In other news...

... the president Barry said, if he had a son, he wouldn't let him play in NFL. The NFL responded, if you had a son, we wouldn't let him play in NFL either.
... the liar-in-chief Barry, who pays woman stuffers less then their male counterparts said last thursday that he's against income inequality. Yeah, he is, but like... only 87% or so.
... Barry's mouthpiece Jay Carney dismissed liberty by announcing that freedom is just a buzzword. It seems freedom just became another word for something they can steal.
... speaking of freedom, the White House pushed another talking point by saying that 2.5 million jobs murdered by Obamafraud means that workers are... free to spend more time at home. With knowing that extending unemployment create jobs, one can assume that administration's new plan for creating jobs is (f)unemployment.
... Sandra Fluke, the woman who couldn't afford condom, announced running for a Senate seat in Californistan. After realizing that campaign cost little bit more that box of Trojans, she postponed her decision until someone else pays for it.
... US Postal Service is joining EPA and NOAA in making major ammunition purchase. When asked why these agencies need rounds the government answered... "for stuff... why... who want's to know?"
... Democrat party fundraiser misunderstands the title of Arizona governor memoirs claiming that she actually ate scorpions. Its not like she ate cool stuff, like... dogs.
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... during his Hate of the Union address, and pretty much every day since, president Soetoro demanded "equal pay for equal work"... unless you're woman working in the WH... or democrat congressional intern.
... tha national shame, Joe Biden told reporters: "In my heart I am confident I could make a good president". Looking at it that way we concluded that outside his heart, he's still a Joe Biden.
... homeland security secretary Jeh Johnson said: "illegal aliens earned the right to be citizens". Yeah, just like pickpockets earned wallets or Hillary earned the presidency. Or Joe Biden... uhm, nevermind.
... the plastic Pelosi said that "if conservative's mistrust in Obama threatens amnesty to illegal aliens, we should just pack up and go home". Did she really meant that? In that case, conservatives will gladly help you pack.
... at the national prayer breakfast Barry claimed that "no nation on Earth does more to stand up for freedom of religion around the world then USofA". All that said by man who is trying to force nuns to pay for birth control and abortions...
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... President Barry remains quiet about his absence from Sochi Olympics. The rumor is that he's heading to Sochi as soon he decide for what team he's gonna cheer for.
... according to Barry's media, "Obama doesn't reward big donors with jobs". When asked, how did you qualified to be Ambassador to Argentina, mister donor replied: "I ate Mexican food once... "
... the president "income inequality" continued his "year of action" by playing a round on a private course of billionaire Larry Ellison. Hypocrisy? Not at all, said Barry... the green feels much cheaper then anything that Michelle wears.
... among guests of White House summit on crime, accomplished attorney general Eric Gun-Holder and race-pimp Al Sharpton along with other panel members came with recommendation: Don't get caught.

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