IRS Commissioner, in March: Lois Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers'

Do you get paid for the Obama ass kissing or do you it just because you have no brain cells left

His goal is to get people here talking about how dumb Obama ass kissers are, or how miserable their stories are, etc.

ANYTHING other than discussing how it is becoming ever more likely that the White House had direct involvement in the IRS illegally obstructing conservative groups during the 2012 election.

Back to the subject:
The IRS' statements from March, make it obvious that the current excuse for emails disappearing, is a lie.

What was in those emails, that someone is so anxious to conceal and cover up?

The IRS has stated that the missing emails were not from Lerner to other personnel inside the IRS, but from Lerner to extenal agencies including the White House.

IN fact, this "Oops, the emails got deleted" admission is the first clear connection between the IRS and outside agencies such as the White House. Nothing has shown a connection until now. And nothing has caused a desperate attempt to get rid of the evidence with such a laughable excuse, until now.

Whatever is in those emails, between Lerner and agencies such as the White House, has somebody VERY worried... worried enough to blatantly violate the law to keep them away from investigators.

It takes a massive effort to make sure those emaisl are irretrievabley gone, from every intermediate computer, server, recipient, backup device etc. they ever resided on in the IRS email system.

Disks have to physically removed from the computer they're in, and either physically destroyed or put through a process called "degaussing". Without that, even if the data has been overwritten, it is still possible to get it back. This has to be done to literally dozens of computers. And the result will be loss of massive amounts of information, not just emails.

Optical media has to be physically destroyed, for its data to be made truly unrecoverable. One interesting mehtod, is to put an optical disk (like a DVD or CD-ROM) in a microwave oven, just for a few seconds.

This may account for the long time between the supposed computer crash, and the COngressional committee being told about it only last week. The people responsible, had to make sure that every computer was scrubbed in the most extreme way.

Such scrubbing will inevitably leave a trail. Even if it is not possible to get the email contents back, it will be clear that massive scrubbing took place, that went far beyond normal system operation and maintenance.

Somebody apparently decided they'd rather be punished for massive scrubbing and destruction of evidence, than be punished for whatever was contained in those emails.

You have it all figured out. Any chance you are wrong? How long til the culprit is charged? I can't wait!
Someone made sure these e mails were to go away...
I'm waiting for the left to say that there was nothing on those e mails anyway.
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Someone made sure these e mails were to go away...
I'm waiting for the left to say that there was nothing on those e mails anyway.

Of course they will say that, mixed with the usual "I don't recall" and "Dude, that was like two years ago".

No point in paying attention to that. Hopefully the investigation will concentrate on having unbiased IT experts (including disk-drive-physics experts) go through ALL the computers in the chain. If their report is that any such data is irretrievably gone (the outcome I expect), then they have to start looking at who did the scrubbing, when was it done, who ordered it done, etc. Withholding and destruction of evidence is still a crime, one that Clinton was already impeached for.
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Can't get the ObamaCare website working right.
Can't backup an e mail server....

What is this F Troop?

Yet the Libs want even bigger government involvement.
Only Obama ass kissers believe that these emails have been lost. If you have one brain cell left in your brain you know that is almost impossible to lose that much emails..
You know the Democrats are losing their grip on government, when they can't even keep their stories straight.

How hasty and panicked was the latest excuse about "Lois Lerner's computer crashed, and that resulted in her emails being deleted"?

Especially after the top IRS official said a few months ago, that IRS emails are kept on remote servers, far from the employee's computer?

And when such backups of official emails systems are required by Federal law???


IRS Commissioner, in March: Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers' - Guy Benson

IRS Commissioner, in March: Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers'
Guy Benson | Jun 16, 2014

Camp's office said the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices."


What a remarkable coincidence. Correspondence that could potentially reveal a wider conspiracy to use the enforcement power of the federal government to target, harass and punish conservative groups has been irreversibly "lost," so the agency's compliance with Congressional subpoenas will necessarily be incomplete. Oh, and the time frame just happens to align with the period in which the targeting practices were first initiated.

Problem: The current IRS commissioner testified under oath in March that agency emails are "stored in servers." This entire exchange with Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) is worth watching, as John Koskinen serves up excuses for why the IRS has been so slow to turn over requested materials to Congress -- but the key bit begins about 90 seconds in:


Chaffetz: What email system do you use there at the IRS?

Koskinen: What email system do we use?

Chaffetz: Yeah, is it Outlook, or…

Koskinen: Yes, we have actually Microsoft -- or at least I have -- Microsoft Outlook.

Chaffetz: So you go on there, and you want to find all of the items you sent under your name, how long would that take?

Koskinen: Well it'd take awhile because they're not all on my computer. They're all stored somewhere.

[Skipping ahead]

Chaffetz: That's [part] of the brilliance of the email system. You go in and you check the 'sent' box, and the inbox, and you suddenly have all of the emails, correct?

Koskinen: Right. They get taken off and stored in servers…


Based on these answers, those emails should be backed up somewhere on servers, making it utterly implausible that Lerner's so-called computer crash could have permanently deleted any of her messages.

Ed Morrissey notes, "the relevant files would be kept on the servers or on backup media, which would have data for the whole organization and not just a single user…[that's] especially true in organizations that require data storage and full retrieval capacity by statute — such as federal agencies like the IRS."

Chaffetz asks IRS Commissioner: "Are you going to comply with subpoena?" - YouTube


Have you been looking for updates on this bombshell in the media today?

I have. But to no avail.

Nope, not a thing...makes me wonder if this story was planted with the AP?


of course the other side of the aisle will think it is a left wing media conspiracy.

IRS Commissioner, in March: Lois Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers'

And in June the partisan right continues to fail to provide any evidence of ‘wrongdoing.’

Sorry bub, losing E-Mails is "wrongdoing"....even when a Democrat does it.

Maybe you're comfortable with an "activist" IRS? I'm not. Not at all.

Of course if Democrats had "even a smidgeon" of class they'd be outraged. They seem to believe they will hold executive power forever. :lol:

Have you been looking for updates on this bombshell in the media today?

I have. But to no avail.

Nope, not a thing...makes me wonder if this story was planted with the AP?


of course the other side of the aisle will think it is a left wing media conspiracy.


Maybe Issa and Camp are exercising restraint? You know how these guys like to make sure they have ALL the facts before making press statements.
IRS Commissioner, in March: Lois Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers'

And in June the partisan right continues to fail to provide any evidence of ‘wrongdoing.’

Sorry bub, losing E-Mails is "wrongdoing"....even when a Democrat does it.

Maybe you're comfortable with an "activist" IRS? I'm not. Not at all.

Of course if Democrats had "even a smidgeon" of class they'd be outraged. They seem to believe they will hold executive power forever. :lol:

You want to say "losing" or "erasing"....bub?
Let's go back in time....
This happens with Bush in office...
I'm sure Nancy Pelosi comes out and defends Bush saying....

Hey folks let's take it easy here...sometimes bad things happen...

Let's go back in time....
This happens with Bush in office...
I'm sure Nancy Pelosi comes out and defends Bush saying....

Hey folks let's take it easy here...sometimes bad things happen...


That's convenient. Anything can happen in your imagination. Well played.
look at the loser left-wing nutjobs so desperate to defend the criminal Obama administration they don't mind resorting to portraying themselves as hopelessly inept
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of federal or state funds?

literally milions

16 MILLION MORE on foodstamps under Obama; that weren't on them under Bush; for a total of over 47 million

and every single one of them needs them according to left-wingnutjobs

or is Obama a failure?
which is it leftardz?
No shame if the IRS tech peeps need to call India for tech support...
Either they are incompetent or this was a criminal act.
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And in June the partisan right continues to fail to provide any evidence of ‘wrongdoing.’

Sorry bub, losing E-Mails is "wrongdoing"....even when a Democrat does it.

Maybe you're comfortable with an "activist" IRS? I'm not. Not at all.

Of course if Democrats had "even a smidgeon" of class they'd be outraged. They seem to believe they will hold executive power forever. :lol:

You want to say "losing" or "erasing"....bub?

Does it matter? Either is a violation of the law and merits further investigation. But seriously, it requires a willing suspension of disbelief to believe they were "lost" by accident. Fuck the IRS.

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