Is anyone gonna stop drinking Bud Light?

we're not slamming it...we;re just gonna boycott it. Can't WE DO THAT??? since we learned it from the left. or is that only for Y"ALL?? NOW you don't like it? aint' is STILL a FREE COUNTRY??

and if it is slop as you say....then what the EFF do you care?
Has a boycott ever worked?
Lot of gays out there

Bud Light is the top selling beer in America

They make up maybe 2% of the population at best, and maybe 10% of those are actually exclusively homos. Why any booze peddler wants to market to them is obvious; they have high rates of alcoholism and other drug abuse.
The term "phobic" indicates "fear." What is the term for HomoDisgust? I, for one, don't fear queers.
The literal definition isn't used that way anymore. Get a grip! Just like we use the word populist as a negative thing since Trump.

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