Iowa now has the most restrictive abortion ban in America thanks to Governor Kim Reynolds


Iowa gubernatorial election, 2018 - Wikipedia

The 2018 Iowa gubernatorial election will take place on November 6, 2018, to elect the Governor of Iowa. Incumbent Republican Governor Kim Reynolds is running for election to a full term. Primary elections will be held on June 5, 2018.

Then-Governor Terry Branstad had said in 2015 that he was not likely to run for another term[1] but did not definitively rule it out.[2] After the 2016 presidential election, President-elect Donald Trump nominated Branstad to be the United States Ambassador to China and was confirmed by the United States Senate, he resigned as Iowa Governor to assume that position on May 24, 2017. Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds then assumed the governorship.

The primary is just a month away, kids!

78% or more of 350M Americans will allow abortions for a few reasons and for many reasons.
67% of 350M American believe abortion after 13 weeks should be illegal. In direct contradiction of Roe v. Wade.

I've never seen that number. But really, allowing the abortion does them a disservice to their stupid thinking.


Two-thirds of Americans are opposed to second trimester abortions. They say second trimester abortions "should be illegal".


Then they shouldn't get abortions. Otherwise, it's not their problem.
Have any of you "right to life" loons watched The Handmaid's Tale?

We're not incubators. Here - I have an idea. Just pretend a gun is involved. I know you're fine with kids dying by gun. So just go with that. You'll get over your RtL bullshit in no time.
Supercilious Kim Reynolds just signed a bill banning abortion before most people even know they’re pregnant—effectively denying Iowans their constitutional right to control their own bodies, lives, and futures.
Until it gets to the Supreme Court.

Iowa gubernatorial election, 2018 - Wikipedia

The 2018 Iowa gubernatorial election will take place on November 6, 2018, to elect the Governor of Iowa. Incumbent Republican Governor Kim Reynolds is running for election to a full term. Primary elections will be held on June 5, 2018.

Then-Governor Terry Branstad had said in 2015 that he was not likely to run for another term[1] but did not definitively rule it out.[2] After the 2016 presidential election, President-elect Donald Trump nominated Branstad to be the United States Ambassador to China and was confirmed by the United States Senate, he resigned as Iowa Governor to assume that position on May 24, 2017. Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds then assumed the governorship.

The primary is just a month away, kids!

78% or more of 350M Americans will allow abortions for a few reasons and for many reasons.
67% of 350M American believe abortion after 13 weeks should be illegal. In direct contradiction of Roe v. Wade.

Fuck their feelings. Feelings don't dictate laws
Supercilious Kim Reynolds just signed a bill banning abortion before most people even know they’re pregnant—effectively denying Iowans their constitutional right to control their own bodies, lives, and futures.
What part of the Constitution mentions abortion ?
Supercilious Kim Reynolds just signed a bill banning abortion before most people even know they’re pregnant—effectively denying Iowans their constitutional right to control their own bodies, lives, and futures.
What part of the Constitution mentions abortion ?

I think it's here?

Article [XIX] (Amendment 19 - Women's Suffrage Rights)
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or affects 15
Women own their body and can do what they please with it or to it..They earned this
from all the male BS done to them. But have the rights all along.

btw.. It' how this should have been written...added to voting rights.
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Supercilious Kim Reynolds just signed a bill banning abortion before most people even know they’re pregnant—effectively denying Iowans their constitutional right to control their own bodies, lives, and futures.
What part of the Constitution mentions abortion ?

I think it's here?

Article [XIX] (Amendment 19 - Women's Suffrage Rights)
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or affects 15
Women own their body and can do what they please with it or to it..They earned this
from all the male BS done to them.

btw.. It' how this should have been written...
Voting has fuck all to do with Abortion you are stretching that shit past the breaking point. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution so its for the States to decide the issue.
This essentially amounts to a ban on abortions. As has been pointed out, a woman might not even be aware of the fact they are pregnant until after 6 weeks. This is not going to fly with suburban voters and I would wonder if this would get 4 votes in the Supreme Court. It would make more sense to make it 10-12 weeks. This is clearly a over-reach.
Supercilious Kim Reynolds just signed a bill banning abortion before most people even know they’re pregnant—effectively denying Iowans their constitutional right to control their own bodies, lives, and futures.
While I don't agree with those that want to ban abortions, I do think that if you are going to get intimate with a woman, one of you, or both, should take certain birth control precautions, if you don't it's your fault and any pregnancy is on you both of you.

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