"In some cases 'The Wall' can be invisible"

The quote in the title is what I'm told a Senator a few minutes ago just said with regard to Trump's wall.

An invisible wall? WTF? Maybe small children's invisible friends will be able to see it. LOL

I just learned it was Sen. Rounds who said that.​

Trump got elected by fooling millions of Americans with the most outrageous set of lies in the history of presidential campaigning.
The quote in the title is what I'm told a Senator a few minutes ago just said with regard to Trump's wall.

An invisible wall? WTF? Maybe small children's invisible friends will be able to see it. LOL

I just learned it was Sen. Rounds who said that.​
Goddam. I once here joked about securing the border with that invisible fence that people use to keep their dogs on the property,
noting that it would require all Mexicans to wear the electronic collar that is necessary for dogs to wear for those systems.
Goddam. I once here joked about securing the border with that invisible fence that people use to keep their dogs on the property,
noting that it would require all Mexicans to wear the electronic collar that is necessary for dogs to wear for those systems.

Mexicans are not that bright. Otherwise, they would not speak Mexican

We could tell them the shock collars are fashion accessories and compliment them on how attractive they are in them

That way, we cam make Mexicans pay for them
The quote in the title is what I'm told a Senator a few minutes ago just said with regard to Trump's wall.

An invisible wall? WTF? Maybe small children's invisible friends will be able to see it. LOL

.......AND, it will be paid with invisible pesos???..........LOL
just congratulate trump on his big new invisible wall and he'll believe it He always believes what the last person talking to him says
I mess Sloppy Steve already for not being there to hold the Orangutons tiny orange toes to the fire.
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The quote in the title is what I'm told a Senator a few minutes ago just said with regard to Trump's wall.

An invisible wall? WTF? Maybe small children's invisible friends will be able to see it. LOL

I just learned it was Sen. Rounds who said that.​


Trump to Set Record for Lies in First Year in Office
Trumpanzees are not phased by his lies. They already said the few cents they'll be gaining in their paychecks is worth it even if he lies all day long.

Trump just said " We shouldn't let people in from shit hole countries. "
The president of the United States just said that.
I'm so embarrassed for my country.
The racist in chief just listed a few countries he considered " shitholes"
Haiti, El Salvador etc.
non white countries.
Then he said," We should bring in more people from Norway."
which of course is an all white country.

The more comfortable he gets in the job the more he wears his racism on his sleeve.
The quote in the title is what I'm told a Senator a few minutes ago just said with regard to Trump's wall.

An invisible wall? WTF? Maybe small children's invisible friends will be able to see it. LOL

I just learned it was Sen. Rounds who said that.​

In my Hillbilly Hollywood community, we largely don't have fences. Unless you have a private pool. BUT -- most everyone with dogs has an "invisible fence". And they work.

Also - I worked on the signal processing algorithms for the early version of REMBASS (Remote Battlefield Sensing System) which can successfully monitor foot and wheeled traffic and IDENTIFY the sources. Easily deployed and monitored and can include a LOT of sensors for metal detection, tracking, etc.

You need to open your mind to the possibilities.
The quote in the title is what I'm told a Senator a few minutes ago just said with regard to Trump's wall.

An invisible wall? WTF? Maybe small children's invisible friends will be able to see it. LOL
LOL. Probably he meant increased security, though--don't you think.
If not, I love magic as much as the next guy.
I wouldn't presume to know what he meant by saying a wall may be invisible. The current crop of elected representatives, and the POTUS, have said so many things that (1) make no sense to begin with or (2) aren't at all what materialized, that what they don't say unequivocally but mean is no more reliable than is what they say explicitly and purport to mean. So it is too with what they say explicitly and don't mean. Accordingly, at this point one can only hear what they say and consider its merit on its own and see how long they hew to what one just heard them say.

At the moment, the Republicans have all the power -- Congress and the WH -- so it's they who must take the flack for saying stupid and/or unreliable things.

Then when Congress originally APPROVED the concept of "a wall" and included a myriad of options for monitoring and intrusion detection -- these BI-PARTISAN folks were also FOS.. AmI rite?? Stupid and unreliable is USUALLY coin of the realm on Capitol Hill. And a LOT of those concepts FAILED. But it's not unusual for the Feds to be incompetent in choosing and fielding technology.. And that handicap doesn't care whether it's the Blue Team or Red Team designing the solutions..
Mexicans in shock collars

I can see our president going for that

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