Internet and the Rise of Incivility and Hate Crimes

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  • #41
Mostly by Bernie's Bolsheviks.
ALL of it by leftists who do not believe people have the right to free speech or thought.

You believe as they do, or you burn. It isn't just Trump rallies either. People are being attacked on University Campuses for having differing opinions from the left.

This is NOT a symptom of the Internet, but a symptom of close minded hatred and a "I want it my way all the time" mentality we have raised our children with.

It has very little to do with conseratives or the Internet.

I disagree....I think the internet, and by extension chat mediums, twitter etc has a lot to do with it. When people aren't face to face, a lot of social barriers break down - not seeing people's reaction removes an important check and balance to social interactions. It's easier to be mean, cruel, to not see the other as a person. I think that is slowly changing the way we interact.
People are face-to-face in these protests and the violence found on our University campuses. The left have been taught to hate anything and anyone not in lock-step with their world-view.

Protests are age old and, quite frankly - engaged in by both the left and the right. You seem intent on laying all the blame on just one ideology.
List three republican protests that ended up being riots from the past decade. If you find an example of it, i guarantee you that its just more democrats attacking trump supporters, and not a repub;lican riot at all. Only democrats protest violently. Facts are facts, and im not going to let you make shit up when all the evidence is right in front of us.

It doesn't matter if it was only in the past decade (those are just convenient goalposts). It's not about Trump supporters. Only democrats protest violently? No. Just in this particular election it was anti-trumpers. You're just trying to find ways of excusing the hate that your own side generates.

Is it so hard to just condemn it and find ways of combating it?
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  • #42
Trump's lasting legacy will be those famous inspirational words that he spoke so frequently at his rallies:
"I'll pay your legal expenses!"

It's legitimizing it.

And that's something new coming from our "leadership".
It is legitamate. That's how some peoe feel. And they should feel free to express themselves every bit as much as any other American.

When it comes from leadership, it takes on a different perspective. It's legitimized.
ALL of it by leftists who do not believe people have the right to free speech or thought.

You believe as they do, or you burn. It isn't just Trump rallies either. People are being attacked on University Campuses for having differing opinions from the left.

This is NOT a symptom of the Internet, but a symptom of close minded hatred and a "I want it my way all the time" mentality we have raised our children with.

It has very little to do with conseratives or the Internet.

I disagree....I think the internet, and by extension chat mediums, twitter etc has a lot to do with it. When people aren't face to face, a lot of social barriers break down - not seeing people's reaction removes an important check and balance to social interactions. It's easier to be mean, cruel, to not see the other as a person. I think that is slowly changing the way we interact.
People are face-to-face in these protests and the violence found on our University campuses. The left have been taught to hate anything and anyone not in lock-step with their world-view.

Protests are age old and, quite frankly - engaged in by both the left and the right. You seem intent on laying all the blame on just one ideology.
List three republican protests that ended up being riots from the past decade. If you find an example of it, i guarantee you that its just more democrats attacking trump supporters, and not a repub;lican riot at all. Only democrats protest violently. Facts are facts, and im not going to let you make shit up when all the evidence is right in front of us.

It doesn't matter if it was only in the past decade (those are just convenient goalposts). It's not about Trump supporters. Only democrats protest violently? No. Just in this particular election it was anti-trumpers. You're just trying to find ways of excusing the hate that your own side generates.

Is it so hard to just condemn it and find ways of combating it?
Name 3 republican riots in the past 20 years then. Surely anything before that has no bearing on our culture in America today.
Political correctness was the pendulum of culture swinging to far to the left. But now, we're seeing the opposite. The anti-political correctness crowd, culminating in Trump's electoral victory is encouraging a far more open and socially accepted form of hate. Where it used to be socially condemned, it's now applauded, as free speech and part of the mainstream, set against the backdrop of rabid anti-immigrant and anti-other fears.

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

Messages about the “otherness” of immigrants have gained an expansive audience. “Bigots have become especially nuanced and skillful at hanging onto the coattails of important public policy debates that are going on in the mainstream,” Levin says. “There’s an online cottage industry that attaches bigotry to real policy issues from national security to free speech on campus to the economy.”

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

Scrubbed of the eugenics ideology or race war rhetoric that may have helped spawn them, and freed from the stigma that comes from being the clear intellectual property of Nazi skinheads or the Ku Klux Klan, many of these messages about the otherness of immigrants have gained an expansive audience among Americans who might not embrace them in their raw form. While these views haven’t been given much credence on NBC’s Meet the Press or in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, they’re regularly part of the conversation on Fox News, and they constitute the bread and butter of—which now enjoys a monthly readership greater than the entire populations of Great Britain, Germany, or France.
Rise of hate crimes in America, certainly they are no more prevalent now than when the Democratic Party's militant arm, the KKK was terrorizing minorities.
ALL of it by leftists who do not believe people have the right to free speech or thought.

You believe as they do, or you burn. It isn't just Trump rallies either. People are being attacked on University Campuses for having differing opinions from the left.

This is NOT a symptom of the Internet, but a symptom of close minded hatred and a "I want it my way all the time" mentality we have raised our children with.

It has very little to do with conseratives or the Internet.

I disagree....I think the internet, and by extension chat mediums, twitter etc has a lot to do with it. When people aren't face to face, a lot of social barriers break down - not seeing people's reaction removes an important check and balance to social interactions. It's easier to be mean, cruel, to not see the other as a person. I think that is slowly changing the way we interact.
People are face-to-face in these protests and the violence found on our University campuses. The left have been taught to hate anything and anyone not in lock-step with their world-view.

Protests are age old and, quite frankly - engaged in by both the left and the right. You seem intent on laying all the blame on just one ideology.
List three republican protests that ended up being riots from the past decade. If you find an example of it, i guarantee you that its just more democrats attacking trump supporters, and not a repub;lican riot at all. Only democrats protest violently. Facts are facts, and im not going to let you make shit up when all the evidence is right in front of us.

It doesn't matter if it was only in the past decade (those are just convenient goalposts). It's not about Trump supporters. Only democrats protest violently? No. Just in this particular election it was anti-trumpers. You're just trying to find ways of excusing the hate that your own side generates.

Is it so hard to just condemn it and find ways of combating it?
You're welcome to document right here the hatred from My side. Show Me where conservatives have silenced the left. Show Me the violent protests to keep leftwing speakers from any event, let alone a University one.

I have been discussing politics and ideology for four decades. In those decades, it has almost exclusively been the left who name-call those who disagree with them. Have conservatives returned the favor, yes, but not untl just recently (maybe the past 9 years).

Even today, when discussing policy and issues, if you think that a secure border is a good thing, you're called a dozen vile names. If you think that the Federal Government should not be responsible for social culture but deal with other nations ALMOST exclusively, your called a different set of vile names. If you think that not every regulation is valid, you get immediately accused of wanting foul water, filthy landscapes, radioactive oceans, and dirty air.

Sorry, but you simply cannot make the case that incivility is anything but a left-wing norm.
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  • #46
Rightwing riots and demonstrations - for those that can't seem to fathom that their side can be violent or intolerant

Right-wing extremists blamed for riots | Daily Mail Online
Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters
2015 Corsican protests - Wikipedia
Political correctness was the pendulum of culture swinging to far to the left. But now, we're seeing the opposite. The anti-political correctness crowd, culminating in Trump's electoral victory is encouraging a far more open and socially accepted form of hate. Where it used to be socially condemned, it's now applauded, as free speech and part of the mainstream, set against the backdrop of rabid anti-immigrant and anti-other fears.

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

Messages about the “otherness” of immigrants have gained an expansive audience. “Bigots have become especially nuanced and skillful at hanging onto the coattails of important public policy debates that are going on in the mainstream,” Levin says. “There’s an online cottage industry that attaches bigotry to real policy issues from national security to free speech on campus to the economy.”

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

Scrubbed of the eugenics ideology or race war rhetoric that may have helped spawn them, and freed from the stigma that comes from being the clear intellectual property of Nazi skinheads or the Ku Klux Klan, many of these messages about the otherness of immigrants have gained an expansive audience among Americans who might not embrace them in their raw form. While these views haven’t been given much credence on NBC’s Meet the Press or in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, they’re regularly part of the conversation on Fox News, and they constitute the bread and butter of—which now enjoys a monthly readership greater than the entire populations of Great Britain, Germany, or France.
The rise is incivility and hate crimes is coming from the left. Its either democrats anti protesters attacking republicans, or its minorities attacking, kidnapping, car jacking, torturing white people. Eitehr way, its 95% coming from one political party.

If you can't see that it comes from both sides then you are likely part of the problem.
I clearely stated that it does come from both sides. You just dont want to admit that the majority comes from YOUR side.

Do you not read? I've clearly said it comes from both sides. The majority of this hatred comes from the left? That's your opinion.
Trump's lasting legacy will be those famous inspirational words that he spoke so frequently at his rallies:
"I'll pay your legal expenses!"

It's legitimizing it.

And that's something new coming from our "leadership".
It is legitamate. That's how some peoe feel. And they should feel free to express themselves every bit as much as any other American.

When it comes from leadership, it takes on a different perspective. It's legitimized.
So why are the leaders in the Democrat party not denouncing (on a daily basis) the violence from the left? I have to conclude that they are legitimizing the violent silencing of opposing views.
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  • #48
Political correctness was the pendulum of culture swinging to far to the left. But now, we're seeing the opposite. The anti-political correctness crowd, culminating in Trump's electoral victory is encouraging a far more open and socially accepted form of hate. Where it used to be socially condemned, it's now applauded, as free speech and part of the mainstream, set against the backdrop of rabid anti-immigrant and anti-other fears.

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

Messages about the “otherness” of immigrants have gained an expansive audience. “Bigots have become especially nuanced and skillful at hanging onto the coattails of important public policy debates that are going on in the mainstream,” Levin says. “There’s an online cottage industry that attaches bigotry to real policy issues from national security to free speech on campus to the economy.”

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

Scrubbed of the eugenics ideology or race war rhetoric that may have helped spawn them, and freed from the stigma that comes from being the clear intellectual property of Nazi skinheads or the Ku Klux Klan, many of these messages about the otherness of immigrants have gained an expansive audience among Americans who might not embrace them in their raw form. While these views haven’t been given much credence on NBC’s Meet the Press or in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, they’re regularly part of the conversation on Fox News, and they constitute the bread and butter of—which now enjoys a monthly readership greater than the entire populations of Great Britain, Germany, or France.
Rise of hate crimes in America, certainly they are no more prevalent now than when the Democratic Party's militant arm, the KKK was terrorizing minorities.

You realize that the Dems of those days were conservatives right? Dixiecrats? When Dems embraced civil rights finally, they fled to the Pubs who were ecstatic to win the south and had no problems embracing them.

Hate crimes have gone up. That is a trend that should disturb us.
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  • #49
Trump's lasting legacy will be those famous inspirational words that he spoke so frequently at his rallies:
"I'll pay your legal expenses!"

It's legitimizing it.

And that's something new coming from our "leadership".
It is legitamate. That's how some peoe feel. And they should feel free to express themselves every bit as much as any other American.

When it comes from leadership, it takes on a different perspective. It's legitimized.
So why are the leaders in the Democrat party not denouncing (on a daily basis) the violence from the left? I have to conclude that they are legitimizing the violent silencing of opposing views.

Can you be specific?
Rightwing riots and demonstrations - for those that can't seem to fathom that their side can be violent or intolerant

Right-wing extremists blamed for riots | Daily Mail Online
Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters
2015 Corsican protests - Wikipedia
Political correctness was the pendulum of culture swinging to far to the left. But now, we're seeing the opposite. The anti-political correctness crowd, culminating in Trump's electoral victory is encouraging a far more open and socially accepted form of hate. Where it used to be socially condemned, it's now applauded, as free speech and part of the mainstream, set against the backdrop of rabid anti-immigrant and anti-other fears.

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

Messages about the “otherness” of immigrants have gained an expansive audience. “Bigots have become especially nuanced and skillful at hanging onto the coattails of important public policy debates that are going on in the mainstream,” Levin says. “There’s an online cottage industry that attaches bigotry to real policy issues from national security to free speech on campus to the economy.”

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

Scrubbed of the eugenics ideology or race war rhetoric that may have helped spawn them, and freed from the stigma that comes from being the clear intellectual property of Nazi skinheads or the Ku Klux Klan, many of these messages about the otherness of immigrants have gained an expansive audience among Americans who might not embrace them in their raw form. While these views haven’t been given much credence on NBC’s Meet the Press or in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, they’re regularly part of the conversation on Fox News, and they constitute the bread and butter of—which now enjoys a monthly readership greater than the entire populations of Great Britain, Germany, or France.
The rise is incivility and hate crimes is coming from the left. Its either democrats anti protesters attacking republicans, or its minorities attacking, kidnapping, car jacking, torturing white people. Eitehr way, its 95% coming from one political party.

If you can't see that it comes from both sides then you are likely part of the problem.
I clearely stated that it does come from both sides. You just dont want to admit that the majority comes from YOUR side.

Do you not read? I've clearly said it comes from both sides. The majority of this hatred comes from the left? That's your opinion.
Two are from other countries and the one is an article on individuals (not whole groups) who committed crimes against others in protest of Obama's election.

These were not wholesale groups like we are seeing today.
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  • #51
I disagree....I think the internet, and by extension chat mediums, twitter etc has a lot to do with it. When people aren't face to face, a lot of social barriers break down - not seeing people's reaction removes an important check and balance to social interactions. It's easier to be mean, cruel, to not see the other as a person. I think that is slowly changing the way we interact.
People are face-to-face in these protests and the violence found on our University campuses. The left have been taught to hate anything and anyone not in lock-step with their world-view.

Protests are age old and, quite frankly - engaged in by both the left and the right. You seem intent on laying all the blame on just one ideology.
List three republican protests that ended up being riots from the past decade. If you find an example of it, i guarantee you that its just more democrats attacking trump supporters, and not a repub;lican riot at all. Only democrats protest violently. Facts are facts, and im not going to let you make shit up when all the evidence is right in front of us.

It doesn't matter if it was only in the past decade (those are just convenient goalposts). It's not about Trump supporters. Only democrats protest violently? No. Just in this particular election it was anti-trumpers. You're just trying to find ways of excusing the hate that your own side generates.

Is it so hard to just condemn it and find ways of combating it?
You're welcome to document right here the hatred from My side. Show Me where conservatives have silenced the left. Show Me the violent protests to keep leftwing speakers from any event, let alone a University one.

I have been discussing politics and ideology for four decades. In those decades, it has almost exclusively been the left who name-call those who disagree with them. Have conservatives returned the favor, yes, but not untl just recently (maybe the past 9 years).

I have been called a ****, whore who spreads her legs for free birth control, terrorist, excrement, anti-American, and been told I should be shot for treason and raped.

Even today, when discussing policy and issues, if you think that a secure border is a good thing, you're called a dozen vile names.

I agree, and that is the intolerance of my side who typically claim to be the side of tolerance. It should be combated. Just because you feel a wall is a good thing doesn't make one a racist. On the other hand, if I argue for the admission of Syrian refugees - how am I treated? I'm accused of wanting wanting to let in hordes of unvetted people, supporting terrorists, hating my country. Not exactly cool either.

If you think that the Federal Government should not be responsible for social culture but deal with other nations ALMOST exclusively, your called a different set of vile names. If you think that not every regulation is valid, you get immediately accused of wanting foul water, filthy landscapes, radioactive oceans, and dirty air.

Resorting to name calling is the sign of someone who can't form a coherent argument. I'll agree with that. But it's not one side.

I'm pro-choice. I'm called a baby murderer, a slut, genocidal and those are the nice things.

Sorry, but you simply cannot make the case that incivility is anything but a left-wing norm.

I see it as endemic in both arenas. But we are also individuals who can choose how to respond irrespective of our ideologies.
Looks to me like another attempt to silence opposition by zeroing in on the extremists. It is shallow and devoid of substance and willfully so.

Let me explain as I have often had to defend people in the most unlikely places. First, the Democrats could have addressed the immigration problems and controlled the dialogue and chose not to because there was profit to be made. Specifically in the form of H-1B visas and the demi-god Bill Gates and his constant requests for more. When the quieter voices were pointing out that there was a surplus in the country and it was driving down wages it was met with denial. When those quieter voices were pointing out that resources were being stretched thin and could not meet the needs of the people, it was met with silence.

When it came to the refugees from Somalia that began to become radicalized, little attention was paid to the lack of jobs and therefore the inability to participate in the concept of American society as envisioned by McDonalds and StarBucks. The lack of jobs available due to.................a surplus of immigration. Not to mention coming of age at a time when there were no jobs for anyone and fixated on idealistic causes.

Did the Democrats evaluate the cause of the Syrian refugees? Absolutely not. It was better to look away from competing pipelines and focus on the refugees as pets. They sure as hell were not going to look at implementing foreign policy. The same was true in Central and South America. Whatever you do, don't look at the foreign policy or implementation of the free market in those countries fully supported by the Democrats that creates this.

The same could be said of the number of charities and tax dollars spent to support anti-semitism on the world wide web and in Israel by the NIF. That has been out since 2013. Hell, Italy came out and said it was coming from a unified force of the left and right in their own country. Even so, we can go back even further to the 1970s when universities were receiving petrodollars and then instituted chairs and departments that did not accept Israel as a nation-state.

It's cute that everyone wants to put this all on the orange guy but it isn't true. It's just convenient.
Trump's lasting legacy will be those famous inspirational words that he spoke so frequently at his rallies:
"I'll pay your legal expenses!"

It's legitimizing it.

And that's something new coming from our "leadership".
It is legitamate. That's how some peoe feel. And they should feel free to express themselves every bit as much as any other American.

When it comes from leadership, it takes on a different perspective. It's legitimized.
So why are the leaders in the Democrat party not denouncing (on a daily basis) the violence from the left? I have to conclude that they are legitimizing the violent silencing of opposing views.

Can you be specific?
Seattle, Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago.

5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle | Zero Hedge

and dozens more. A willingness to look at ourselves in reports on google search is all it takes to expose the violence being perpetrated.

What you need ask yourself is this. What are they protesting? The legally and duly elected GOP candidate to the Office of President.

This means that they are sending the message that we will get violent if we don't get our way.

That is not the cause of incivility on the Internet. It is caused by the breakdown of good parenting.
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  • #54
It's legitimizing it.

And that's something new coming from our "leadership".
It is legitamate. That's how some peoe feel. And they should feel free to express themselves every bit as much as any other American.

When it comes from leadership, it takes on a different perspective. It's legitimized.
So why are the leaders in the Democrat party not denouncing (on a daily basis) the violence from the left? I have to conclude that they are legitimizing the violent silencing of opposing views.

Can you be specific?
Seattle, Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago.

5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle | Zero Hedge

and dozens more. A willingness to look at ourselves in reports on google search is all it takes to expose the violence being perpetrated.

What you need ask yourself is this. What are they protesting? The legally and duly elected GOP candidate to the Office of President.

This means that they are sending the message that we will get violent if we don't get our way.

That is not the cause of incivility on the Internet. It is caused by the breakdown of good parenting

I actually agree with you on this. Because they are all almost entirely of a generation that has different expectations then you or I. And I could go on an on about that. But I also wouldn't discount the internet or social media.

But the protests are really a different thing then what the OP was about.
People are face-to-face in these protests and the violence found on our University campuses. The left have been taught to hate anything and anyone not in lock-step with their world-view.

Protests are age old and, quite frankly - engaged in by both the left and the right. You seem intent on laying all the blame on just one ideology.
List three republican protests that ended up being riots from the past decade. If you find an example of it, i guarantee you that its just more democrats attacking trump supporters, and not a repub;lican riot at all. Only democrats protest violently. Facts are facts, and im not going to let you make shit up when all the evidence is right in front of us.

It doesn't matter if it was only in the past decade (those are just convenient goalposts). It's not about Trump supporters. Only democrats protest violently? No. Just in this particular election it was anti-trumpers. You're just trying to find ways of excusing the hate that your own side generates.

Is it so hard to just condemn it and find ways of combating it?
You're welcome to document right here the hatred from My side. Show Me where conservatives have silenced the left. Show Me the violent protests to keep leftwing speakers from any event, let alone a University one.

I have been discussing politics and ideology for four decades. In those decades, it has almost exclusively been the left who name-call those who disagree with them. Have conservatives returned the favor, yes, but not untl just recently (maybe the past 9 years).

I have been called a ****, whore who spreads her legs for free birth control, terrorist, excrement, anti-American, and been told I should be shot for treason and raped.

Even today, when discussing policy and issues, if you think that a secure border is a good thing, you're called a dozen vile names.

I agree, and that is the intolerance of my side who typically claim to be the side of tolerance. It should be combated. Just because you feel a wall is a good thing doesn't make one a racist. On the other hand, if I argue for the admission of Syrian refugees - how am I treated? I'm accused of wanting wanting to let in hordes of unvetted people, supporting terrorists, hating my country. Not exactly cool either.

If you think that the Federal Government should not be responsible for social culture but deal with other nations ALMOST exclusively, your called a different set of vile names. If you think that not every regulation is valid, you get immediately accused of wanting foul water, filthy landscapes, radioactive oceans, and dirty air.

Resorting to name calling is the sign of someone who can't form a coherent argument. I'll agree with that. But it's not one side.

I'm pro-choice. I'm called a baby murderer, a slut, genocidal and those are the nice things.

Sorry, but you simply cannot make the case that incivility is anything but a left-wing norm.

I see it as endemic in both arenas. But we are also individuals who can choose how to respond irrespective of our ideologies.
Like I said, it has been the past nine years or so that those on the right have begun to use the same tactics on the left. I don't excuse it, but I do understand it.

I do agree that as a whole, the entire nation has become much more prone to nastiness and vile rhetoric. But you won't see the escalation of violence from the right that we have seen from the left.

I am of the belief that we are on the edge of a civil war.
It is legitamate. That's how some peoe feel. And they should feel free to express themselves every bit as much as any other American.

When it comes from leadership, it takes on a different perspective. It's legitimized.
So why are the leaders in the Democrat party not denouncing (on a daily basis) the violence from the left? I have to conclude that they are legitimizing the violent silencing of opposing views.

Can you be specific?
Seattle, Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago.

5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle | Zero Hedge

and dozens more. A willingness to look at ourselves in reports on google search is all it takes to expose the violence being perpetrated.

What you need ask yourself is this. What are they protesting? The legally and duly elected GOP candidate to the Office of President.

This means that they are sending the message that we will get violent if we don't get our way.

That is not the cause of incivility on the Internet. It is caused by the breakdown of good parenting

I actually agree with you on this. Because they are all almost entirely of a generation that has different expectations then you or I. And I could go on an on about that. But I also wouldn't discount the internet or social media.

But the protests are really a different thing then what the OP was about.
The protests are the inevitable end game of what has been going on.
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  • #57
Protests are age old and, quite frankly - engaged in by both the left and the right. You seem intent on laying all the blame on just one ideology.
List three republican protests that ended up being riots from the past decade. If you find an example of it, i guarantee you that its just more democrats attacking trump supporters, and not a repub;lican riot at all. Only democrats protest violently. Facts are facts, and im not going to let you make shit up when all the evidence is right in front of us.

It doesn't matter if it was only in the past decade (those are just convenient goalposts). It's not about Trump supporters. Only democrats protest violently? No. Just in this particular election it was anti-trumpers. You're just trying to find ways of excusing the hate that your own side generates.

Is it so hard to just condemn it and find ways of combating it?
You're welcome to document right here the hatred from My side. Show Me where conservatives have silenced the left. Show Me the violent protests to keep leftwing speakers from any event, let alone a University one.

I have been discussing politics and ideology for four decades. In those decades, it has almost exclusively been the left who name-call those who disagree with them. Have conservatives returned the favor, yes, but not untl just recently (maybe the past 9 years).

I have been called a ****, whore who spreads her legs for free birth control, terrorist, excrement, anti-American, and been told I should be shot for treason and raped.

Even today, when discussing policy and issues, if you think that a secure border is a good thing, you're called a dozen vile names.

I agree, and that is the intolerance of my side who typically claim to be the side of tolerance. It should be combated. Just because you feel a wall is a good thing doesn't make one a racist. On the other hand, if I argue for the admission of Syrian refugees - how am I treated? I'm accused of wanting wanting to let in hordes of unvetted people, supporting terrorists, hating my country. Not exactly cool either.

If you think that the Federal Government should not be responsible for social culture but deal with other nations ALMOST exclusively, your called a different set of vile names. If you think that not every regulation is valid, you get immediately accused of wanting foul water, filthy landscapes, radioactive oceans, and dirty air.

Resorting to name calling is the sign of someone who can't form a coherent argument. I'll agree with that. But it's not one side.

I'm pro-choice. I'm called a baby murderer, a slut, genocidal and those are the nice things.

Sorry, but you simply cannot make the case that incivility is anything but a left-wing norm.

I see it as endemic in both arenas. But we are also individuals who can choose how to respond irrespective of our ideologies.
Like I said, it has been the past nine years or so that those on the right have begun to use the same tactics on the left. I don't excuse it, but I do understand it.

I do agree that as a whole, the entire nation has become much more prone to nastiness and vile rhetoric. But you won't see the escalation of violence from the right that we have seen from the left.

I am of the belief that we are on the edge of a civil war.

What you see as an ideological issue, I'm seeing as more of a generational issue.

I'm guessing you and I might be close in age. I was taught you simply don't say some things to people and you treat people with courteousy though we all get p.o.'d occassionally.

Younger people are more likely to act and react passionately and with less impulse control (typically students). There has also been a substantial shift in what's considered appropriate and not appropriate from my youth to today's youth.

Young people age and as they do, many become more conservative. We've heard over and over how many conservatives are older than liberals. When you are saying it's only been in the last dozen years that conservatives have started acting rude, and it's in response to the left's rudeness - I'm going to disagree. It's not. It's a more rude, more in your face free speech generation aging into conservatism that is causing the difference in tone.

That's how I see it.
I am of the belief that we are on the edge of a civil war.

I have been thinking, and saying that since long before Obama was in office, so it would be during the Bush years for sure. Maybe longer. And it now is worse many times over.
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When it comes from leadership, it takes on a different perspective. It's legitimized.
So why are the leaders in the Democrat party not denouncing (on a daily basis) the violence from the left? I have to conclude that they are legitimizing the violent silencing of opposing views.

Can you be specific?
Seattle, Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago.

5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle | Zero Hedge

and dozens more. A willingness to look at ourselves in reports on google search is all it takes to expose the violence being perpetrated.

What you need ask yourself is this. What are they protesting? The legally and duly elected GOP candidate to the Office of President.

This means that they are sending the message that we will get violent if we don't get our way.

That is not the cause of incivility on the Internet. It is caused by the breakdown of good parenting

I actually agree with you on this. Because they are all almost entirely of a generation that has different expectations then you or I. And I could go on an on about that. But I also wouldn't discount the internet or social media.

But the protests are really a different thing then what the OP was about.
The protests are the inevitable end game of what has been going on.

I disagree - we've always had protests...usually, involving young people rather than older people. This time it's the left.

There were a lot of riots and protests surrounding desegregation.
Integrating Ole Miss: A Transformative, Deadly Riot
List three republican protests that ended up being riots from the past decade. If you find an example of it, i guarantee you that its just more democrats attacking trump supporters, and not a repub;lican riot at all. Only democrats protest violently. Facts are facts, and im not going to let you make shit up when all the evidence is right in front of us.

It doesn't matter if it was only in the past decade (those are just convenient goalposts). It's not about Trump supporters. Only democrats protest violently? No. Just in this particular election it was anti-trumpers. You're just trying to find ways of excusing the hate that your own side generates.

Is it so hard to just condemn it and find ways of combating it?
You're welcome to document right here the hatred from My side. Show Me where conservatives have silenced the left. Show Me the violent protests to keep leftwing speakers from any event, let alone a University one.

I have been discussing politics and ideology for four decades. In those decades, it has almost exclusively been the left who name-call those who disagree with them. Have conservatives returned the favor, yes, but not untl just recently (maybe the past 9 years).

I have been called a ****, whore who spreads her legs for free birth control, terrorist, excrement, anti-American, and been told I should be shot for treason and raped.

Even today, when discussing policy and issues, if you think that a secure border is a good thing, you're called a dozen vile names.

I agree, and that is the intolerance of my side who typically claim to be the side of tolerance. It should be combated. Just because you feel a wall is a good thing doesn't make one a racist. On the other hand, if I argue for the admission of Syrian refugees - how am I treated? I'm accused of wanting wanting to let in hordes of unvetted people, supporting terrorists, hating my country. Not exactly cool either.

If you think that the Federal Government should not be responsible for social culture but deal with other nations ALMOST exclusively, your called a different set of vile names. If you think that not every regulation is valid, you get immediately accused of wanting foul water, filthy landscapes, radioactive oceans, and dirty air.

Resorting to name calling is the sign of someone who can't form a coherent argument. I'll agree with that. But it's not one side.

I'm pro-choice. I'm called a baby murderer, a slut, genocidal and those are the nice things.

Sorry, but you simply cannot make the case that incivility is anything but a left-wing norm.

I see it as endemic in both arenas. But we are also individuals who can choose how to respond irrespective of our ideologies.
Like I said, it has been the past nine years or so that those on the right have begun to use the same tactics on the left. I don't excuse it, but I do understand it.

I do agree that as a whole, the entire nation has become much more prone to nastiness and vile rhetoric. But you won't see the escalation of violence from the right that we have seen from the left.

I am of the belief that we are on the edge of a civil war.

What you see as an ideological issue, I'm seeing as more of a generational issue.

I'm guessing you and I might be close in age. I was taught you simply don't say some things to people and you treat people with courteousy though we all get p.o.'d occassionally.

Younger people are more likely to act and react passionately and with less impulse control (typically students). There has also been a substantial shift in what's considered appropriate and not appropriate from my youth to today's youth.

Young people age and as they do, many become more conservative. We've heard over and over how many conservatives are older than liberals. When you are saying it's only been in the last dozen years that conservatives have started acting rude, and it's in response to the left's rudeness - I'm going to disagree. It's not. It's a more rude, more in your face free speech generation aging into conservatism that is causing the difference in tone.

That's how I see it.
I don't disagree with this except to say that it has long since gone beyond simple manners of not saying some things. It has morphed into active silencing of speech.

That has been what PC has been about for decades.

Anyhow, I've spent enough time on this forum for today. I need to do something I find interesting and relaxing.

Have a nice day.

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