Indiana Jones? The last action hero? Has the left finished off one of the last real action heroes of the modern age?

Indiana Jones and the Gratuitous Cash Grab...

Indiana Jones and the Search for Social Security

We see Indy in the old folks home, with a red line tracking his course in a walker from the Day Room to the Cafeteria for Tapioca Night. Very low energy version of the Indian Jones March....

Honestly, I wish I were as active as Ford is at his age.
Dick Tiny, what does any of this have to do with Indiana Jones?

Kathleen Kennedy isn't the problem.

Star Wars Fans are.

Nothing really makes those people happy.

They haven't been happy with Star Wars since the Empire Strikes back, really.

They didn't like Return of the Jedi.
They didn't like the Prequels
They didn't like the Sequels
They didn't like the two stand alone movies.

The real problem is, of course, is that after Jedi, that should have closed out the story. It really isn't Kennedy's fault, it's just that there was nowhere to take the story.

You brought up david duke you you refuse to answer for obamas racism
You brought up david duke you you refuse to answer for obamas racism

Naw, I just pointing out that Nazism and Fascism have always been on the Right side of the political spectrum.

I mean, I know Obama lives in your dreams because he became something and you didn't. Not to mention he hurt your feelings pointing out your fetish. "Bitter Clingers".
I heard that on the trailer the new female star, whose name I can't even remember, and no one else every will either, is bashing capitalism.

Well guess what, she made the movie hoping capitalism would make her rich.

I sincerely hope America listens to her on how evil capitalism, is, and boycott the movie like they have Bud Light, which appears to be happening..

Leftism destroys everything it touches.
I heard that on the trailer the new female star, whose name I can't even remember, and no one else every will either, is bashing capitalism.

Well guess what, she made the movie hoping capitalism would make her rich.

I sincerely hope America listens to her on how evil capitalism, is, and boycott the movie like they have Bud Light, which appears to be happening..

Leftism destroys everything it touches.
Except she isn't bashing capitalism. Her character motivation is greed, wanting to sell the Magic McGuffin the movie is built around.
I wanted to post this in it's own thread, but we can't post new threads for the moment.

42 years after Raiders of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones is back. And yes, the actor is 42 years older (while the character is a mere 33 years older) he still rocks that fedora!

The movie starts with Indy (With Harrison Ford de-aged through the miracle of CGI and the Dark Arts) trying to rescue artifacts from the Nazis during the Liberation of France in 1944. It’s an exciting action sequence (the only complaint being the lighting is dark, perhaps to hide the limits of CGI) where Indy gets an ancient Greek artifact made by Archimedes.

Flash forward 25 years, we find Indy in a bad place. His son (introduced in Crystal Skull, but not invited back because his actor has declined as a box office draw) was killed in Vietnam and Marion (his love interest since the first movie) is filing for divorce. His university is forcing his retirement. He spends his days in his apartment, being old and grumpy.

His Goddaughter, played by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, is on the hunt for the artifact. But also on the hunt is a Nazi scientist who is convinced the artifact can allow him to travel in time and keep Germany from losing the war by killing Hitler.

We get a globe-spanning adventure from Morocco to Greece to Sicily, with Indy matching wits with his Nazi adversaries, until the movie’s exciting climax. We get some nice callbacks to Raiders with appearances by Salah (John Rhys-Davies) and Marion (Karen Allen).

Your enjoyment of this movie will entirely depend on your suspension of disbelief. Do you accept a septuagenarian Indiana Jones still engaging in exciting chase scenes and punching out Nazis? If you do, you’ll have a good time.

The other factor is Waller-Bridge, who is pretty good at playing a character who starts out as a mercenary, but eventually embraces Indy and his values. The same people who insanely hated Rey and Rose Tico in the Star Wars sequels are already hating her, sight unseen. But she never upstages Ford and is a solid supporting character. If you think a female character is only in an Indiana Jones movie to be rescued, you are probably not going to like her. She’s no Willie Scott. Frankly, this is a good thing.

The final aspect is Dr. Voller, played by Mads Mikkelsen. Well, he’s your typical Nazi bad guy, really no different than the ones in Raiders or The Last Crusade. He’s okay. Nothing spectacular.

This is very much a by the numbers Indiana Jones adventure, and if you love Indy, you’ll like this movie.
Naw, I just pointing out that Nazism and Fascism have always been on the Right side of the political spectrum.

I mean, I know Obama lives in your dreams because he became something and you didn't. Not to mention he hurt your feelings pointing out your fetish. "Bitter Clingers".

No...they haven' guys have lied about them because you can't have the worst mass murdering governments since 1917 being left you lie about the national socialists.....
No...they haven' guys have lied about them because you can't have the worst mass murdering governments since 1917 being left you lie about the national socialists.....

Most political scientists and academics put the Nazis on the right end of the political spectrum, in direct opposition to the communists.

the problem with the far right and the far left is that eventually, they become so enamored with their own ideology that they go too far.
Most political scientists and academics put the Nazis on the right end of the political spectrum, in direct opposition to the communists.

the problem with the far right and the far left is that eventually, they become so enamored with their own ideology that they go too far.

Yes....left wingers put the national socialists on the Right because they were the one group who were called out for their mass murder...while the even worse mass murderers, the international socialists were able to hide most of their atrocities, to the point morons still wear che, and mao t-shirts......and think communism works.....

Read A Pile Of Top Nazis Talking About How They Love Leftist Marxism

The Nazis were leftists. This statement is blasphemy to the academic-media complex, since everyone knows the Nazis were degenerate right-wingers fueled by toxic capitalism and racism. But evidence Adolf Hitler’s gang were men of the left, while debatable, is compelling.
The dispute on Nazi origins resurfaced through the confluence of brawling alt-right and antifa fringe movements and recent alternative histories by Dinesh D’Souza and others. The vitriol and lack of candor it produces from supposedly fact-driven academics and media is disturbing, if unsurprising. They stifle dissent on touchy subjects to maintain their narrative and enforce cultural hegemony.

However uncomfortable to opinion shapers, alternative views of the Third Reich exist and were written by the finest minds of their time. Opinions from the period perhaps carry more weight because they are unburdened by the aftermath of the uniquely heinous Nazi crimes.

Also, Adolf Hitler Loved Karl Marx
It wasn’t only theoretical. Hitler repeatedly praised Marx privately, stating he had “learned a great deal from Marxism.” The trouble with the Weimar Republic, he said, was that its politicians “had never even read Marx.” He also stated his differences with communists were that they were intellectual types passing out pamphlets, whereas “I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun.”

It wasn’t just privately that Hitler’s fealty for Marx surfaced. In “Mein Kampf,” he states that without his racial insights National Socialism “would really do nothing more than compete with Marxism on its own ground.”

Nor did Hitler eschew this sentiment once reaching power. As late as 1941, with the war in bloom, he stated “basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same” in a speech published by the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Nazi propaganda minister and resident intellectual Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary that the Nazis would install “real socialism” after Russia’s defeat in the East.

And Hitler favorite Albert Speer, the Nazi armaments minister whose memoir became an international bestseller, wrote that Hitler viewed Joseph Stalin as a kindred spirit, ensuring his prisoner of war son received good treatment, and even talked of keeping Stalin in power in a puppet government after Germany’s eventual triumph. His views on Great Britain’s Winston Churchill and the United States’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt were decidedly less kind.

Nazi and Communist Hatred of Each Other Was Brotherly
Despite this, there’s a persistent claim that Nazis and communists hated each other, and mention that the Nazis persecuted socialists and oppressed trade unions. These things are true, but prove little. The camps’ hatred stemmed from familiarity. It was internecine, the nastiest kind.

The Nazis and communists were not only in a struggle for street-war supremacy, but also recruits. These recruits were easily turned, because both sides were fighting for the same men. Hayek recalls
Is this thread about the Indiana Jones movie?

Can you talk intelligently about that? It might actually require you to go out and see it for yourself.

Just responding to what you started it......
I posted a meme,,,,which is pretty funny.

Hey,man, own these guys... They are your party now.

Never were part of my party....they do share common ideas with the democrats though....
It sounds OK. I may go for $5 matinee or just wait to get the Blu-ray from the library when it comes out.

Is it true the new Indiana Jones will be a woman now?

I wanted to post this in it's own thread, but we can't post new threads for the moment.

42 years after Raiders of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones is back. And yes, the actor is 42 years older (while the character is a mere 33 years older) he still rocks that fedora!

The movie starts with Indy (With Harrison Ford de-aged through the miracle of CGI and the Dark Arts) trying to rescue artifacts from the Nazis during the Liberation of France in 1944. It’s an exciting action sequence (the only complaint being the lighting is dark, perhaps to hide the limits of CGI) where Indy gets an ancient Greek artifact made by Archimedes.

Flash forward 25 years, we find Indy in a bad place. His son (introduced in Crystal Skull, but not invited back because his actor has declined as a box office draw) was killed in Vietnam and Marion (his love interest since the first movie) is filing for divorce. His university is forcing his retirement. He spends his days in his apartment, being old and grumpy.

His Goddaughter, played by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, is on the hunt for the artifact. But also on the hunt is a Nazi scientist who is convinced the artifact can allow him to travel in time and keep Germany from losing the war by killing Hitler.

We get a globe-spanning adventure from Morocco to Greece to Sicily, with Indy matching wits with his Nazi adversaries, until the movie’s exciting climax. We get some nice callbacks to Raiders with appearances by Salah (John Rhys-Davies) and Marion (Karen Allen).

Your enjoyment of this movie will entirely depend on your suspension of disbelief. Do you accept a septuagenarian Indiana Jones still engaging in exciting chase scenes and punching out Nazis? If you do, you’ll have a good time.

The other factor is Waller-Bridge, who is pretty good at playing a character who starts out as a mercenary, but eventually embraces Indy and his values. The same people who insanely hated Rey and Rose Tico in the Star Wars sequels are already hating her, sight unseen. But she never upstages Ford and is a solid supporting character. If you think a female character is only in an Indiana Jones movie to be rescued, you are probably not going to like her. She’s no Willie Scott. Frankly, this is a good thing.

The final aspect is Dr. Voller, played by Mads Mikkelsen. Well, he’s your typical Nazi bad guy, really no different than the ones in Raiders or The Last Crusade. He’s okay. Nothing spectacular.

This is very much a by the numbers Indiana Jones adventure, and if you love Indy, you’ll like this movie.

Dang, Joe. You just gave the movie away. After your recap of the movies the other night, I started at the first one last night and was gonna watch em all again before the latest stream came out. Now you gave it all away. I tkink anyweay. I stopped reading when it looked like you were gonna throw out spoilers.

I think somebody got permabanned once for giving away the end of a Star Wars movie on here a long time ago. Or maybe it was Star Trek. I forget. lolol....
Then you shouldn't go by reviews.

I just saw it and I was entertained enough. And (Despite my avi) I'm not a fanatical fan where I think the Franchise can do no wrong. The one with the Flying Saucer was awful.

Of course, the same people who hated the Star Wars Sequels because they put a girl in as the hero, are going to hate this one that the main supporting character is a woman.

But unlike The Force Awakens, Dial of Destiny never has her upstage our hero. They never insult the fans.

This movie rises or falls on whether or not you are willing to accept a seventy-something Indiana Jones still doing Indy Stuff. If you are willing to go that level of suspension of disbelief, the movie works fine. Harrison Ford is at his best. (Again, unlike the Force Awakens when he was phoning it in and demanded Han Solo be killed off.)

In short, this has all the things that you would expect to see in an Indiana Jones movie. Quest to hunt down an ancient artifact? Check. Scene with creepy crawly animals. Check. Punchable Nazis? Check. Good reproduction of the time period it's set in. (Mostly 1969) Check.

The movie is fun, if you enjoy this Franchise, it's what you expect from the brand.

Like Star Wars, I prefer to remember great films at their peak, not geriatric old coots milked back on screen just to tease a few dollars more from fans, so I cut off Indiana at his Crystal Skulls just as I cut off Star Wars with Lucas' original six.

Far better to just see greatness again in 4K UHD than Indiana and Hans Solo in a wheelchair.

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