IRS targeted conservative groups

I know I saw this mentioned somewhere but see no thread on it now.

Does anyone believe that a few local low level IRS employees engaged in systematic harassment of conservative groups? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. This is bigger than Benghazi.
AP News: AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

Did you or do you support profiling Muslims in airports?

That is a cop out, Carbine. This has nothing to do with profiling at the airport. It is an obvious example of how the IRS targeted political opponents with audits just because of their names and ideals. Pretty lame dude. But go ahead, just ignore it. Act like it never happened, just like Benghazi never happened.

I've already said in one of the first of what will be about a hundred threads you inmates will flood this board with, with all sorts of insane accusations,

that if there was wrongdoing then heads should roll. So fuck off on that subject.

But hypocrisy is fair game on this board. Why do you support profiling in one case and not another?
TK, I disagree. The Israelis use radical profiling at El Al Airlines it works beautifully. They haven't had a single incident. Why aren't we using radical profiling on Muslims at airports and drop the PC nonsense?

I beg your pardon? I did not issue an opinion on such a thing either way. Are you sure you're quoting the right guy?
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Whn did you stop beating your dog?

I'm sorry was that a yes or a no?

Since you won't answer, that would be a yes.

Therefore if it's okay to profile people you think might be more likely than others to break the law,

what's YOUR problem with profiling rightwing extremist groups trying to avoid paying taxes?

They are notorious for breaking the law.

For starters the answer is yes.
Second, it is irrelevant as conservative groups do not break the law any more than liberal groups do. Less, as a matter of fact. Who audited ACORN?
There was no finding of anyone avoiding paying taxes and that is not what these fishing expeditions were about.
So other than being wrong, irrelevant and stupid your post was also misinformed. Thanks for playing. There's a t-shirt in the back for you.

Post your PROOF that conservative tax exempt organizations have a better record of compliance with the law than do liberal groups.

I want to see that proof.
Did you or do you support profiling Muslims in airports?

That is a cop out, Carbine. This has nothing to do with profiling at the airport. It is an obvious example of how the IRS targeted political opponents with audits just because of their names and ideals. Pretty lame dude. But go ahead, just ignore it. Act like it never happened, just like Benghazi never happened.

I've already said in one of the first of what will be about a hundred threads you inmates will flood this board with, with all sorts of insane accusations,

that if there was wrongdoing then heads should roll. So fuck off on that subject.

But hypocrisy is fair game on this board. Why do you support profiling in one case and not another?

You obviously condone what the IRS did, so what gives you any standing to whine? Lol, I will "fuck off" when I get ready to, you insolent brat.

The thing is, there HAS been wrongdoing, and it is a matter of time before the culprit(s) are identified. I have a good idea as to whom they could be.
TK, I disagree. The Israelis use radical profiling at El Al Airlines it works beautifully. They haven't had a single incident. Why aren't we using radical profiling on Muslims at airports and drop the PC nonsense?

Since you're not an American you probably don't understand our Constitution.
I'm sorry was that a yes or a no?

Since you won't answer, that would be a yes.

Therefore if it's okay to profile people you think might be more likely than others to break the law,

what's YOUR problem with profiling rightwing extremist groups trying to avoid paying taxes?

They are notorious for breaking the law.

For starters the answer is yes.
Second, it is irrelevant as conservative groups do not break the law any more than liberal groups do. Less, as a matter of fact. Who audited ACORN?
There was no finding of anyone avoiding paying taxes and that is not what these fishing expeditions were about.
So other than being wrong, irrelevant and stupid your post was also misinformed. Thanks for playing. There's a t-shirt in the back for you.

Post your PROOF that conservative tax exempt organizations have a better record of compliance with the law than do liberal groups.

I want to see that proof.

Tax-Exempt Liberal Groups Exploit Gray Areas of Financial Disclosure Law | Media Trackers Colorado

Oh yeah, you can just look to Media Matters to show how "compliant" they are, being a 501(c)(4)
TK, I disagree. The Israelis use radical profiling at El Al Airlines it works beautifully. They haven't had a single incident. Why aren't we using radical profiling on Muslims at airports and drop the PC nonsense?

Since you're not an American you probably don't understand our Constitution.

Being a liberal, you probably don't understand our Constitution either. (We all know you aren't an independent.)
That is a cop out, Carbine. This has nothing to do with profiling at the airport. It is an obvious example of how the IRS targeted political opponents with audits just because of their names and ideals. Pretty lame dude. But go ahead, just ignore it. Act like it never happened, just like Benghazi never happened.

I've already said in one of the first of what will be about a hundred threads you inmates will flood this board with, with all sorts of insane accusations,

that if there was wrongdoing then heads should roll. So fuck off on that subject.

But hypocrisy is fair game on this board. Why do you support profiling in one case and not another?

You obviously condone what the IRS did, so what gives you any standing to whine? Lol, I will "fuck off" when I get ready to, you insolent brat.

The thing is, there HAS been wrongdoing, and it is a matter of time before the culprit(s) are identified. I have a good idea as to whom they could be.

What part of 'heads should roll' did you not understand?

Seriously, I would like a detailed answer. That is not a rhetorical question.
I've already said in one of the first of what will be about a hundred threads you inmates will flood this board with, with all sorts of insane accusations,

that if there was wrongdoing then heads should roll. So fuck off on that subject.

But hypocrisy is fair game on this board. Why do you support profiling in one case and not another?

You obviously condone what the IRS did, so what gives you any standing to whine? Lol, I will "fuck off" when I get ready to, you insolent brat.

The thing is, there HAS been wrongdoing, and it is a matter of time before the culprit(s) are identified. I have a good idea as to whom they could be.

What part of 'heads should roll' did you not understand?

Seriously, I would like a detailed answer. That is not a rhetorical question.

In what post did you condemn Obama or the IRS for what they did? "Head should roll" is not a sufficient answer. Because from what I'm seeing, you are contradicting that notion as you speak.
You obviously condone what the IRS did, so what gives you any standing to whine? Lol, I will "fuck off" when I get ready to, you insolent brat.

The thing is, there HAS been wrongdoing, and it is a matter of time before the culprit(s) are identified. I have a good idea as to whom they could be.

What part of 'heads should roll' did you not understand?

Seriously, I would like a detailed answer. That is not a rhetorical question.

In what post did you condemn Obama or the IRS for what they did? "Head should roll" is not a sufficient answer. Because from what I'm seeing, you are contradicting that notion as you speak.

Heads should roll is not a sufficient answer? I bet if you were fired from your job, in the off chance you actually have a job, for wrongdoing, you'd feel differently.

You are as complete an asshole as conservatism is able to produce.
TK, I disagree. The Israelis use radical profiling at El Al Airlines it works beautifully. They haven't had a single incident. Why aren't we using radical profiling on Muslims at airports and drop the PC nonsense?

I beg your pardon? I did not issue an opinion on such a thing either way. Are you sure you're quoting the right guy?

My apologies, my mistake. - Jeri
I dont see impeaching Obama for this. Bad judgement doesnt rise to high crimes and misdemeanors. On the IRS matter it is entirely possible that he is culpable of just that. But we have to see what washes out.

Using the IRS to target conservatives and the tea party could get him impeached. The obstacle is the DOJ is thoroughly corrupt and covering for Obama. Don't know how they would proceed considering that.

The DOJ does not impeach Obama. The House does. It would be a conflict of interest.

I know that. I thought the DOJ had to do an investigation though. Don't they? How else would you bring charges? Isn't that why Fast and Furious never led to Obama being impeached? Because DOJ refused to investigate knowing the head ( eric holder ) was the queen on the board protecting King Obama.

It's President Obama's justice department that's going after the IRS, you idiots.

Really? Post proof of any investigation.

I have you on ignore but periodically look at your posts hoping in vain for some semblence of common sense. But comparing profiling Muslims in airports to invasive IRS audits of conservative groups is way up on the stupid meter. You might be worse than RDean!
I know I saw this mentioned somewhere but see no thread on it now.

Does anyone believe that a few local low level IRS employees engaged in systematic harassment of conservative groups? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. This is bigger than Benghazi.
AP News: AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

Did you or do you support profiling Muslims in airports?

Profiling is just that, profiling.
Doesn't matter which 'group', and there are many, that are profiled.
This is really sad...The irs is way to big and must be trimmed.

Conservative groups don't strap bombs on their children in the belief that they will go to heaven. I know you want globalism but it isn't going to happen. At least I pray.
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It's President Obama's justice department that's going after the IRS, you idiots.

Really? Post proof of any investigation.

I have you on ignore but periodically look at your posts hoping in vain for some semblence of common sense. But comparing profiling Muslims in airports to invasive IRS audits of conservative groups is way up on the stupid meter. You might be worse than RDean!

It isn't obama's justice department. It's the Congressional Ways and Means committee.

Ways and Means to IRS: ?Provide All Communications Containing Words ?Tea Party,? ?Patriot,? or ?Conservative??By Wednesday | CNS News
Again, given how many Tea Party groups are get rich quick scams siphoning money away from legitimate conservative candidates and causes, you guys should be happy the IRS is cracking down.

Majority Of Tea Party Group’s Spending Went To GOP Firm That Created It | TPMMuckraker

The political action committee behind the Tea Party Express (TPE) — which already has been slammed as inauthentic and corporate-controlled by rival factions in the Tea Party movement — directed almost two thirds of its spending during a recent reporting period back to the Republican consulting firm that created the PAC in the first place.

Our Country Deserves Better (OCDB) spent around $1.33 million from July through November, according to FEC filings examined by TPMmuckraker. Of that sum, a total of $857,122 went to Sacramento-based GOP political consulting firm Russo, Marsh, and Associates, or people associated with it.

OCDB, which built the Tea Party Express, is essentially a Russo, Marsh creation, as we’ve detailed. The PAC’s site was registered in July 2008 by Sal Russo, the firm’s founder. That site also lists Russo as the PAC’s “chief strategist.” Tea Party Express fundraising emails, sent by OCDB and obtained by TPMmuckraker, come from another Russo, Marsh employee, Joe Wierzbicki.

But one expert on political action committees told TPMmuckraker it was unusual for a PAC to direct so much spending back to the entity that created it. And the spending details raised hackles among members of the Tea Party Patriots, a rival faction of conservative activists who have denounced TPE as a creature of Republican political professionals that lacks grassroots authenticity. In an email to a Patriots group that was obtained by TPMmuckaker, one TPPer who had examined the filings asked, “What would the true grassroots people think if they knew their money is being spent in this manner?”

They'd probably say "Derpa-derp, we're Rubes, Derpa-derp, damened Obama... Derpa Derp".

If there isn't a finer example of how the rich people who run the GOP know you guys are all RUBES, this is it.

I guess Obama figured it wasn't worth protecting you people from yourselves.
TPM is a left wing site?

Point is, millions were siphoned off by groups pretending to be TEA Party or supporting TEA party causes...

Again- the thing is, the wealthy have gotten so good at manipulating you is all they have to do now is say "Tea Party" and "Allan West" and you guys open your wallets and send money.

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