Indian tourists among biggest spenders in UK


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Brits should roll the red carpet for Indian visitors.


LONDON: Indians are among the biggest spenders while holidaying in London, tourism data released by the city Mayor's office has shown. As many as 213,000 Indians visiting London over nine months from January to September 2014 spent £172 million.

India is ranked 17th in terms of countries for the number of visitors to London during the first three quarters of 2014, seventh for number of nights spent in the capital and 16th for the amount of money spend.

London welcomed 17.4 million international visitors in another record-breaking year for tourism in 2014, up 3.5% from the previous record of 16.8 million visits in 2013.

The surge in visitors since the 2012 Olympic Games has been welcomed by businesses as international visitors are spending more in the city's restaurants, hotels and attractions than ever before. In 2014, visitors boosted London's economy by £11.8 billion compared to £11.5 billion in 2013, an increase of 3%.

In the 12 months to September 2012, London welcomed 235,000 visitors from India. But in the same period to September 2013, the number of Indian increased to 245,000, a 4.4% increase.

But it was the amount of money Indians spent that set them apart. In the 12 months to Sept 2012, Indian visitors spent £159 million in London alone. But this saw a 40% rise to £220 million in one year to Sept 2013.

London Mayor Boris Johnson said, "These terrific new figures confirm that record numbers of tourists are spending record amounts of dosh in our amazing city. Our status as the number one destination in the world is surely beyond any doubt, and with incredible attractions like the Rugby World Cup heading our way we look forward to welcoming many thousands more visitors to London."

Desis among biggest spenders on UK vacations - The Times of India
... and Brits show their gratitude by stealing fish from Indian fishermen.


KOCHI: British navy seized two Indian fishing vessels, both operating from harbours near Kochi, and arrested its crew on May 11 for illegally entering and fishing in the waters near Diego Garcia, the heavily guarded naval base, run jointly by the British and American forces. Owner of the boats came to know of this only on Saturday afternoon, when one of the captains rang him from Diego Garcia.

Diego Garcia and the nearby islands are part of British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), controlled by the UK. Since December 2014, British navy had detained 10 Indian fishing vessels, owned by fishermen from Thoothoor in Tamil Nadu.


UK navy seize Indian fishing boats off Diego Garcia - The Times of India
Brits should roll the red carpet for Indian visitors.


LONDON: Indians are among the biggest spenders while holidaying in London, tourism data released by the city Mayor's office has shown. As many as 213,000 Indians visiting London over nine months from January to September 2014 spent £172 million.

India is ranked 17th in terms of countries for the number of visitors to London during the first three quarters of 2014, seventh for number of nights spent in the capital and 16th for the amount of money spend.

London welcomed 17.4 million international visitors in another record-breaking year for tourism in 2014, up 3.5% from the previous record of 16.8 million visits in 2013.

The surge in visitors since the 2012 Olympic Games has been welcomed by businesses as international visitors are spending more in the city's restaurants, hotels and attractions than ever before. In 2014, visitors boosted London's economy by £11.8 billion compared to £11.5 billion in 2013, an increase of 3%.

In the 12 months to September 2012, London welcomed 235,000 visitors from India. But in the same period to September 2013, the number of Indian increased to 245,000, a 4.4% increase.

But it was the amount of money Indians spent that set them apart. In the 12 months to Sept 2012, Indian visitors spent £159 million in London alone. But this saw a 40% rise to £220 million in one year to Sept 2013.

London Mayor Boris Johnson said, "These terrific new figures confirm that record numbers of tourists are spending record amounts of dosh in our amazing city. Our status as the number one destination in the world is surely beyond any doubt, and with incredible attractions like the Rugby World Cup heading our way we look forward to welcoming many thousands more visitors to London."

Desis among biggest spenders on UK vacations - The Times of India

sorry VIK-----I got an "insight" ------now take a deep breath. I have ancestral background in England----
my paternal grandmother was born there as were a few of my aunts-----then my grandmother and grandfather migrated to the USA and my dad was born. I even have some relatives on my maternal side in MERRY OLD-------I have never been there. Hubby was born in a shariah shit hole but spend a few years as a student in MERRY OLD------thus I sorta know stuff. For my college idiot sociology (easy "A") "STUDIES IN MINORITIES" I did my "term paper" on "paki bashing" -----which----in reality was "anyone from south east asia bashing". ------<<<< thus some of my credentials on the subject-----well----even more-----Hubby was a student in London------being from a shariah shit hole he had this experience>>>>>in describing him at school-----a professor described him as "brown but decent" Now for the conclusion
BRITS IS WEIRD -------really really weird-----and they insult everyone very easily ------ there is NO HOPE that they will ever turn into normal people. Their entire concept of WIT------is CYNICAL STUPIDITY

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