Sweden’s “First Feminist Government” Wear Hijabs In Iran


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Good to know they know their place.

Walk of shame: Sweden's "first feminist government" don hijabs in Iran - UN Watch
They are being very un-Islamic as they are not chaperoned by male relatives or husbands.
Meh, big deal. Even our Queen covered up when she visited Saudi Arabia. It's called "tact and diplomacy". You'd prefer them to wear bikinis?:rolleyes:
I rarely disagree with Challenger, but I don't like the Hijab in itself, much less western women wearing them.
I rarely disagree with Challenger, but I don't like the Hijab in itself, much less western women wearing them.

Is it the Hijab you have an issue with, or just women wearing headscarves in general? Western women in western countries wear headscarves and/or veils as the mood takes them or for fashion or even religious reasons (i.e. church veils).




I don't see it as an issue. Unfortunately, wearing a hijab is the law in Iran, so the Swedes had a simple choice, wear a headscarf or send an all male delegation. Surprisingly, it's not the law in Saudi Arabia, so the Queen needn't have worn one when she visited, it was a polite gesture which probably helped secure some lucrative trade deals. Often in business, you do what it takes.

Now for me, Burka's, Chadors and Niqabs are a different matter...we all have our prejudices. ;)
I rarely disagree with Challenger, but I don't like the Hijab in itself, much less western women wearing them.

Is it the Hijab you have an issue with, or just women wearing headscarves in general? Western women in western countries wear headscarves and/or veils as the mood takes them or for fashion or even religious reasons (i.e. church veils).




I don't see it as an issue. Unfortunately, wearing a hijab is the law in Iran, so the Swedes had a simple choice, wear a headscarf or send an all male delegation. Surprisingly, it's not the law in Saudi Arabia, so the Queen needn't have worn one when she visited, it was a polite gesture which probably helped secure some lucrative trade deals. Often in business, you do what it takes.

Now for me, Burka's, Chadors and Niqabs are a different matter...we all have our prejudices. ;)

It is the misogynistic female "modesty" association of the hijab that bothers me. Having been stationed in Saudi Arabia I can tell you that it wasn't the law for western women when I was in the military there. When I went back a decade or so ago on business, it had become the law that all women had to wear the hijab. We had a women in our group and she went out without one the first day and was harassed by a mutawa just outside the hotel. She had to go to the hotel store and buy one. The mutawa "religious police" enforces it on western as well as Muslim women now.

"HIJAB in NOT a choice in Saudi Arabia "

HIJAB in NOT a choice in Saudi A
Feminists showing respect to a government that stones women for getting raped.. :rofl:

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