In France, Some Muslims Seek To 'Adapt' Islam To Secular Culture


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
A wise man, and a brave one in light of extremists - I think this is yet another good step towards adaptation of an ancient religion to modern times - much needed :)

In France, Some Muslims Seek To 'Adapt' Islam To Secular Culture
"We have to rethink Islamic doctrines in light of our times," says Oubrou. "One of the reasons for the violence is that some people are interpreting these medieval canons literally. So we have to take Islam out of the context of ancient Arab-Muslim civilizations and adapt it to a modern, globalized, secular society, like France."

He makes an interesting distinction about French culture vs Anglo culture as well (which I had not realized):

The French model of society is based on the teachings of enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseauit's one of assimilation, Oubrou says, where all differences are meant to be erased. He says France emphasizes equality rather than liberty. This, he says, is the opposite of Britain and the U.S.

"In the Anglo-Saxon model, there's a preference for liberty," says Oubrou. "So the system doesn't promise equality and equal salaries. France promises equality, but falls short. And this is what creates the frustration that can lead to violence."

Oubrou says young Muslims face discrimination and often don't feel they're fully French. He says their Muslim culture is one reason for the discrimination.

...Oubrou says young Muslims are often ignorant of the spiritual side of their faith but some embrace Islam as a cultural identity — and as a shield, to protect themselves from what they see as a hostile society that considers them second-class citizens.

"Religion is supposed to be for sharing. And once we transform it for protection, we are confiscating God and spirituality," he says.

The article is worth the read!
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Heard about this as well, notice how there's no caterwauling about this not being MSM news? All the male dominator god religions that were vomited up in the middle east could do with some thought and effort along these lines. The fundamentalists in all these camps long for the more "ancient" interpretations which really have no place in an era with modern weaponry.
equality rather than liberty
WTF does that even mean?
Liberty, in itself, is equality.
equality rather than liberty
WTF does that even mean?
Liberty, in itself, is equality.

"Liberty, in itself, is equality."

Must disagree, not necessarily, and certainly not in american society it isn't.
A wise man, and a brave one in light of extremists - I think this is yet another good step towards adaptation of an ancient religion to modern times - much needed :)

In France, Some Muslims Seek To 'Adapt' Islam To Secular Culture
"We have to rethink Islamic doctrines in light of our times," says Oubrou. "One of the reasons for the violence is that some people are interpreting these medieval canons literally. So we have to take Islam out of the context of ancient Arab-Muslim civilizations and adapt it to a modern, globalized, secular society, like France."

He makes an interesting distinction about French culture vs Anglo culture as well (which I had not realized):

The French model of society is based on the teachings of enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseauit's one of assimilation, Oubrou says, where all differences are meant to be erased. He says France emphasizes equality rather than liberty. This, he says, is the opposite of Britain and the U.S.

"In the Anglo-Saxon model, there's a preference for liberty," says Oubrou. "So the system doesn't promise equality and equal salaries. France promises equality, but falls short. And this is what creates the frustration that can lead to violence."

Oubrou says young Muslims face discrimination and often don't feel they're fully French. He says their Muslim culture is one reason for the discrimination.

...Oubrou says young Muslims are often ignorant of the spiritual side of their faith but some embrace Islam as a cultural identity — and as a shield, to protect themselves from what they see as a hostile society that considers them second-class citizens.

"Religion is supposed to be for sharing. And once we transform it for protection, we are confiscating God and spirituality," he says.

The article is worth the read!

one man's small town editorial. It reminds me of the 60s when
the various churches and synagogues held "interfaith" encounters
and everyone sang "rock of ages". ------for girl scouts and boy scouts
and their parents. I encountered muslims a few years later-----along with
hindus, a few Buddhists and Sikhs ------etc etc. This mixed group was
thrown together very TIGHTLY. From that experience I learned lots In muslim lands-----muslims ARE SUPERIOR to all non muslims legally
and socially. -----well-----actually in India which is mostly hindu----muslims
do not enjoy the perks that shariah provides for them ---BUT they still think of that land as the MUGHAL EMPIRE-----somehow the Christian
brits screwed things up. The muslims of southeast asia constitute a HUGE
moiety of DA UMMAH. ------as significant as the arab moiety (almost).
My early model of 'MUSLIM VS OTHERS' comes from the relationship that I saw between southeast asia muslim vs hindus (since both groups were
functionally displaced people) The relationship that I saw was *hindu
surrender to fate* (as in ----'maybe better karma next time') and muslim
"hey ----we are the REAL RULERS"
A wise man, and a brave one in light of extremists - I think this is yet another good step towards adaptation of an ancient religion to modern times - much needed :)

In France, Some Muslims Seek To 'Adapt' Islam To Secular Culture
"We have to rethink Islamic doctrines in light of our times," says Oubrou. "One of the reasons for the violence is that some people are interpreting these medieval canons literally. So we have to take Islam out of the context of ancient Arab-Muslim civilizations and adapt it to a modern, globalized, secular society, like France."

He makes an interesting distinction about French culture vs Anglo culture as well (which I had not realized):

The French model of society is based on the teachings of enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseauit's one of assimilation, Oubrou says, where all differences are meant to be erased. He says France emphasizes equality rather than liberty. This, he says, is the opposite of Britain and the U.S.

"In the Anglo-Saxon model, there's a preference for liberty," says Oubrou. "So the system doesn't promise equality and equal salaries. France promises equality, but falls short. And this is what creates the frustration that can lead to violence."

Oubrou says young Muslims face discrimination and often don't feel they're fully French. He says their Muslim culture is one reason for the discrimination.

...Oubrou says young Muslims are often ignorant of the spiritual side of their faith but some embrace Islam as a cultural identity — and as a shield, to protect themselves from what they see as a hostile society that considers them second-class citizens.

"Religion is supposed to be for sharing. And once we transform it for protection, we are confiscating God and spirituality," he says.

The article is worth the read!

well I read it AS to the "liberty vs equality" ----I kinda thought that
discussion to be the weakest part of the ----already weak essay. The
actual problem that muslims from "other places" face in "da west"----
is the loss of their ELEVATED STATUS in muslim lands. Self imposed
isolation allows a bit of that sense of wrongly lost 'supremacy'-----to persist
within the muslim circle
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equality rather than liberty
WTF does that even mean?
Liberty, in itself, is equality. isn't. Liberty is just that, liberty. The potential for equality is there but liberty doesn't guarantee or promise equality - just opportunity.
equality rather than liberty
WTF does that even mean?
Liberty, in itself, is equality. isn't. Liberty is just that, liberty. The potential for equality is there but liberty doesn't guarantee or promise equality - just opportunity.
liberty is social and economic freedoms granted to everyone equally. The spin is for the birds.
equality rather than liberty
WTF does that even mean?
Liberty, in itself, is equality. isn't. Liberty is just that, liberty. The potential for equality is there but liberty doesn't guarantee or promise equality - just opportunity.
liberty is social and economic freedoms granted to everyone equally. The spin is for the birds.

The Imam's actually complaint is-------muslim immigrants to France are not
doing all that well with the LIBERTY and equal opportunity thing
A wise man, and a brave one in light of extremists - I think this is yet another good step towards adaptation of an ancient religion to modern times - much needed :)

In France, Some Muslims Seek To 'Adapt' Islam To Secular Culture
"We have to rethink Islamic doctrines in light of our times," says Oubrou. "One of the reasons for the violence is that some people are interpreting these medieval canons literally. So we have to take Islam out of the context of ancient Arab-Muslim civilizations and adapt it to a modern, globalized, secular society, like France."

He makes an interesting distinction about French culture vs Anglo culture as well (which I had not realized):

The French model of society is based on the teachings of enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseauit's one of assimilation, Oubrou says, where all differences are meant to be erased. He says France emphasizes equality rather than liberty. This, he says, is the opposite of Britain and the U.S.

"In the Anglo-Saxon model, there's a preference for liberty," says Oubrou. "So the system doesn't promise equality and equal salaries. France promises equality, but falls short. And this is what creates the frustration that can lead to violence."

Oubrou says young Muslims face discrimination and often don't feel they're fully French. He says their Muslim culture is one reason for the discrimination.

...Oubrou says young Muslims are often ignorant of the spiritual side of their faith but some embrace Islam as a cultural identity — and as a shield, to protect themselves from what they see as a hostile society that considers them second-class citizens.

"Religion is supposed to be for sharing. And once we transform it for protection, we are confiscating God and spirituality," he says.

The article is worth the read!
Well, Christianity eventually came to adapt itself to wealth and capitalism back in the 1700's.

So why not?

If Islam can make a giant leap forward then there is hope for the 1 billion moosleems on the planet.

Otherwise they are likely to become culturally exterminated. Same as the Quakers and the Puritans.
A wise man, and a brave one in light of extremists - I think this is yet another good step towards adaptation of an ancient religion to modern times - much needed :)

In France, Some Muslims Seek To 'Adapt' Islam To Secular Culture
"We have to rethink Islamic doctrines in light of our times," says Oubrou. "One of the reasons for the violence is that some people are interpreting these medieval canons literally. So we have to take Islam out of the context of ancient Arab-Muslim civilizations and adapt it to a modern, globalized, secular society, like France."

He makes an interesting distinction about French culture vs Anglo culture as well (which I had not realized):

muslims have been ADAPTED TO WEALTH AND CAPITALISM for the
past 1400 years. Arabia was the HUB OF TRADE----east to west and west
to east ----when islam was invented------ENTIRELY CAPITALISTIC. --------what islam never adapted to has been LIBERTY AND EQUALITY

The French model of society is based on the teachings of enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseauit's one of assimilation, Oubrou says, where all differences are meant to be erased. He says France emphasizes equality rather than liberty. This, he says, is the opposite of Britain and the U.S.

"In the Anglo-Saxon model, there's a preference for liberty," says Oubrou. "So the system doesn't promise equality and equal salaries. France promises equality, but falls short. And this is what creates the frustration that can lead to violence."

Oubrou says young Muslims face discrimination and often don't feel they're fully French. He says their Muslim culture is one reason for the discrimination.

...Oubrou says young Muslims are often ignorant of the spiritual side of their faith but some embrace Islam as a cultural identity — and as a shield, to protect themselves from what they see as a hostile society that considers them second-class citizens.

"Religion is supposed to be for sharing. And once we transform it for protection, we are confiscating God and spirituality," he says.

The article is worth the read!
Well, Christianity eventually came to adapt itself to wealth and capitalism back in the 1700's.

So why not?

If Islam can make a giant leap forward then there is hope for the 1 billion moosleems on the planet.

Otherwise they are likely to become culturally exterminated. Same as the Quakers and the Puritans.
Quakers aren't culturally exterminated.

my mom always used QUAKER OATS to make oatmeal cookies -----(the most nutritious cookie in her POV)
They sold out to General Mills. The Oats are now being sprayed just like the majority of grain crops with chemicals prior to harvesting. Not worth a shit for breakfast anymore :crybaby:.

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