'Instead of Gaza' | How should we name the new city?

The Port of Jerusalem ?

The Jerusalem Rabati seaport,
according to TAMA100, is Ahdod.

However,, adds strength to a new city name - Port, and Fort 'Oz.
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Do you know how much property is obliged to a King?

In most cases, the protocol is addressing the enemy with 3 options,
first is a call to peace, meaning submitting to Israeli sovereignty, readiness to
join the workforce, pay taxes, and follow the 7 basic laws of human morality.
In that case, half of all property potentially belongs to a King, if he chooses.

2nd and 3rd options offered - whoever wants to leave, leaves,
whoever wants to fight, dies. These relinquish all property claims.

The call to peace is even to 'Amalek, there are only 2 nations we're not to call to peace.
But the third option for 'Amalek is total annihilation, with no property allowed to anyone.

In our case, PM Netanyahu, according to the map of the war, separates Gaza and Hamas,
by leaving Gazans two options, as if they were initially prevented to respond to the first two,
and already dividing half of the territory, declaring it off limit. With only the 3rd option to Hamas.

Maybe you might want take your blinders off and ask yourself why they're giving speeches like this:

Man, I don't want to talk about this stuff, because soon we will step on a conspiracy theory track that I have no interest in.

I can agree though that there is an 'elite' that have connections with global banking system, military complex, mass media and so on.
It's impossible to make deals with a group who believes in doctrine that lying to your business and political partners is acceptable if they are infidels.
Lying to business and political partners is quite common worldwide. It doesn't restrict to certain religions and beliefs.
Man, I don't want to talk about this stuff, because soon we will step on a conspiracy theory track that I have no interest in.

I can agree though that there is an 'elite' that have connections with global banking system, military complex, mass media and so on.
I know thinking about this make you uncomfortable.....but this is a threat that needs to be taken seriously.....and dealt with.
This isn't just a move to socialism.....because it's happening everywhere in Western Democracies.

The Great Reset is what they call it.
Hanan Ben Ari: "Returning to Gush Katif, establishing Nova beach"

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A Torah scroll that was taken out of the synagogue in Netzarim during the disengagement in 2005, was put this week in the place where the synagogue was in the ruins of Netzarim, by the 9215 battalion

This Torah scroll, which was taken out of Netzarim in 2005, was brought back this week by the 9215th battalion of the armor to the place where the destroyed synagogue was in the ruins of the village of Netzarim The synagogue was burned by the terrorists as soon as the Jews left Gush Katif.

At the introduction of the book, Rabbi Matan Shanunes said, "Every Jew is a Torah scroll. Just as we returned this scroll to its place, so we will return the 241 scroll of Torah, the men and women who were kidnapped, to their place."

This scroll, written about a hundred years ago, survived the Holocaust and the siege of Leningrad. It was sold due to the famine of the community that owned it and was later bought by Rabbi Barkan. Years later, the book was hidden by his granddaughter in communist Russia.

Finally, the scroll was brought to Israel and was put into the synagogue in Netzarim community, from where it was taken out in a sad procession with other books in disassociation. This week, as mentioned, the scroll was returned and in a special ceremony when it is held by the battalion commander and the military Rabbi, the crowd of soldiers blessed the people of Israel, the fighters and their wounded comrades.

'Nova' seems the popular choice for a new name....

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The name 'Novah' is a popular suggestion.

I personally, like the name 'Oz,
which, a word for courage
and valor in Hebrew

New Nir 'Oz | Israeli flags over southern municipality

RETURNING HOME - The right-wing organizations say that in the event of a ceasefire, they will march to the north of the Gaza Strip

Daniela Weiss on the only possible scenario to end the war

Hannucah Conference Summary | Nahalah

Families sign to return the Jewish community in Gaza,
and establish hundreds of new ones in the south.

Military presence can't end the war, only Jewish presence.

The enemy corrupts, conquest brings peace.

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Israelis Plan to Resettle Gaza

Israelis who have been planning since October 7, 2023 for the eventual resettlement of Gush Katif, or at least parts of Gaza that were formerly home to thousands of Israelis, are set to meet at 7 pm on Sunday at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem.

The event was organized by Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan and the chairperson of the Nachala movement, Daniella Weiss.


“We need to take this area back and establish a settlement in Gaza,” Dagan said in a statement. “We need to start in the north of the Gaza Strip. The area where Elei Sinai, Nitzanit, and Dugit used to be located … It’s close to Sderot, and that’s where the first settlements will be built.”

Nevertheless, Dagan acknowledged, “Without the government, it won’t work. We’re not challenging Netanyahu, although our position is unequivocal.”

Sderot is located less than a mile from Israel’s border with Gaza, and was among the 22 Jewish communities attacked by Hamas-led terrorists on October 7.

Israeli leaders who include Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant have repeatedly denied plans to allow Israelis to resettle Gaza, largely in response to ongoing warnings from the Biden Administration and other international leaders that such a move would be met with grave consequences.

Netanyahu has said at nearly every press briefing that Israel will not remain in Gaza as a governing entity once the three goals of the current Swords of Iron War are met: destroying the governing and military abilities of Hamas, return of all of Israel’s hostages still in captivity, and ensuring the enclave can never again become a threat to the Jewish State by Israel retaining overall security control.

“I hold here Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf’ in Arabic. Our fighters found this book in civilians’ homes in the Gaza Strip. They found extensive antisemitic and Nazi literature there. This is what they educate their children on,” Netanyahu told journalists at a briefing on Saturday night.

Therefore, I insist that after we eliminate Hamas, what is called ‘the day after’, in Gaza there will be no element that educates its children, not only for terrorism but also for the destruction of Israel, for the destruction of the entire Jewish people.”

Multiple Israeli lawmakers — including several ministers in the Netanyahu government — are expected to address participants at the convention, which is sponsored by dozens of NGOs, including the Samaria Regional Council, Komemiyut, Kehilat Ha’Ir Aza, Ribonut, Torat Lechima, Bochrim Le’Chaim, Maoz and Nachala.

Among the speakers will be Likud Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar, and Likud Tourism Minister Haim Katz. Seven other members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party are expected to speak as well, along with ministers and lawmakers from National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit party and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s Religious Zionism party.

Since the Oct. 7 invasion of Israel and massacre of more than 1,200 people by thousands of terrorists, activists have been working hard on developing plans for new settlements to replace those that were destroyed, and their residents expelled, during Israel’s 2005 Disengagement from Gaza.

The new communities the activists hope to build have already been named, and garinim (core groups) formed by those who intend to become the first residents. Discussions have been taking place for months over the legal aspects of resettling the enclave, which was not annexed to Israel following the 1967 Six Day War during which the region was captured from Egypt, which occupied Gaza during the 1948 War of Independence.

Thus far, at least seven core groups have been formed, including one intending to settle in Gaza City itself. But the new towns will not carry the names of those that were destroyed, whose residents were expelled by the government of then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Instead, the new communities will be named for Israeli soldiers killed in action in the enclave.

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