Meet the candidate who wants to give out tons of free money


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
The Democraphics of freeloaders have changed recently.

President Trump: "We're signing a monster. A big, beautiful monster. Forty to fifty billion dollars to our farmers. Our farmers will be taken in, I keep saying go buy larger tractors." The Hill on Twitter
He likes to massively provide welfare to the MIC too, but I don’t hear too many cons complaining about that. They do like to complain about providing poor Americans HC and education.

That’s really fucked up.
Pyetro, I know elderly farmers who are 6 feet tall and weigh in at 120 because they work their butts off and don't make enough money to feed themselves, much less a bunch of children. The don't lie, they don't steal, they belong to VFW because they went to serve their country when they were young. They are too proud to ask for handouts, but if someone offers, they don't refuse, because they know how on bad years, you don't make anything. And when they can't lift a bale of hay any more, that's bad for them, but they continue to serve their fellow man with lives of hard work. Some of them also have three dozen or more years they served on the local volunteer fire department to help any family that has a fire, they dig in and fight that devil till they save all they can of that family's home. I knew a man who was 80 years old, and didn't go to the VA until he was already in stage 3 of cancer, which was interfering with his ability to repair his hay baler. He was dead a year later. The funeral home's largest chapel had standing room only by the time his funeral started. Everyone shared his hurt. When he died, in spite of his poverty, he didn't owe a single dime to anybody. He paid his bills the day they arrived in his mailbox at his farm-to-market home.

Farmers are a band of brothers who love and care for the land, animals, gardens, wild birds, and even set out feed for the wild cats that exist in farmlands because city people dump their unwanted pets in the country a hundred miles away where they either die within two or three weeks of starvation or learn to be wild cats. The wild dogs dumped are often euthanized because they're a threat to farm children if they run in packs, just like wolves are. But farmers are there, salvage a few of the castaway pets if they can afford another bag of dog food. And they can lift 80 pound bags of pet food. My pal who died last year was lifting all of it the day after his chemo therapy when he was in morbid pain up till he entered home hospice care and died 10 days later for refusing to eat. He did it so he would not be a burden to his kids.
He likes to massively provide welfare to the MIC too, but I don’t hear too many cons complaining about that. They do like to complain about providing poor Americans HC and education.

That’s really fucked up.
I vote for the smart and healthy any day.

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