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Originally posted by jimnyc
Welcome, lilywhite :)

I hope you'll stick around. We have a great mix of people here.

Hello everyone!:bye1:

Seems like a nice place you have here. I located your board via search. I have been looking for a "moderate" message board for political debate. I am a Conservative Republican from the south, and a member of the Bush Grassroots Campaign. If any of you fine Republicans here are not already a member and would like to join, jes let me know and I'll be happy to sign you up.;)

I look forward to getting to know all of you and participating in some lively debate.

Welcome Phoenix! We have a good number of conservatives and liberals on the board, thought definitely more conservatives than liberals. Some rabid liberals, some rabid conservatives, but most people are here for good intellegent political discussions.
Howdy Jim & Jeff. Thanks for the welcome. There's lots of reading here!....pretty good reading too. Ah, so far the Libs here don't seem too rabid.:p: Not like some I've seen.:rolleyes:

I see some great presentation in the posts on the bords here! I'll catch up on the reading some and maybe jump in here and there.

Hello everyone.

I hail from Phoenix Arizona for now, soon to move back to Vegas. I'm just finishing motorcycle mechanics school, and look foward to getting out of the oven...... er, Phoenix.

I'm 48 years old, slightly old fashioned and conservative, for whatever that's worth. There's a some conservatives that I don't agree with, but, there are way more liberals that I absolutely abhor. I find it impossible to be "middle of the road" in this country today.

I like Harleys, photography, auctions, bars and fooling around in the shop. Both with tools and with ole' lady... whenever I have one. I'm currently single as hell...:mad:

Nice board here though. So far, I like it a lot! :D
Welcome Pale Rider - Love your avatar! Clint is the best! Especially in the westerns.
Thanks a bunch to both of you.

I've been on a few boards now. I enjoy them. The first one I was on almost from it's beginning. It got old. It changed, people got wierd.

I did meet some good people on those other boards, and I dig getting into some good debates. Mostly though, I'm just here for the entertainment value of it. It's "fun".
I realize that I haven't introduced myself yet, and as I'm bored because I can't sleep, I might as well do it now, eh?
I'm a junior in high school, and I go to an all-girls private Catholic high school, which is a bit of a drag. I'm one of triplets--the other two are a girl and a guy. Then I have a little bratty 14 year old brother. It's strange how only 2 years can make such a difference...:rolleyes:

I like to read pretty much anything...I'm reading Heidegger's Being and Time, though I have to reread every paragraph to understand what he said :p:

I was raised conservative and have become more conservative than my siblings, who really don't care about politics...they're more worried about doing regular teenage things. I, for one, am no ordinary teenager--not anymore at least. Since I don't mind sharing (I have to do it all the time!), I'm a recovering anorexic and was away for huge chunks of time during my eighth, ninth, and tenth grade years. It really stunk. I'm serious...I missed my graduation from eighth grade because i was in oklahoma, in a rehab center, trying to get my 5'6" frame to a higher weight than 86 lbs. When I went home, I ended up having to leave again in several months, and then I went to Utah. For rehab, of course.

I can't say I"m better, cause that's a cardinal rule, but i am in recovery. But recovery forced me to mature alot faster than usual, so I act older than i am...which can be very annoying at times, as I don't have many friends due to the fact that I don't like talking about guys all the frikkin' time and doing makeup and acting like a valley girl and all that other nonsense. ugh. but it's okay! I've got my viola, my cat, my pup, my piano, my books, and my faith to comfort me. I prefer it that way, you know what I mean?

Well, I do believe i've taken up too much room, so i'll talk to y'all later. Peace out from Folsom, CA!
Welcome aboard Proud. Sorry to hear about your problems, but glad to see things are turning around for you.
proud_savagette, that took a lot of guts to spill all that out on here, and for that, I have respect for you. I am sure you have gone through a lot and still going. You can now think of this board as your friends. That may not be the same as in person, but I think the others will agree, it is comforting in some sense when you can come on here and talk with others and escape what's around you. I am not sure if I even did welcome you to the board or not, but in any case, welcome!!!!!
oh, thanks. i like your picture. that movie was weird. not scary, just...weird. hehehe.
I guess this is where you can introduce yourself. Obviously I'm new and I don't know if Jackass will want this know but I'm his wife...please don't hold that against me. I spend too much time reading the forums over his shoulder so I thought I would just register and join in on the fun.
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