Iraqi President: US Has No Right to Use Iraq as 'Staging Post' for Attack on Iran

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
"It's easy to start a war but very, very difficult to end a war."
Iraqi President Barham Salih

Iraqi President Barham Salih said Tuesday that the United States has no right to use his country as a launchpad for a strike against Iran.

Salih, in his interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, also talked about the adverse impacts his own country has felt as a result of U.S. imposed sanctions, stressed the need to prevent another war, and warned that tearing up the nuclear deal entirely "could be disastrous for the entire neighborhood as a whole."

"It's easy to start a war but very, very difficult to end a war."
—Iraqi President Barham SalihTheir conversation, as Amanpour noted, came amid rising tensions between the U.S. and Iran, including new economic sanctions, the deployment of 1,000 more troops to the Middle East, and President Donald Trump's threatTuesday to "obliterate" areas of the country..

Salih said he welcomed Trump's last minute decision last week to call off an initially-approved strike against Iran because, the Iraqi leader noted, "there is no military solution to this problem."

Iraqi President: US Has No Right to Use Iraq as 'Staging Post' for Attack on Iran

"Tensions" with Iran ....
Yeah...blah blah...

The nerve to think his nation has sovereignty! Bwahahahah!
If he keeps it up he might just warrant another injection of freedom into his nation.

God...we are fucking evil.
If it weren't for the US those sand ******* would still be getting brutalized by Saddam.

Fuck them.
If it weren't for the US those sand ******* would still be getting brutalized by Saddam.

Fuck them.
Saddam Hussein, our ally in the 80s you mean ?
Who we armed with chemical and bio-weapons to help wipe out a million Iranians ?

That clip is a hoot.

A lying far lefty Neo-liberal CFR journalist, letting a neo-con CFR member of the interlocking directorate, sit there and misdirect and propagandize.

Working hand and hand to brain wash American citizens. The good old days. :auiqs.jpg:

Back before information and facts about all these organizations and slime balls was so readily available to anyone that was willing to understand why nothing changes, decade after decade.

Now? Folks don't trust the CNN or the White House, not the educated ones at least. :71:
Couple things first if there was any attack against Iran coming it most likely be in the form of an airstrike launched from aircraft carriers or a cruise missle attack not something staged from Iraq. Second unless someone has some breaking news they want to share there are no plans to launch an attack from Iraq.
Couple things first if there was any attack against Iran coming it most likely be in the form of an airstrike launched from aircraft carriers or a cruise missle attack not something staged from Iraq. Second unless someone has some breaking news they want to share there are no plans to launch an attack from Iraq.
The point is, Iran has Iraq multi-targeted, ground zero being the US Embassy in Baghdad.
If attacks are launched, if war starts, Trumps chances of re-election are probably sunk.

. . . and I pity Biden.

I do think it was a fluke that Trump won.

IMO, I think Trump will try to betray the establishment, and go for it, even if it means defying the forces at work TRYING to push us toward war. He will string it along, making those forces think he is cooperating, but he won't do it. He will keep his promise and keep us out of war unless there is REAL proof that Iran launches a real attack, which of course, they will never do.

HE KNOWS, if he launches a war against Iran, HE IS DONE. So do his handlers. They wanted HRC. They used him TO MAKE SURE she was elected, it backfired, and now they are using this IRAN boondoggle to make sure they can get rid of him.

These forces are far more powerful than he is.

This. . . . .

Should be interesting.
Couple things first if there was any attack against Iran coming it most likely be in the form of an airstrike launched from aircraft carriers or a cruise missle attack not something staged from Iraq. Second unless someone has some breaking news they want to share there are no plans to launch an attack from Iraq.
The point is, Iran has Iraq multi-targeted, ground zero being the US Embassy in Baghdad.

They will never attack though.


If that "attack" on that tanker wasn't a false flag? It was an accident. We all know this.
If attacks are launched, if war starts, Trumps chances of re-election are probably sunk.

. . . and I pity Biden.

I do think it was a fluke that Trump won.

IMO, I think Trump will try to betray the establishment, and go for it, even if it means defying the forces at work TRYING to push us toward war. He will string it along, making those forces think he is cooperating, but he won't do it. He will keep his promise and keep us out of war unless there is REAL proof that Iran launches a real attack, which of course, they will never do.

HE KNOWS, if he launches a war against Iran, HE IS DONE. So do his handlers. They wanted HRC. They used him TO MAKE SURE she was elected, it backfired, and now they are using this IRAN boondoggle to make sure they can get rid of him.

These forces are far more powerful than he is.

This. . . . .

Should be interesting.
I don't know - Americans reelected Dubya after the blunder in Iraq..

Time's Square 2004
Couple things first if there was any attack against Iran coming it most likely be in the form of an airstrike launched from aircraft carriers or a cruise missle attack not something staged from Iraq. Second unless someone has some breaking news they want to share there are no plans to launch an attack from Iraq.
The point is, Iran has Iraq multi-targeted, ground zero being the US Embassy in Baghdad.
The point is people are blathering on about something that is very unlikely to happen. The only way Iraq would be needed as staging ground would be for an invasion of Iran Trump has been very clear he has no interest in invasions or nation building.
Trump has been very clear.
Really ?
Yes he has despite the claims from his critics he would get us into a war with either Russia, China or North Korea and now Iran we are not at war with any of these countries. In fact the only military conflicts we are currently involved are those we were in before he was President.
Trump has been very clear.
Really ?
Yes he has despite the claims from his critics he would get us into a war with either Russia, China or North Korea and now Iran we are not at war with any of these countries. In fact the only military conflicts we are currently involved are those we were in before he was President.
So when he says things like "met with fire and fury", "great and overwhelming force" and "obliteration in some areas", he's just bluffing right ?
It is amazing how time flies and nations change.

Iran was our fiend at one time when the Shah of Iran in power
Iran is no longer our friend
Iraq was our enemy
Iraq is our friend
Iraq and Iran were enemies
Iraq president very smart man as he does not want his country to be dragged into another war

Seriously since 2004 and now they do not want nothing more to do with it

Its best to be friends with your neighbors
Trump has been very clear.
Really ?
I think he has. It is the assholes that he is forced to put in power around him that are staging all sorts of shenanigans that are trying to force his hand.

It is the same bullshit we saw with the Russia thing.

Our current hold over from the last admin told us that Russia hacked Podesta and the DNC.

OTH, both Russia and VIPS disagreed, and said that it was NOT a hack, it was a leak. This means that the entire premise of the Mueller report was based on a lie, and Mueller himself did not even care to do a thorough investigation. He just forced the FBI to accept the work of a highly biased private company.

I remember the shit Trump got when there was even a whiff of him not accepting the assessment of his own intel chiefs.

But what does that make the president look like if he stands with Russia over our own Intel agencies?

If Trump were to believe Iran over his own State and Defense departments? But I bet he does when Iran says shit like, "That drone was over our airspace, or that ship was not attacked by us," I don't doubt for a minute that Trump privately questions if his departments are setting him up. . . .

Hell, our own government SPIED ON HIM.

If you understand how think tanks and foundations work, and how the entrenched bureaucracy works, this is why this president is CONSTANTLY rolling over his top department heads and FIRING THEM. He has to appear to trust their judgement, when their loyalty is to the folks that allowed Trump to become president in the first place. AND THOSE SAME FOLKS CONTROL THE PRESS AND WANT HIM GONE.

Just because these departments are so corrupt and in bed with the military-industrial-Intel agencies which seek a war in the first place, does that mean the president does?

He may have to act like it to appease certain interests, hell, every damn word he say affects the fricking market. . . but he knows, the man is not dumb, he KNOWS, he is sunk if he launches an attack.
If attacks are launched, if war starts, Trumps chances of re-election are probably sunk.

. . . and I pity Biden.

I do think it was a fluke that Trump won.

IMO, I think Trump will try to betray the establishment, and go for it, even if it means defying the forces at work TRYING to push us toward war. He will string it along, making those forces think he is cooperating, but he won't do it. He will keep his promise and keep us out of war unless there is REAL proof that Iran launches a real attack, which of course, they will never do.

HE KNOWS, if he launches a war against Iran, HE IS DONE. So do his handlers. They wanted HRC. They used him TO MAKE SURE she was elected, it backfired, and now they are using this IRAN boondoggle to make sure they can get rid of him.

These forces are far more powerful than he is.

This. . . . .

Should be interesting.
I don't know - Americans reelected Dubya after the blunder in Iraq..

Time's Square 2004

Did they though? Did they really? :auiqs.jpg:


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