India is not ready to play with Propaganda.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One key element in the Propaganda effort is first it must be based in some truth if it is to be successful. It doesn’t need to be the whole truth. But it must be based in at least some truth.

I’ve heard and read a couple of articles about the ongoing kerfluffle between India and Canada. I readily admit I am ignorant about a lot. From what I understand a Sikh religion guy from India was murdered in Canada. Canada alleges that this was an assassination by the Indian Government. Canada responded by kicking some Indian Diplomats out of Canada. India responded by similarly giving the boot to some Canadians.

As I said I’d read a few articles. I found the entire incident difficult to believe. First if India was so inept at the killing that they left clues after France got caught with the whole Rainbow Warrior debacle was hard to believe. Second. That Canada had penetrated Indian official communications that well was hard to believe.

But this? This passed the usual ineptitude to flatly dumb.

Ok. You have had a moment to read it. So what jumped out at you as being problematic?

Yeah. This is what bothered me too.

Recently leaked Indian intelligence reports claim Nijjar funded terrorism in India and organized arms training camps in Canada.

Armed training. In Canada. Weapons training camps. In Canada. With some extremely restrictive laws regarding weapons.

Ok. So to summarize, Supposedly Canada, the nation that requires a permit to temporarily own a pistol allowed armed training camps to be set up by Sikh Separatists.

Now I don’t know shit about what is happening in India. I believe that this fellow Hardeep Singh Nijjar could have been raising money to help cause disturbances in India. I could believe he was helping raise money for weapons for the separatists. At that point I’d support India while advising them to negotiate to find a peaceful solution. I’d even believe that Hardeep could have been working with sources in Pakistan to get weapons smuggled across the border to his fellow Separatists in India.

But the idea that there were training camps. In Canada. Where arms were taught and training happened. I’m going to frown here and scowl in a disbelieving manner.

Such a facility could be set up in America in a few weeks. And the laws would protect the people setting it up. We have Sikh faithful here. I’ve seen a temple locally here in Georgia. But Canada? Pakistan could set one up in an effort to undermine the Modi Government in India. I’d believe all of that as possible.

But Canada? Really? There aren’t many places less friendly towards gun ownership.

This is why you shouldn’t dabble in Propaganda if you are an amateur. Because one obvious lie in it will destroy any chance you had of creating the sympathetic view in a majority of the people.
The government of Canada has zero credibility.

They call peaceful protesters terrorists and seize their bank accounts, throw pastors in jail for praying, and they stood there and applauded an actual Nazi from WWII.
This is why you shouldn’t dabble in Propaganda if you are an amateur.
Unless you are sheep dipped and you haven't got a clue that you are.

Or unless you are a propagandist.

Most folks that have heard that leaked Torie Nuland call, have a hard time taking you seriously, if you are going around calling others, "amateurs."

If that common wealth nation up north will train Chinese troops into NATO methods of combat? And if the US will arm, supply and allow the creation of both Al-Qaeda and ISIS? I don't put it past the Canadian government to intentionally allow Khalistan Seperatists to be armed, trained, and be supplied, while they turn their heads the other way to such an operation going on.

I have heard of far more odious things coming out of the doings from neighbors up north.

Having such a well armed and trained group, would certainly come in handy for the Five Eyes and crown, should it want to apply more pressure to BRICS should the need arise. . .

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