In lieu of a PM to Manifold

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Kath was a mod/admin 2-3 owners ago - that has nothing to do with this situation or this discussion, or even this board. Her actions then are completely irrelevant to anything now.

Thank you. It's an attempt to silence me.
Kath was a mod/admin 2-3 owners ago - that has nothing to do with this situation or this discussion, or even this board. Her actions then are completely irrelevant to anything now.

That's a matter of opinion. I found eot's post to be rather informative.
That's a matter of opinion. I found eot's post to be rather informative.

Then feel free to discuss it with him via PM. Calling into question previous Mod decisions is no different than calling into question current Mod decisions.

Gunny has allowed THIS thread on THIS subject to remain open for a time. THIS subject apparently involves me and my actions, and him and his actions.

That does not give everyone free license to break any of the other rules of the board, or challenge any of the other Moderators - past, or present.
Just the fact that he mass-PM'd everyone, and one of those members decided it was worth showing to management to stop any future problems guaranteed everyone saw it.

You can blame your little buddy for not being able to unwedge his panties fast enough and keep his shit confined to NOT breaking the rules of the board.

Fact is, as you said, you were NOT here, and have no idea what it is that you're sticking your nose into.

The fact that you agree with him in theory has no bearing on anything, and is completely irrelevant to anything except your own opinion, which in itself, is irrelevant to how things are ACTUALLY handled on this board.

You now have control on who, and how many PM's can be sent out by anyone? .... and to who they send them too? :eusa_whistle:

The person that shared the Mani PM did what they thought was right< I guess - because they did not agree. Ok, they can do that, and from what I understand since it went to the "Administrator" who chose to make it public .... but was it an attempt to start a flame-war on the board knowing it would piss off Gunny. Who knows what the reason was ... it was his/her right to do it.

As far as my "sticking my nose" into it .... read my first response to this thread. I simply pointed out that there is "only one mod - that is in question" ..... that was pointed out in Mani's PM (I had read the post Gunny made that included it) ....along with the PM ... and you got your panty hose in a wad ... again ... typical.
Then feel free to discuss it with him via PM. Calling into question previous Mod decisions is no different than calling into question current Mod decisions.

Gunny has allowed THIS thread on THIS subject to remain open for a time. THIS subject apparently involves me and my actions, and him and his actions.

That does not give everyone free license to break any of the other rules of the board, or challenge any of the other Moderators - past, or present.

jawohl, Mein Super Moderator !!!!
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You now have control on who, and how many PM's can be sent out by anyone? .... and to who they send them too? :eusa_whistle:

The person that shared the Mani PM did what they thought was right< I guess - because they did not agree. Ok, they can do that, and from what I understand since it went to the "Administrator" who chose to make it public .... but was it an attempt to start a flame-war on the board knowing it would piss off Gunny. Who knows what the reason was ... it was his/her right to do it.

As far as my "sticking my nose" into it .... read my first response to this thread. I simply pointed out that there is "only one mod - that is in question" ..... that was pointed out in Mani's PM (I had read the post Gunny made that included it) ....along with the PM ... and you got your panty hose in a wad ... again ... typical.

Here's the fun part.. There are always reactions to actions, and consequences to be dealt with.

Action: Send out mass-PM in an attempt to cause board problems.

Reaction: Forward PM to staff in an attempt to ward off problems.

Consequence: A banning for trying to bring down the board.


Oh, and I don't wear panyhose, but I do wear diffferent varieties of fishnets. Those tend to not bunch up much. You should try them.
I did a google image search for 'Manifold Obama' and here's what came up:

Let's review the rules associated with the incident:

Posting Guidelines:
When posting a new topic, please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. If you are unsure, contact a moderator or the admin. Cross posting is not allowed and is considered spam. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock. It is hard to read and is considered yelling. When replying in an existing topic it is fine to use CAPS or bold to highlight main points. Any off-topic posts will be deleted or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion.

Language Guidelines:
Foul language (profanity) used in will be loosely tolerated and at the moderators discretion. Derogatory statements directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are permitted with the stipulation that you generally look like a fool when resorting to these tactics within a serious conversation on real issues. If you're comfortable playing the fool, feel free to do so.

If someone really gets to you and you feel the need to vent, please do so within the confines of the Taunting Arena. If you don’t have thick skin and the ability to take abuse, it is better to walk away from a possible confontation and come back with constructive arguments.

In this instance because some of you didn't see the thread that is now gone, Manifold used personal attacks that were extremely vulgar, detailing graphically sexual acts of Dis to Gunny as a way to portray why Mods were so unified in conspiring to meld the multiple spam of mani's into one thread, there was no "constructive" argument or discussion just out & out dripping & seething of grotesque accusations and attacks on them in that particular thread. Even making a personal attempt to attack ones personal looks, which was so far from the truth that in itself is a reason to remove it.

Please note that direct or implied threats of violence towards another member and/or threats of any action meant to disrupt a member's normal life will be dealt with severely (minimum 10 day ban).

All members have the right to their own ideas, beliefs and faiths. Members have the right to constructively express these on with equal respect and consideration.

There was no constructive expression in the thread made toward Dis, but I will applaud her for attempting for a moment to consider if she should allow that kind of disrespect in the name of fairness & equality, realizing I have never seen anyone at this board say anything like that about to another member as was said to Dis, (some might call her liberal) to have even let it sit there for as long as she did.

PM Guidelines:
If exclusively personal contact is needed, use the Private Message system. Do not post a topic where only one member is expected to answer. Posting and Language guidelines extend to the PM system. maintains the privacy of its’ users and will not access Private Messages unless ordered to do so by a Court of Law.

Posting information gained through private messages, or Reputation Comments is prohibited unless specific permission is granted in a public forum and/or to a USMB staff member from the member who is a participant in the PM conversation or posted the Reputation Comment.

The PM was forwarded to a staff member and although it is debatable whether they had a right to post it or not, if the person who forwarded the PM to the staff member gave permission to the Mod to post it, then Absolutely it is fair.

Please do not reveal any personal contact information about yourself or others such as full name, address, phone number and even email. This is a public place and anyone is able to view your messages. Posting the personal information of other posters, regardless of how you've obtained it, is considered threatening behavior and you will likely find yourself with an involuntary vacation from this site if you repeatedly engage in such actions.

I like my privacy and I hope my private messages don't get posted to the board, but the rules do state be careful what you say in them and language and all the board behavior still applies to PM's.

Disciplinary Action:
If any of the above is violated a warning or infraction will be issued to the offending member. If enough infraction points add up the offending member will be banned for 10 days. If the behavior continues after the 10 day ban the user will be permanently removed from Circumstances such as spammers will skip the infraction system and be banned immediately. Multiple accounts are not permitted so do not reregister.

There were several warnings given but the response only became more vicious and personalized

TO REPORT VIOLATIONS: If you witness a posting that violates these terms, please click the red exclamation mark button at the top right side of the post and it will be reviewed by staff. cannot guarantee that any action will be taken as a result of your request. Please refer to this Disclaimer page from time to time for any updates we may make to it.

Obviously someone felt violated by the PM and reported manifold. Interestingly I tried to repsond private to Manifold and the PM was shutoff not to take PMs back from me. So that was a one sided sweeping statement that gave no option for discussion or response.

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The online community is moderated by volunteers on a regular basis and we ask that you please respect their efforts.

Thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoy the community!
For the record, Chloe, I didn't close the thread Mani made about me - nor would I have. In fact, I gave him the attention he was so desperately craving.

My actions are limited to merging multiple threads of his that essentially all said the same thing.
Just for the record, previous Mods/Admins are NOT open for discussion. Nor will they be part of this thread.

:eek: Oh wow! Talk about coming apart at the seems? I think your "fishnet's" have totally unraveled! :eek:

/Quote ..... "Nor will they be part of this thread" .... /Unquote

Obsessive use of power? :lol:

:bowdown: to the Super'woman'moderator! :clap2:
:eek: Oh wow! Talk about coming apart at the seems? I think your "fishnet's" have totally unraveled! :eek:

/Quote ..... "Nor will they be part of this thread" .... /Unquote

Obsessive use of power? :lol:

:bowdown: to the Super'woman'moderator! :clap2:

Cut out the personal attacks. This isn't the Flame Zone.
he went way beyond spam with his grotesque insinuations of you it was absolutely out of bounds.
:eek: Oh wow! Talk about coming apart at the seems? I think your "fishnet's" have totally unraveled! :eek:

/Quote ..... "Nor will they be part of this thread" .... /Unquote

Obsessive use of power? :lol:

:bowdown: to the Super'woman'moderator! :clap2:

That is a decision that you do not get to challenge. Take it to PM, or drop it.
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