In News you may not have heard today

a jihadi with 2 ieds was arrested in CA during a traffic stop for expired tags...…..

Of course, NOT broadcasting the details across the normal nationwide MSM bullhorn must be because jihadists don't exist here in our US of A, right? No, wrong dorks. We all can thank our military intelligence friends for their hard, selfless work in preventing such domestic booms. Political Correctness will kill you, sooner than later.
jihadi with 2 ieds was arrested in CA
Muslim Man Arrested After Police Make ‘Explosive’ Discovery In Car

Saleh Ali, 47, was charged Thursday with intent to unlawfully make a destructive device, two counts of possession of a destructive device, and the sale and transportation of a destructive device, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office announced Friday. Brea Police Department officers pulled Ali over for having expired registration at a traffic stop in the area of South Orange Ave and Imperial Highway. Police say they found the two bombs when they checked his black Toyota Corolla. The DA’s office described the bombs as “improvised explosive devices,” and said they were “containers covered in shrapnel.”
Infidel Bloggers Alliance: Brea, California: Man Who Allegedly Had 2 IEDs in His Car Charged With 4 Felony Counts

Source is Pam Geller :cuckoo:

This is the OP's responsibility. Don't enable him.
The FBI is now taking over the case as they have found jihadi materials and further bomb materials in his home... Lib media is silent...

And off we go again .................


What the fuck planet do y'all live on where you think everybody just has to take your word for shit?
Yeah, for crying out loud they must think they’re living on planet Christine Blasey Ford or something with all their take your word for it shit.

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