run it through a central bureaucracy, then turn around and call that job creation is laughable. It's akin to robbing the grocery store of their till, handing some of that money to a homeless guy and when he buys beer at the store you stole from, calling it stimulus.

Now, if cronyism is your goal and not more jobs in the economy as a whole, jobs bills are a perfect solution.
(...) "common sense" austerity doesn't work. See 1937, Greece etc today- Probably the Socialusts coming in France will be a good counterweight for German austerity overkill (mainly for OTHER countries...)

How 'bout some typical jobs bills, Party of NO!...?

The problems in UK are of UK's making.

10.4pc budget-deficit in 2010.
UK has third biggest budget deficit in Europe
UK has third biggest budget deficit in Europe - Telegraph

Off course it will be "common sense" austerity.
The other choice at the end of the opposite path is junk-rating on the open-market.
How 'bout some typical jobs bills?

Pass. The notion of that a government can take money out of an economy, run it through a central bureaucracy, then turn around and call that job creation is laughable. It's akin to robbing the grocery store of their till, handing some of that money to a homeless guy and when he buys beer at the store you stole from, calling it stimulus.

Now, if cronyism is your goal and not more jobs in the economy as a whole, jobs bills are a perfect solution.

Yup- can't have the gov't do anything to help- not even proven jobs bills Pubs have done in the past....

And what other countries have failed at we can learn nothing from- jeebus the dupes are idiots...
How 'bout some typical jobs bills?

Pass. The notion of that a government can take money out of an economy, run it through a central bureaucracy, then turn around and call that job creation is laughable. It's akin to robbing the grocery store of their till, handing some of that money to a homeless guy and when he buys beer at the store you stole from, calling it stimulus.

Now, if cronyism is your goal and not more jobs in the economy as a whole, jobs bills are a perfect solution.

Yup- can't have the gov't do anything to help- not even proven jobs bills Pubs have done in the past....

And what other countries have failed at we can learn nothing from- jeebus the dupes are idiots...

Wrong. Government can help by providing courts to settle contractual disputes, national defense, etc. Regarding "Pubs", I hold in equal disdain central planners on the left and right. No "jobs bill" has proven anything other than it added more debt and more government meddling, regardless of which side of the isle it came from.

But hey, I guess you know what's best for everyone else, right? That's not idiotic at all...

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