Investigation into Biden family expands to include six more family members

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Now NINE total members of the Biden crime family are under investigation.

Fifty years of theft, treason, and corruption.

We know that The Big Guy got 10%, but what did the Little Guys get? And how many members of the Biden crime family were involved in Hunter’s influence-peddling schemes? We may never know the full story of just how corrupt this superannuated kleptocrat who pretends to be president of the United States and his family really are, but now House Republicans are expanding their investigation of the Biden crime organization — oh, sorry, they call it the Biden “family,” you know, like the Gambino “family” — to include more of Old Joe’s relatives. At the very least, we should get a glimpse into how “the public service” today is a highly lucrative endeavor for an amoral, unscrupulous liar such as Old Joe.

Tristan Justice reported in The Federalist Tuesday that House Republicans “are expanding their investigation of the Biden family to include ‘six additional members’ who ‘may have benefitted’ from potentially criminal business enterprises.” That’s on top of the ongoing investigations into the activities of Old Joe himself, Hunter, and the putative president’s brother Jim Biden. The UK’s Daily Mail reported back in February that Jim Biden “was hired to engage in secret negotiations with the Saudi government on behalf of a US construction company because of his relationship with the then vice president, legal documents claim.” Influence peddling? Sure looks like it.

Jim got the nod for this task because, according to an affidavit, the Saudis “would not dare stiff the brother of the Vice-President who would be instrumental to the deal.” All this involved Jim’s role in a 2012 “$140 million settlement negotiation between Hill International,” the American construction firm in question, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nothing to see here! Move along!

On Monday, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, announced that “thousands of pages of financial records related to the Biden family, their companies, and associates’ business schemes were made available to members of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, which confirm the importance of this investigation.” Within those thousands of pages, apparently, is evidence of how comprehensively the Biden family has benefited from Old Joe’s fifty years of fattening at the public trough.
Now NINE total members of the Biden crime family are under investigation.

Fifty years of theft, treason, and corruption.

We know that The Big Guy got 10%, but what did the Little Guys get? And how many members of the Biden crime family were involved in Hunter’s influence-peddling schemes? We may never know the full story of just how corrupt this superannuated kleptocrat who pretends to be president of the United States and his family really are, but now House Republicans are expanding their investigation of the Biden crime organization — oh, sorry, they call it the Biden “family,” you know, like the Gambino “family” — to include more of Old Joe’s relatives. At the very least, we should get a glimpse into how “the public service” today is a highly lucrative endeavor for an amoral, unscrupulous liar such as Old Joe.

Tristan Justice reported in The Federalist Tuesday that House Republicans “are expanding their investigation of the Biden family to include ‘six additional members’ who ‘may have benefitted’ from potentially criminal business enterprises.” That’s on top of the ongoing investigations into the activities of Old Joe himself, Hunter, and the putative president’s brother Jim Biden. The UK’s Daily Mail reported back in February that Jim Biden “was hired to engage in secret negotiations with the Saudi government on behalf of a US construction company because of his relationship with the then vice president, legal documents claim.” Influence peddling? Sure looks like it.

Jim got the nod for this task because, according to an affidavit, the Saudis “would not dare stiff the brother of the Vice-President who would be instrumental to the deal.” All this involved Jim’s role in a 2012 “$140 million settlement negotiation between Hill International,” the American construction firm in question, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nothing to see here! Move along!

On Monday, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, announced that “thousands of pages of financial records related to the Biden family, their companies, and associates’ business schemes were made available to members of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, which confirm the importance of this investigation.” Within those thousands of pages, apparently, is evidence of how comprehensively the Biden family has benefited from Old Joe’s fifty years of fattening at the public trough.

Lock her up 2.0 :lmao:

Of Course There Has Been Biden Administration Political Interference in the Biden Family Criminal Investigation​

21 Apr 2023 ~~ By Andrew McCarthy

With the kind of evidence we’ve seen, there’s no other rational explanation for why there have been no charges after five years of ‘investigation.
The IRS whistleblower story, on which our Ari Blaff reported yesterday, is such a big development in the Biden corruption saga that even the New York Times has sensed the need to acknowledge it.
It does not detract in any way from this news to observe that it is simply making the obvious explicit. As I opined in a New York Post op-ed yesterday afternoon, it’s been clear for five years that there are slam-dunk charges that could be brought against Hunter Biden, yet no action has been taken:
Let’s say you lied on a required federal firearms form to conceal your use of illegal drugs so you could buy a .38 caliber handgun, then you irresponsibly lost that gun across the street from a school, and then the government found video evidence of you waving that gun around while cavorting with a prostitute.
If you had done all those things within a few days in 2018, do you suppose that by five years later, the government would have taken exactly zero action against you?
That’s the lesson to take away from the inevitable yet startling news that a whistleblower — a senior Internal Revenue Service criminal investigator who has been overseeing the Hunter Biden probe — has complained to the IRS, to the Justice Department, and now to House and Senate committees that the probe has been undermined by political interference.
The rest is here.

Indeed, the despotism of the Biden family is rife with political influence to cover-up the corruption and criminal acts of Hunter and other individuals within the Biden family.
James the younger brother of Joe may now be under investigation by the IRS.
Just ow many whistle blowers are needed for the weaponized DOJ and Stasi/FBI to act?
Now NINE total members of the Biden crime family are under investigation.

Fifty years of theft, treason, and corruption.

We know that The Big Guy got 10%, but what did the Little Guys get? And how many members of the Biden crime family were involved in Hunter’s influence-peddling schemes? We may never know the full story of just how corrupt this superannuated kleptocrat who pretends to be president of the United States and his family really are, but now House Republicans are expanding their investigation of the Biden crime organization — oh, sorry, they call it the Biden “family,” you know, like the Gambino “family” — to include more of Old Joe’s relatives. At the very least, we should get a glimpse into how “the public service” today is a highly lucrative endeavor for an amoral, unscrupulous liar such as Old Joe.

Tristan Justice reported in The Federalist Tuesday that House Republicans “are expanding their investigation of the Biden family to include ‘six additional members’ who ‘may have benefitted’ from potentially criminal business enterprises.” That’s on top of the ongoing investigations into the activities of Old Joe himself, Hunter, and the putative president’s brother Jim Biden. The UK’s Daily Mail reported back in February that Jim Biden “was hired to engage in secret negotiations with the Saudi government on behalf of a US construction company because of his relationship with the then vice president, legal documents claim.” Influence peddling? Sure looks like it.

Jim got the nod for this task because, according to an affidavit, the Saudis “would not dare stiff the brother of the Vice-President who would be instrumental to the deal.” All this involved Jim’s role in a 2012 “$140 million settlement negotiation between Hill International,” the American construction firm in question, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nothing to see here! Move along!

On Monday, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, announced that “thousands of pages of financial records related to the Biden family, their companies, and associates’ business schemes were made available to members of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, which confirm the importance of this investigation.” Within those thousands of pages, apparently, is evidence of how comprehensively the Biden family has benefited from Old Joe’s fifty years of fattening at the public trough.

House Republicans. That is a joke. Talk about the Keystone cops. They couldn't find food in a grocery store. They are deliberately abusing their authority for political purposes. Republicans will lose the House and White House in 2024.

Of Course There Has Been Biden Administration Political Interference in the Biden Family Criminal Investigation​

21 Apr 2023 ~~ By Andrew McCarthy

With the kind of evidence we’ve seen, there’s no other rational explanation for why there have been no charges after five years of ‘investigation.
The IRS whistleblower story, on which our Ari Blaff reported yesterday, is such a big development in the Biden corruption saga that even the New York Times has sensed the need to acknowledge it.
It does not detract in any way from this news to observe that it is simply making the obvious explicit. As I opined in a New York Post op-ed yesterday afternoon, it’s been clear for five years that there are slam-dunk charges that could be brought against Hunter Biden, yet no action has been taken:
Let’s say you lied on a required federal firearms form to conceal your use of illegal drugs so you could buy a .38 caliber handgun, then you irresponsibly lost that gun across the street from a school, and then the government found video evidence of you waving that gun around while cavorting with a prostitute.
If you had done all those things within a few days in 2018, do you suppose that by five years later, the government would have taken exactly zero action against you?
That’s the lesson to take away from the inevitable yet startling news that a whistleblower — a senior Internal Revenue Service criminal investigator who has been overseeing the Hunter Biden probe — has complained to the IRS, to the Justice Department, and now to House and Senate committees that the probe has been undermined by political interference.
The rest is here.

Indeed, the despotism of the Biden family is rife with political influence to cover-up the corruption and criminal acts of Hunter and other individuals within the Biden family.
James the younger brother of Joe may now be under investigation by the IRS.
Just ow many whistle blowers are needed for the weaponized DOJ and Stasi/FBI to act?

Republicans are the ones trying to cover up corrupt acts of Trump. In addition, they are also covering up the corruption of Republican Supreme Court judges. You have to have hard evidence.
Republicans are the ones trying to cover up corrupt acts of Trump. In addition, they are also covering up the corruption of Republican Supreme Court judges. You have to have hard evidence.
Umm...., I see we've touched a deep nerve here.
The next thing you'll be posting is that it's all Russian disinformation and you have 51 intelligence agents to back you up.
Repeating your lie 1,000 times will not make it true despite your efforts.
Umm...., I see we've touched a deep nerve here.
The next thing you'll be posting is that it's all Russian disinformation and you have 51 intelligence agents to back you up.
Repeating your lie 1,000 times will not make it true despite your efforts.
Karma is a bitch, a lesson Dems are now learning. I guess when Hillary said, "If that SOB (Trump) wins we are all gonna hang." now we know why, the corruption, influence peddling and their whole pyramid of lies will come crashing down.
House Republicans. That is a joke. Talk about the Keystone cops. They couldn't find food in a grocery store. They are deliberately abusing their authority for political purposes. Republicans will lose the House and White House in 2024.

It's not just asking the Director of the 0ffice of Budget Management how much covid money went to Drag Queen Story Hour. It's they refusal to address the shambles they're making with women's health care, or public schools with the book bannings, and the banning of teaching race or gender issues in public schools.

Florida has lost 7000 teachers and no school in the state can get anyone to move to Florida to teach. Texas isn't far behind.

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