iraqi forces "no will to fight"


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
why are people upset that someone said this out loud. we cannot continue to arm the tailban and isis thru iraq....they just walk away and leave all the equipment...

WASHINGTON, May 25: The US has accused Iraqi forces of showing “no will to fight” Islamic State fighters who seized a crucial city west of the capital, Baghdad, and rejected calls to commit ground troops to the conflict.
The Iraqi forces defeated by IS fighters in their takeover of Ramadi were not outnumbered and in fact showed “no will to fight”, Defence Secretary Ashton Carter said.
“What apparently happened was that the Iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. They were not outnumbered but in fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force, and yet they failed to fight. They withdrew from the site,” Carter said in an interview to the CNN.
“That says to me, and I think to most of us, that we have an issue with the will of the Iraqis to fight the IS and defend themselves,” he said.
He said the US can give training and equipment to Iraqi forces, but cannot give them the will to fight.
“But if we give them training, we give them equipment and give them support and give them some time, I hope they will develop the will to fight,” Carter said.
Carter’s remarks are the strongest yet from any Obama administration official speaking on the record since the last week’s events when Ramadi fell.
Iraqi forces, he insisted, are the ones who have that to beat the IS and keep then keep them beaten.
“We can participate in the defeat of IS but we can’t make Iraq run as a decent place for people to live. We can’t sustain the victory. Only the Iraqis can do that, and in particular, in this case, the Sunni tribes to the west,” he said.
Carter said he was not prepared to recommend sending ground troops into Iraq. In the wake of IS advances, some lawmakers including Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain –have called for more American forces on the ground in Iraq. Currently, there are about 3,000 US military personnel training Iraqi forces, but they are not near combat areas.

Iraqi forces showed no will to fight in Ramadi Carter
The issue is not their will to fight. The issue is that since the Iraq armed forces are largely Sunni, they are being asked by a Shia government to fight their relatives in Ramadi.
the sunni shite thing is beyond would rather leave due to religion and allow your city to be invaded etc and so forth.....
Just like everything else with this administration

it's ALWAYS someone else FAULT for the mess they HELPED IN CREATING these last six years.

and you call these snakes, leaders of our country

I call them shameful and embarrassing
why are people upset that someone said this out loud. we cannot continue to arm the tailban and isis thru iraq....they just walk away and leave all the equipment...

WASHINGTON, May 25: The US has accused Iraqi forces of showing “no will to fight” Islamic State fighters who seized a crucial city west of the capital, Baghdad, and rejected calls to commit ground troops to the conflict.
The Iraqi forces defeated by IS fighters in their takeover of Ramadi were not outnumbered and in fact showed “no will to fight”, Defence Secretary Ashton Carter said.
“What apparently happened was that the Iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. They were not outnumbered but in fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force, and yet they failed to fight. They withdrew from the site,” Carter said in an interview to the CNN.
“That says to me, and I think to most of us, that we have an issue with the will of the Iraqis to fight the IS and defend themselves,” he said.
He said the US can give training and equipment to Iraqi forces, but cannot give them the will to fight.
“But if we give them training, we give them equipment and give them support and give them some time, I hope they will develop the will to fight,” Carter said.
Carter’s remarks are the strongest yet from any Obama administration official speaking on the record since the last week’s events when Ramadi fell.
Iraqi forces, he insisted, are the ones who have that to beat the IS and keep then keep them beaten.
“We can participate in the defeat of IS but we can’t make Iraq run as a decent place for people to live. We can’t sustain the victory. Only the Iraqis can do that, and in particular, in this case, the Sunni tribes to the west,” he said.
Carter said he was not prepared to recommend sending ground troops into Iraq. In the wake of IS advances, some lawmakers including Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain –have called for more American forces on the ground in Iraq. Currently, there are about 3,000 US military personnel training Iraqi forces, but they are not near combat areas.

Iraqi forces showed no will to fight in Ramadi Carter
Why shouldn't they hand over the equipment? They didn't buy it we did, it was free, no one gives a crap about things given to them for free. I'll bet the main reason they came to get "trained" was for the free stuff and income we gave them. If you had no job what would you do?
All the more reason for the US not to get involved. Why should we fight for people who won't fight for themselves?
Just like everything else with this administration

it's ALWAYS someone else FAULT for the mess they HELPED IN CREATING these last six years.

and you call these snakes, leaders of our country

I call them shameful and embarrassing
I blame the Muslims but you can't blame them at all...
The issue is not their will to fight. The issue is that since the Iraq armed forces are largely Sunni, they are being asked by a Shia government to fight their relatives in Ramadi.

Pretty sad bunch that puts its religious differences ahead of the survival of their country.

Oh wait. I forgot. Religion is all those idiot think about. Never mind.
The issue is not their will to fight. The issue is that since the Iraq armed forces are largely Sunni, they are being asked by a Shia government to fight their relatives in Ramadi.

Pretty sad bunch that puts its religious differences ahead of the survival of their country.

Oh wait. I forgot. Religion is all those idiot think about. Never mind.

It isn't all they think about. You must remember that Bush's people on the ground fired half the military, and many of those people went on to become radicalized. Many of those are in with ISIL now, as evidenced by the fact that one of ISILs main commanders was Saddam Hussein's second in command (I called him Carrot Top), until we killed him a few months ago. Maybe this is the mother of all wars Saddam was referring to.


Carrot Top, on the left.
As ive always said......

NO HUMAN POPULATION will ever be truly "free".

Someone WILL be in charge. It may be a strong government. It may be a religious power. It may be drug cartels. Or gangs.

Its human nature. The Taliban. ISIS. Zetas. MS13. Roman Catholic church. All are "in charge" over populations of humans at some time. So is the Chinese and Soviet governments. So has the Bloods and Crips....on streets that LAPD has abandoned.

SOMEONE will be in charge of every human population. Picking the lesser of the evils is the key.

Iraq has chosen to let religious factions rule.

America. ..we have strong civilian governments. For all their flaws...our federal state and local governments are in charge.

In many cities in South America. ..drug gangs rule.
Well they certainly think religion is the most important thing in their lives. They kill for it and have been doing so for centuries.

They also don't seem to have a problem with ISIS killing everything in site. If they did they do something about em. ISIS doesn't make up the entire middle east and there are millions of muslims out there. Apprantly they have no problem with ISIS.
All the more reason for the US not to get involved. Why should we fight for people who won't fight for themselves?

Just because we put Iraq into this mess first when Saddam Hussein were overhrown and second when CIA created ISIS to confront Bashar al-Assad in Syria. And now Iran has no good leader but have strong enemy already nearly in its heart.
why are people upset that someone said this out loud. we cannot continue to arm the tailban and isis thru iraq....they just walk away and leave all the equipment...

WASHINGTON, May 25: The US has accused Iraqi forces of showing “no will to fight” Islamic State fighters who seized a crucial city west of the capital, Baghdad, and rejected calls to commit ground troops to the conflict.
The Iraqi forces defeated by IS fighters in their takeover of Ramadi were not outnumbered and in fact showed “no will to fight”, Defence Secretary Ashton Carter said.
“What apparently happened was that the Iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. They were not outnumbered but in fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force, and yet they failed to fight. They withdrew from the site,” Carter said in an interview to the CNN.
“That says to me, and I think to most of us, that we have an issue with the will of the Iraqis to fight the IS and defend themselves,” he said.
He said the US can give training and equipment to Iraqi forces, but cannot give them the will to fight.
“But if we give them training, we give them equipment and give them support and give them some time, I hope they will develop the will to fight,” Carter said.
Carter’s remarks are the strongest yet from any Obama administration official speaking on the record since the last week’s events when Ramadi fell.
Iraqi forces, he insisted, are the ones who have that to beat the IS and keep then keep them beaten.
“We can participate in the defeat of IS but we can’t make Iraq run as a decent place for people to live. We can’t sustain the victory. Only the Iraqis can do that, and in particular, in this case, the Sunni tribes to the west,” he said.
Carter said he was not prepared to recommend sending ground troops into Iraq. In the wake of IS advances, some lawmakers including Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain –have called for more American forces on the ground in Iraq. Currently, there are about 3,000 US military personnel training Iraqi forces, but they are not near combat areas.

Iraqi forces showed no will to fight in Ramadi Carter

God forbid should any representative of the government be straight or truthful with the people.

The same thing went on during the Vietnam war. They lied to us for years.

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