Impeachment Standoff May Be Near End With Pelosi Allies Stumped


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
(Bloomberg) -- Lawmakers say they expect House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will soon end her delay of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial without any notable concessions from Senate Republicans, leaving her allies stumped about her strategy in the three-week standoff.


Amid speculation about her rationale and expressions of exasperation from Democrats in the House and Senate -- delivered almost exclusively on condition of anonymity

Impeachment Standoff May Be Near End With Pelosi Allies Stumped

What a bunch of clowns these liberals....Meanwhile....

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is backing a resolution to change the Senate’s rules to allow for lawmakers to dismiss articles of impeachment against President Trump before the House sends them over.

McConnell backs measure to change Senate rules, dismiss impeachment without articles

So, Pelosi wouldn't say why she now all of the sudden wants to move, and McConnell is going to dismiss it out of hand if she doesn't...Hmmmm....She's so clever isn't she? What did she gain from this stunt?
Well it was extremely imperative that they impeach Trump in a hurry after 21/2 years of trying because he was such a danger. So her week long hold on the articles looks like she was in a hurry.

She tried to tell the senate how they were going to run their part of things. She wanted them to retry Trump because the Dems did such a rock solid job in the house. If the Senate has to try and deliberate why do we need the house for anything? Looks like according to the house the senate has to do everything.

Funny that it took this long for little pissy pants Nancy to fiqure out she is not in charge of the Senate. Even Dems are calling for her to stop acting ignorant and send the articles.
Could voting for impeachment with no underlying crime be considered a coup attempt?

It was certainly political malfeasance just as, at worst, any of Trump's actions. None of which rose to the level of an impeachable crime. Between the Mueller thing, this impeachment debacle and now this "war powers" resolution to keep Trump from doing something he wasn't going to do anyway and they have permitted other presidents to do for at least the last 20 years, Nancy and her cadre of cartoon characters have lost all credibility as a legitimate legislative body and deserve censure at the very least. Left up to me, I think it should disqualify them from even running in this year's election.
Trump has delayed every single attempt the dems have made - not a peep from his collective, hypocrisy rules the party

in case youre wondering his obstruction got his fat ass impeached ..
Trump has delayed every single attempt the dems have made - not a peep from his collective, hypocrisy rules the party

in case youre wondering his obstruction got his fat ass impeached ..
But the impeachment is going to get him reelected.
first order of business: dismiss.
second order of business: initiate treason trials for all involved in the failed coup attempt.
third order of business: Appropriate funds to restore the last remaining electric chair.
Trump has delayed every single attempt the dems have made - not a peep from his collective, hypocrisy rules the party

in case youre wondering his obstruction got his fat ass impeached ..
But the impeachment is going to get him reelected.

Even better, it was an impeachment without an impeachment. Still waiting for Na-Na-Nancy to actually file it. Hopefully she'll do it before she runs out of time and it is summarily dropped.
Trump has delayed every single attempt the dems have made - not a peep from his collective, hypocrisy rules the party

in case youre wondering his obstruction got his fat ass impeached ..
Challenging subpoenas in court is not obstruction, idiot.
Trump has delayed every single attempt the dems have made - not a peep from his collective, hypocrisy rules the party

in case youre wondering his obstruction got his fat ass impeached ..
But the impeachment is going to get him reelected.

Even better, it was an impeachment without an impeachment. Still waiting for Na-Na-Nancy to actually file it. Hopefully she'll do it before she runs out of time and it is summarily dropped.

Impeachments aren't what they used to be.
Especially total partisan DemocRat ones!
Trump has delayed every single attempt the dems have made - not a peep from his collective, hypocrisy rules the party

in case youre wondering his obstruction got his fat ass impeached ..

In case you were wondering, your fat ass is still wrong every time you post. Even Dims are calling Pisslosi stupid.
Could voting for impeachment with no underlying crime be considered a coup attempt?

In terms of political rhetoric sure....

I'm talking in terms of being tried and executed!

It CLEARLY states in the constitution "high crimes and misdemeanors"...there are none in the 2 articles of impeachment.

I hope legal analysts are seriously considering my question!

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