In a first more Americans support gun rights than gun control poll finds

Saying liberals hate the right to bear arms because they want to address gun violence is like saying republicans want the poor to starve to death because they want to cut food stamps. It's a shitty piece of hyperbole that needs to stop. Practically no one wants to ban guns, as the reactionaries seem to think, it's just difficult for people who care about the loss of life and limb to sit around ignoring the problem. The gun nuts use the almost religious inviolability of the 2nd amendment to avoid dealing with the problem because they do not like the political implications of any possible solution.
Yeah you don't want to ban guns until you successfully do it.
I have a number of firearms and have no wish to give them up. I rarely even comment on these threads because conservatives are such zealots thinking there can only be two possible opinions on gun ownership; unrestricted ownership or outright bans. It's like trying to discuss moderation with an out of control drunk.
There's nothing to moderate. Banning guns is like banning breathing. Owning guns is a human right and that is clearly stated in our Constitution.
See, you cannot even imagine a moderate position on this issue. No one wants to ban guns we just want to do something about the thousands of gun crimes. If this were a discussion on the first amendment right of protest you can easily think up all sorts of exceptions to be made for the sake of public safety but when it comes to guns there can be no exceptions, public safety must always be a secondary concern.
Utterly false.
The fact is there are already dozens of laws that govern guns and gun ownership. The laws already exist. You want MORE and therein lies the problem.

No one here has been advocating for unrestricted ownership. That straw man seems to be the go to bs that gun control advocates keep grabbing onto even though it is utterly false.

When those that want to restrict gun ownership further actually present a scrap of evidence to support the unfounded idea that it works in any regard at all then you might get people to listen. Currently, every single asinine measure dreamed up addresses nothing whatsoever and has no actual impact. That is the core problem with the gun control crowd: the entire thing is emotion based.
OK, folks, we have a problem. Gun deaths per 100,000 in the US are more like a third world nation than a first world nation. This coming year it is likely that deaths from guns will surpass deaths from autos.

So, are more guns the answer? Doesn't look like it from the data I have seen. Less guns? Might help. However, some gun laws that are enforced might be the answer. Such as you are responsible for safely storing your weapons. If you do not, and someone uses one of your weapons in a crime, you own that crime. That would go a long ways towards curing the number of children killed by their parents careless storage of weapons.

Half of what we call gun deaths are by suicide. We are one of the very few countries in the world that list suicides in our statistics on gun violence.

In the remaining half the great majority are perpetrated by the gang wars and inner city drug violence and no gun law in the world is going to change that. We see that big time in Chicago that has the strickest gun control regs in the US and the highest gun violence. Somebody gets killed there almost every day. The strick gun laws do very little to stop crime.

The only thing gun regulations do is put restrictions on people that would never use a firearm for an illegal purpose. Unless you are willing to go against the Constitutions of the US then you have no right to restrict the people from the right to keep and bear arms.
Strange how in all these years not one of my personally owned weapons has even been pointed at a real person.

And I carry whenever I leave the house.
Well it would seem like you don't need it then, except to make you feel like a real man. That apparently you need.

I need rifles and pistols to protect me from the hordes of illegals you people keep letting in, and the addicts they string out on meth.
Strange how in all these years not one of my personally owned weapons has even been pointed at a real person.

And I carry whenever I leave the house.
Well it would seem like you don't need it then, except to make you feel like a real man. That apparently you need.

I seriously doubt that I have to prove my manhood. Especially on a message board. I carry my weapons because I can. And today you simply never know when you are in the wrong place at the right time.
And I still hope I never run into a reason to draw my weapon.
But then you obviously wouldn't understand. Carry on.
I understand only too well. Just another John Wayne wannabe in waiting.
No Child, been there done that, never drank the coolaid. I carry because if someone in Australia had carried last night the stand off would have ended very differently. And I still hope i never have to use a weapon. But if you only were smart enough you would know that I have and I will if need be.
Its not just liberals who lose loved ones to guns.
sooooo !!
what does that have to do with the right to keep and bear arms ?

Seems rather infringed to me, like Free Speech, which isn't so free.
Too bad conservatives do not have the protective instinct towards the right of free speech in the form of public protest as they do towards gun ownership.

You have the right to protest anytime you please. As long as you get a permit.
Libtards hate the concept of the right to keep and bear arms. They will shed tears over this because they thought they were going to do away with the right after Sandy Hook. Too bad the Democrats are on the wrong side of this issue but then again they are usually wrong about everything.

In a first, more Americans support gun rights than gun control, poll finds

By a margin of 52 percent to 46 percent, Americans say protecting gun rights is more important than gun control, according to the Pew Research Center. Opinion has shifted markedly since the Sandy Hook massacre two years ago.

'Almost two years after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Americans' support for gun rights is rising.

By a margin of 52 percent to 46 percent, Americans say protecting the rights of gun owners is more important than gun control, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center released Wednesday. It is the first time Pew found more support for gun ownership than gun control in more than two decades of surveys on the issue.

“Support for gun rights has edged up from earlier this year, and marks a substantial shift in attitudes since shortly after the Newtown school shooting,” the Pew report says. The second anniversary of the massacre is this Sunday.'

Pew also found that partisan differences over guns have widened in the past two years.

“As was the case in December 2012, a majority of Democrats (60 percent) say guns do more to put people’s safety at risk, while only about a third (35 percent) say they do more to protect people from becoming crime victims,” Pew reports. “By contrast, 8 in 10 Republicans say guns do more to protect people from becoming crime victims, up 17 points from December 2012.”

In a first more Americans support gun rights than gun control poll finds - Yahoo News

But it doesn't have to be one or the other. We can protect gun owner rights and still pass some good common sense legislation. I think your survey will find more Americans are not apposed to more background checks and all the other things the liberals are suggesting.

No one is suggesting taking away your gun. You just can't have a bazooka. And they shouldn't sell anymore 20 round clips. 10 is enough.

I actually wish I didn't have to take the classes just to carry my handgun around but I understand why you do in order to have a concealed weapons permit. Do gun advocates wish I could just carry my gun? In Michigan I guess you can but it can't be concealed? That doesn't make any sense to me. I have to be approved to carry a hidden gun but if I want to brandish one in a holster I can without having to take a class?
Strange how in all these years not one of my personally owned weapons has even been pointed at a real person.

And I carry whenever I leave the house.
Well it would seem like you don't need it then, except to make you feel like a real man. That apparently you need.

I seriously doubt that I have to prove my manhood. Especially on a message board. I carry my weapons because I can. And today you simply never know when you are in the wrong place at the right time.
And I still hope I never run into a reason to draw my weapon.
But then you obviously wouldn't understand. Carry on.
I understand only too well. Just another John Wayne wannabe in waiting.
No Child, been there done that, never drank the coolaid. I carry because if someone in Australia had carried last night the stand off would have ended very differently. And I still hope i never have to use a weapon. But if you only were smart enough you would know that I have and I will if need be.

I guess crime went way down after Australia passed common sense gun laws.
Strange how in all these years not one of my personally owned weapons has even been pointed at a real person.

And I carry whenever I leave the house.

I have about 50 firearms but the only time I ever used a firearm for anything other than recreational purposes was when I was employed by the government.

By the way, the Gunshine State rules:

New legislation would allow guns on college campuses

New legislation would allow guns on college campuses
Nothing better than drunk college kids, and guns.

or welfare recipients.
Yeah, no one said they hated the second amendment. Just not large and easy access to the weapons that are only designed to kill groups of human beings in a few minutes

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