Industrialization in Russia under international capital management after Putin?


VIP Member
Oct 26, 2014
As far as is known, the market reforms of 1991-2000 under President Yeltsin and competition with imported goods virtually destroyed the civilian manufacturing industry in Russia. Unlike China, Western financial capital did not seek to invest in production in Russia. Thousands of workers and engineers in Russia were out of work and in poverty. In the mid-2000s, Russia's investment attractiveness increased, but Western investors again did not develop the industry in the country. Putin, as a result of Western sanctions against Russia, declared an "import substitution" policy. But due to the continuing technological backwardness, the weak economy of the country and the increase in military spending, this policy does not bear fruit.
Suppose that a person who radically changes relations between Russia and the West - from hostile to friendly (for example, the oppositionist Alexei Navalny) - will replace President Putin to power. He will ask the West for investment in the development of Russian industry and the creation of jobs in the country for workers and engineers. Will the Western (European and American) capital go for it? If President Trump will have followers in the White House, will they not restrict the location of production facilities in Russia?
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