In California, some public schools are designating some rooms as prayer rooms for Muslims

This is from the San Francisco affiliate of PBS. It says that some public schools in California are setting up prayer rooms for Muslims.

I'm no constitutional scholar, but it seems to me that this is clear a violation of the first amendment.

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students | KQED

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students

By Diana Lambert

September 21, 2021

In California, home to the largest number of Afghan refugees in the country, school officials are preparing for an influx of students who fled Afghanistan with their families after the Taliban seized power in the country last month.

Schools are especially busy in Sacramento and Fremont, which have two of the largest Afghan communities in the state. Over 40% of the nation’s Afghan refugees have resettled in the Sacramento region in recent years, according to Jessie Tientcheu, chief executive officer of Opening Doors, a resettlement agency based in Sacramento.

Elk Grove Unified School District began offering culturally appropriate meals and setting aside rooms in many of its middle and high schools for prayer during Muslim holidays in preparation for the additional Afghan students it expects in the next month. San Juan Unified is offering Saturday school for English learners, and Fremont Unified is planning to hire more translators.
So, prayer in school is illegal unless you're Muslim? Then it is okay?


20 years ago I said this would happen. Here it is.
What is it that Christians would like?

I wasn’t aware that you guys needed a prayer room.
I am not a Christian, but I know for a fact that Christians have been the target of others, even when they go off to pray in private. They get sued all the time for trying to pray.

Either we're not going to have ANY prayer in school or there will be an equal opportunity.
I am not a Christian, but I know for a fact that Christians have been the target of others, even when they go off to pray in private. They get sued all the time for trying to pray.

Either we're not going to have ANY prayer in school or there will be an equal opportunity.
Uh huh. Sure.
Been watching the news for over 20 years and Christianity has been attacked in our schools for all this time. I remember a story how a Christian club was done away with.
Guess what? The media did not cover the resulting court case that found the school could not do away with the club. Do the research and I will bet you a horse turd to a doughnut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth. I was a school administrator and I am very familiar with the rules.
Muslims pray at set times, facing Mecca and they pray "Shoulder to shoulder".
Then they need to reform to assimilate. They need to find the workaround. Maybe prayer credits or something. It's their problem, nobody else's.
Google 3 students try to start a Bible club.
I got a couple of pages on tips for starting a school Bible club. Nothing on anyone being prevented from doing so.

Did you get something different when you googled it?
But if you allow half an hour per day for all.faiths, that would be reasonable no?
I would say no. School is school. Church is church. Pray in your head. If your grades suffer because you are praying instead of paying attention, that's your problem. Unless i get to take a half hour out of your religious services to make your children learn algebra. That sounds just as silly to me as having prayer time in school.

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