Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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Let’s advocate for feeding fat kids vegetables, while our leader smokes Kools in the White House. Priceless.

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Is that like advocating against cyber bullies while your husband is an cyber bully?

First lady Melania Trump speaks out against cyberbullying

Actually , you have it half ass backwards, RW.

President Trump is a counter puncher who responds to those who bully him. He never attacks, until he is attacked first.

Trump didn't parade the Clinton Sex Assault victims before the general public UNTIL Mrs. Clinton attacked him with the bogus "Access Hollywood" tape, which she mischaracterized. Trump was just having some bawdy talk to entertain the Bush scion as part of his routine, and Mrs. C made it seem as if he was advocating for sexual assault.
Lt Colonel Vindman - who was tasked in transcribing & was instructed not to appear b4 congress - brought up under oath that the 'transcript' donny tried to peddle was inaccurate. hmmmmm...... funny dat.

Yeah, Vindmean, who is a renown Trump hater. So believe him instead of the transcript? Not to testify? It's likely he was the leaker.
Who cares who the leaker was?
They provided a very valuable service to the nation

Many people care who the leaker was, because it's likely he had an agenda working for the deep state. And thanks to this "valuable service" no other leader of a country will ever discuss important information with a US President over the phone again.

Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

Plotting to overthrow the duly elected president is not psrt of their job description

Which is what the unelected Deep State was engaged in


Let’s advocate for feeding fat kids vegetables, while our leader smokes Kools in the White House. Priceless.

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Is that like advocating against cyber bullies while your husband is an cyber bully?

First lady Melania Trump speaks out against cyberbullying

Actually , you have it half ass backwards, RW.

President Trump is a counter puncher who responds to those who bully him. He never attacks, until he is attacked first.

Trump didn't parade the Clinton Sex Assault victims before the general public UNTIL Mrs. Clinton attacked him with the bogus "Access Hollywood" tape, which she mischaracterized. Trump was just having some bawdy talk to entertain the Bush scion as part of his routine, and Mrs. C made it seem as if he was advocating for sexual assault.

Trump always attacks those who disagree with him
Even the disabled

Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Mrs obama was a political activist

Melania is not
So this jacket was just a fashion faux pass?

View attachment 293954
Who cares? Better question, why do you? I really think your irrational hatred is not helping you at all.
It's not about me kiddo, it's about this lame double standard accusation in the OP.

Try to keep up here, ok?
Again, who cares about her jacket?

i know, right? it's not like she went sleeveless, or wore a tan suit, or :ack-1: didn't wear a flag pin made in china!
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.

lol.... her kid should be off limits - however, to subject him to a vile creature with no human emotion is putting her kid at risk. i've yet to see any warm father / son interaction between them.

Let’s advocate for feeding fat kids vegetables, while our leader smokes Kools in the White House. Priceless.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is that like advocating against cyber bullies while your husband is an cyber bully?

First lady Melania Trump speaks out against cyberbullying

Actually , you have it half ass backwards, RW.

President Trump is a counter puncher who responds to those who bully him. He never attacks, until he is attacked first.

Trump didn't parade the Clinton Sex Assault victims before the general public UNTIL Mrs. Clinton attacked him with the bogus "Access Hollywood" tape, which she mischaracterized. Trump was just having some bawdy talk to entertain the Bush scion as part of his routine, and Mrs. C made it seem as if he was advocating for sexual assault.

Trump always attacks those who disagree with him
Even the disabled


Its not if they "disagree" with President Trump, but if they attack him.

The apparent fact that Mr. Kovalesky has some kind of disability didn't stop him from attacking Trump first, so there was no problem with Trump attacking him in return.
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.

lol.... her kid should be off limits - however, to subject him to a vile creature with no human emotion is putting her kid at risk. i've yet to see any warm father / son interaction between them.


Actually you aren't paying attention to our nation's First Family.

President Trump has admitted that his children are all Tremendous, the kids are all pleased that they have an almost unbelievably fantastic father.
point is showing the complete hypocrisy & downright absurdity of the OP. you not getting that doesn't surprise me.

Why you telling me? Why not the Op? You seem to be as dim as I thought. I’m against trashing any First Lady. So your dumb ass point, only proves you to be a dumb ass. Carry on skippy.

You are one dumb person

i did. & i also told you. one post. you didn't hafta reply. but you did, & so here we are. seems like all you had to do was ignore it. yet like i said, here we are.


I never said different, did I? You are the one that responded to me, otherwise I’d never read your posts. Now, you don’t need to respond to me however I know you will.

of course i'll respond. i am not afraid to respond to anybody. btw - you started with the name calling. something donny tends to do & his 3rd trophy wife says it's a problem on the interwebs, yet hasn't really done anything about it. she shoulda taken up the cause of silicone vs saline.

Never said different, did I? All you did was run off on another tangent. Interesting ploy.

you call that a tangent? lol......... interesting ploy.
Let’s advocate for feeding fat kids vegetables, while our leader smokes Kools in the White House. Priceless.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is that like advocating against cyber bullies while your husband is an cyber bully?

First lady Melania Trump speaks out against cyberbullying

Actually , you have it half ass backwards, RW.

President Trump is a counter puncher who responds to those who bully him. He never attacks, until he is attacked first.

Trump didn't parade the Clinton Sex Assault victims before the general public UNTIL Mrs. Clinton attacked him with the bogus "Access Hollywood" tape, which she mischaracterized. Trump was just having some bawdy talk to entertain the Bush scion as part of his routine, and Mrs. C made it seem as if he was advocating for sexual assault.

Trump always attacks those who disagree with him
Even the disabled


Its not if they "disagree" with President Trump, but if they attack him.

The apparent fact that Mr. Kovalesky has some kind of disability didn't stop him from attacking Trump first, so there was no problem with Trump attacking him in return.
How did Kovalesky “attack” Trump?
All he did was say he never said there were thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11
If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model
YOU would say she can't even speak American and was a transexual lesbian porn model married to a fagot.
So you're against people who can't speak American? Oh, I thought you favored illegals who can't speak American crossing the border. Silly partisan!

speak 'american'?


Perhaps you are unfamiliar with people from foreign countries. But English speakers from places like the UK, Australia and India speak in an almost unintelligible accent.
Let’s advocate for feeding fat kids vegetables, while our leader smokes Kools in the White House. Priceless.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is that like advocating against cyber bullies while your husband is an cyber bully?

First lady Melania Trump speaks out against cyberbullying

Actually , you have it half ass backwards, RW.

President Trump is a counter puncher who responds to those who bully him. He never attacks, until he is attacked first.

Trump didn't parade the Clinton Sex Assault victims before the general public UNTIL Mrs. Clinton attacked him with the bogus "Access Hollywood" tape, which she mischaracterized. Trump was just having some bawdy talk to entertain the Bush scion as part of his routine, and Mrs. C made it seem as if he was advocating for sexual assault.

Trump always attacks those who disagree with him
Even the disabled


Its not if they "disagree" with President Trump, but if they attack him.

The apparent fact that Mr. Kovalesky has some kind of disability didn't stop him from attacking Trump first, so there was no problem with Trump attacking him in return.
How did Kovalesky “attack” Trump?
All he did was say he never said there were thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11

But that was his report back on 9/11/01, and he denied writing it. Kovalesky tried to walk it back, but only got very flustered as Mr. Trump demonstrated in an animated way.
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.

lol.... her kid should be off limits - however, to subject him to a vile creature with no human emotion is putting her kid at risk. i've yet to see any warm father / son interaction between them.


Actually you aren't paying attention to our nation's First Family.

President Trump has admitted that his children are all Tremendous, the kids are all pleased that they have an almost unbelievably fantastic father.

words aren't actions. the only warmth donny shows is towards ivanka & that's creepy as hell. &all they love is his tremendous cash.
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If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model
YOU would say she can't even speak American and was a transexual lesbian porn model married to a fagot.
So you're against people who can't speak American? Oh, I thought you favored illegals who can't speak American crossing the border. Silly partisan!

speak 'american'?


Perhaps you are unfamiliar with people from foreign countries. But English speakers from places like the UK, Australia and India speak in an almost unintelligible accent.

actually i have many family members that weren't born here. they are from argentina, australia, italy................. they don't speak 'american' but all speak english.
Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

Plotting to overthrow the duly elected president is not psrt of their job description

Which is what the unelected Deep State was engaged in
How is reporting unethical behavior plotting to overthrow a President

Your job description is to defend the Constitution. Every employee takes that oath. They are also briefed yearly on whistle blower responsibilities and protections

So where in the Constitution does it say for rats to report the President on anything? Unethical? Show me a law against unethical and how it's defined. How is that defending the Constitution when the word ethical is not even in the document.

Impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump is guilty of. Furthermore the leaker is part of the deep state given the weak case he made for reporting this call. Trump did nothing wrong. He didn't demand a quid pro quo. He has every right to ask another leader to "look into" possible corruption by the past administration, even if one of them is currently running for the nomination of his party.
The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.

his long time lawyer 'splained it perfectly. donny doesn't explicitly say what he wants - but when he does want something, he'll make it clear to you.
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.

lol.... her kid should be off limits - however, to subject him to a vile creature with no human emotion is putting her kid at risk. i've yet to see any warm father / son interaction between them.


Actually you aren't paying attention to our nation's First Family.

President Trump has admitted that his children are all Tremendous, the kids are all pleased that they have an almost unbelievably fantastic father.

words aren't actions. the only warmth donny shows is towards ivanka & that's creepy as hell. & they love his tremendous cash.

President Trump's words in question were directed toward Howard Stern as part of a routine that he delivered to the Tremendous Shock Jock back in the day.

Those words are no more serious than the great Rodney Dangerfield's discussions about his daughter being elected "Most likely to conceive" in Public School or the attitude of his personal physician, Vincent Boombatz.

It was part of a comedy routine.
People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

Plotting to overthrow the duly elected president is not psrt of their job description

Which is what the unelected Deep State was engaged in
How is reporting unethical behavior plotting to overthrow a President

Your job description is to defend the Constitution. Every employee takes that oath. They are also briefed yearly on whistle blower responsibilities and protections

So where in the Constitution does it say for rats to report the President on anything? Unethical? Show me a law against unethical and how it's defined. How is that defending the Constitution when the word ethical is not even in the document.

Impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump is guilty of. Furthermore the leaker is part of the deep state given the weak case he made for reporting this call. Trump did nothing wrong. He didn't demand a quid pro quo. He has every right to ask another leader to "look into" possible corruption by the past administration, even if one of them is currently running for the nomination of his party.
The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.

his long time lawyer 'splained it perfectly. donny doesn't explicitly say what he wants - but when he does want something, he'll make it clear to you.

Michael Cohen is a convicted LIAR, sent to prison as a rat, who would say anything to spare his worthless ass.
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.

lol.... her kid should be off limits - however, to subject him to a vile creature with no human emotion is putting her kid at risk. i've yet to see any warm father / son interaction between them.


Actually you aren't paying attention to our nation's First Family.

President Trump has admitted that his children are all Tremendous, the kids are all pleased that they have an almost unbelievably fantastic father.
Yeah, he actually wants to sleep with one of them.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.

lol.... her kid should be off limits - however, to subject him to a vile creature with no human emotion is putting her kid at risk. i've yet to see any warm father / son interaction between them.


Actually you aren't paying attention to our nation's First Family.

President Trump has admitted that his children are all Tremendous, the kids are all pleased that they have an almost unbelievably fantastic father.

words aren't actions. the only warmth donny shows is towards ivanka & that's creepy as hell. & they love his tremendous cash.

President Trump's words in question were directed toward Howard Stern as part of a routine that he delivered to the Tremendous Shock Jock back in the day.

Those words are no more serious than the great Rodney Dangerfield's discussions about his daughter being elected "Most likely to conceive" in Public School or the attitude of his personal physician, Vincent Boombatz.

It was part of a comedy routine.
Lol, a "comedy routine"?

That's the stupidest excuse I've heard for that yet.
Is that like advocating against cyber bullies while your husband is an cyber bully?

First lady Melania Trump speaks out against cyberbullying

Actually , you have it half ass backwards, RW.

President Trump is a counter puncher who responds to those who bully him. He never attacks, until he is attacked first.

Trump didn't parade the Clinton Sex Assault victims before the general public UNTIL Mrs. Clinton attacked him with the bogus "Access Hollywood" tape, which she mischaracterized. Trump was just having some bawdy talk to entertain the Bush scion as part of his routine, and Mrs. C made it seem as if he was advocating for sexual assault.

Trump always attacks those who disagree with him
Even the disabled


Its not if they "disagree" with President Trump, but if they attack him.

The apparent fact that Mr. Kovalesky has some kind of disability didn't stop him from attacking Trump first, so there was no problem with Trump attacking him in return.
How did Kovalesky “attack” Trump?
All he did was say he never said there were thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11

But that was his report back on 9/11/01, and he denied writing it. Kovalesky tried to walk it back, but only got very flustered as Mr. Trump demonstrated in an animated way.

Kovalesky NEVER said anything like that. When he refused to support Trumps lie, Conservatives attacked him and Trump mocked his disability

Have you seen this guy?
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