Investing in the UK

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.

I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.

The favorite British hobby, destroying their own country.
Its difficult to find companies that are optimistic.

I was told to look at the Provident because :

"they provide small loans to poor people who are too stupid to understand interest rates. Their business is set to soar."

That twat mogg was rubbishing this yesterday but didnt mention that he is moving his money to Ireland. In satire terms this is beyond Trump.
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I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.
/——/ I disagree with your doom and gloom but agree you should liquidate before a major event.
Where do you see the upside in all of this. ? I cant see it anywhere at the moment.
/——/ I don’t have a dog in this fight. I do know some Brits don’t like being governed by unelected bozos in another country with no recourse.

I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.
/——/ I disagree with your doom and gloom but agree you should liquidate before a major event.
Where do you see the upside in all of this. ? I cant see it anywhere at the moment.

The upside is that for everyone who isn't British, they can get British products cheaper, they can go to the UK and visit cheaper.... for British people... well they get not to have the right to go to the EU any more, they've already lost more money than they claimed they'd save in TEN YEARS (possibly twenty by now), they'll lose even more, they might end up with Corbyn as PM, they have May as PM already, Boris and Rees-Posh-Twat are trying to get it too.

Nothing's looking good for the British.

I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.
/——/ I disagree with your doom and gloom but agree you should liquidate before a major event.
Where do you see the upside in all of this. ? I cant see it anywhere at the moment.

The upside is that for everyone who isn't British, they can get British products cheaper, they can go to the UK and visit cheaper.... for British people... well they get not to have the right to go to the EU any more, they've already lost more money than they claimed they'd save in TEN YEARS (possibly twenty by now), they'll lose even more, they might end up with Corbyn as PM, they have May as PM already, Boris and Rees-Posh-Twat are trying to get it too.

Nothing's looking good for the British.
For a nation that has historically committed some of the most heinous actions ever, some might say the U.K. is deserving of lots of doom and gloom.

I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.
/——/ I disagree with your doom and gloom but agree you should liquidate before a major event.
Where do you see the upside in all of this. ? I cant see it anywhere at the moment.

The upside is that for everyone who isn't British, they can get British products cheaper, they can go to the UK and visit cheaper.... for British people... well they get not to have the right to go to the EU any more, they've already lost more money than they claimed they'd save in TEN YEARS (possibly twenty by now), they'll lose even more, they might end up with Corbyn as PM, they have May as PM already, Boris and Rees-Posh-Twat are trying to get it too.

Nothing's looking good for the British.
For a nation that has historically committed some of the most heinous actions ever, some might say the U.K. is deserving of lots of doom and gloom.

Then again most people who are British didn't commit those acts, most of those acts were carried out long before they were even born.

I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.
/——/ I disagree with your doom and gloom but agree you should liquidate before a major event.
Where do you see the upside in all of this. ? I cant see it anywhere at the moment.

The upside is that for everyone who isn't British, they can get British products cheaper, they can go to the UK and visit cheaper.... for British people... well they get not to have the right to go to the EU any more, they've already lost more money than they claimed they'd save in TEN YEARS (possibly twenty by now), they'll lose even more, they might end up with Corbyn as PM, they have May as PM already, Boris and Rees-Posh-Twat are trying to get it too.

Nothing's looking good for the British.
For a nation that has historically committed some of the most heinous actions ever, some might say the U.K. is deserving of lots of doom and gloom.

Then again most people who are British didn't commit those acts, most of those acts were carried out long before they were even born.
Agree. Just as it is for Americans.
How much can I get for this? Not as much as my Father, I suspect.


I mentioned a little while back that I was liquidating my portfolio ahead of brexit. This is why.
How objective is the Bank of England in producing these stats? They seem overly gloomy. Just curious where are you going to invest?
The brexiters have made the same point but have not produced any figures to counter it. Leaving aside any political fall out the situation is now all about damage limitation to the economy.
The car industry is a good example. Parts are made and shipped from all over Europe. Under any brexit scenrio they will get stopped at the port and subject to tarriffs.The finished cars willthen fce delays and tariffs on the return journey.
None of the British car makers have any loyalty to the UK and all are threatening to leave if things get too bad.

Some companies are stockpiling.
Majestic to stockpile 'Olympic swimming pool' of wine amid Brexit fears
Which obviously adds costs and impacts the share price. I cant find one company that makes things that wont be affected by it.
Leave Club Europe and you will be punished..............How dare anyone leave the EU............we will make you pay......

We will kill your jobs...........You will do as we say or else.............Hell of a place there ...........Huh.........

Get on your knees and bow to your masters OP.

Leave Club Europe and you will be punished..............How dare anyone leave the EU............we will make you pay......

We will kill your jobs...........You will do as we say or else.............Hell of a place there ...........Huh.........

Get on your knees and bow to your masters OP.

Churchill was a big supporter of the EU.
What you are saying is nonsense. If you want the benefits of the EU then you stay in the EU. Nobody is being punished.
Leave Club Europe and you will be punished..............How dare anyone leave the EU............we will make you pay......

We will kill your jobs...........You will do as we say or else.............Hell of a place there ...........Huh.........

Get on your knees and bow to your masters OP.

Churchill was a big supporter of the EU.
What you are saying is nonsense. If you want the benefits of the EU then you stay in the EU. Nobody is being punished.

Churchill was not around when the EU was formed...........Would that be a correct statement..............

They are telling you be a member or else..............threatening them not to leave.........If that is your friend then who needs enemies.....................

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