Impeachment Obsessed Democrats Using Video Footage Filmed By ANTIFA In Attempt To Impeach President / Civilian Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Someone Tell President Trump’s Attorneys – The Democrats’ Footage Showing Violence at the Capitol on January 6th Was Filmed by Antifa

On Tuesday the Democrats in the House pled their case that President Trump should be impeached because he was behind the violence at the Capitol on January 6th. In their opening remarks they shared this shocking video of the actions that day in the Capitol.

Of course, the Democrats removed the President’s remarks where he told his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.

But what the Democrats also neglected to point out is that the video that they used comes from Antifa."

In 2016 President Barak Obama and his criminal administration intentionally and knowingly used Russian Intelligence Agency-authored propaganda, delivered by a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was working for Hillary Clinton, Russians, and Barry;s FBI, to launch a failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US government by illegally andc treasonously removing the newly elected US President.

The Democrats just engaged in self-incrimination by knowingly using video footage filmed by violent, foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa to affect their 2nd admitted politically partisan Impeachment intended to eliminate Trump[as a future political hreat to the Democrat Party (according to Nancy Pelosi herself).

The FBI proved the extemists used Twitter and Facebook to pre-plan the 6 January violence, causing the FBI to issue an advanced warning that 'extremists are heading to DC to 'wage war''. Multiple videos show Antifa and BLM instigating the riot, breaking iunto the Capitol, being in the Capitol, and foilming the footage the Democrats just used against President Trump in their latest bogus Impeachment attempt.

It is not by accident that both that both Barak Obama and his criminal administration collaborated with enemies of this nation to attempt a failed political coup at the beginning of the Trump Presidency and ther fact that Pelosi and the Democrats are collaborating (using footage from domestic terrorist - self-professed enemies of this nation) with domestic terrorists to attack Trump at the end of his Presidency.

'You Are The Company You Keep', as the saying goes. Democrats involved in both attacks against Trump prove they 'are' enemies of the state and domestic terrorists, since that is who they have hung around and who they have gotten their 'evidence' from.

The lying media is complicit in the actions of the real terrorists- and they ain't from the ME, although one of their funders is Hungarian- guess who?

You didn’t know about these precedents? That’s because they’re being deliberately suppressed. A search of the media bellwether New York Times reveals no, that’s ZERO, mentions of the Kavanaugh or Wisconsin parallels since January 6.

For that matter,

  • there actually was a violent attack on a major federal building very recently—the May 30 attack on the White House—when the secret service had to order the Trump family into the bunker and over 60 Secret Service agents were injured.

Remember that?

How about this?


  • If Trump were a Democrat, Ashli Babbitt (remember her?) would be a saint, if not a Goddess.

Although you probably don’t know this, it’s very far from clear that Heather Heyer was deliberately killed at the Charlottesville Unite The Right Rally—James Fields appears to have been trying to escape when he drove into the crowd blocking his way.

But it’s absolutely clear that Ashli Babbitt, although an unarmed woman surrounded by security, was deliberately shot by a Capitol Hill cop.

Ashli Babbitt was a decorated veteran and a female business owner. Heyer was an overweight small-time Communist. But it’s Heather Heyer who has been canonized, with a foundation named after her and endless Regime Media adulation, whereas Ashli Babbitt has vanished from the Main Stream Media after a couple of sneering profiles and insinuations about her private life. (Have you heard anything about Heather Heyer’s private life?)

And remember, this is in addition two Trump supporters shot dead during the election campaign—Lee Keltner. in Denver, and Aaron Danielson in Seattle.

Capitol "Insurrection" Hoax
How Our Lying Press Would Have Spun Jan 6 Protest If Trump Were A Democrat

Lying by omission is still lying

Someone Tell President Trump’s Attorneys – The Democrats’ Footage Showing Violence at the Capitol on January 6th Was Filmed by Antifa

On Tuesday the Democrats in the House pled their case that President Trump should be impeached because he was behind the violence at the Capitol on January 6th. In their opening remarks they shared this shocking video of the actions that day in the Capitol.

Of course, the Democrats removed the President’s remarks where he told his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.

But what the Democrats also neglected to point out is that the video that they used comes from Antifa."

In 2016 President Barak Obama and his criminal administration intentionally and knowingly used Russian Intelligence Agency-authored propaganda, delivered by a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was working for Hillary Clinton, Russians, and Barry;s FBI, to launch a failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US government by illegally andc treasonously removing the newly elected US President.

The Democrats just engaged in self-incrimination by knowingly using video footage filmed by violent, foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa to affect their 2nd admitted politically partisan Impeachment intended to eliminate Trump[as a future political hreat to the Democrat Party (according to Nancy Pelosi herself).

The FBI proved the extemists used Twitter and Facebook to pre-plan the 6 January violence, causing the FBI to issue an advanced warning that 'extremists are heading to DC to 'wage war''. Multiple videos show Antifa and BLM instigating the riot, breaking iunto the Capitol, being in the Capitol, and foilming the footage the Democrats just used against President Trump in their latest bogus Impeachment attempt.

It is not by accident that both that both Barak Obama and his criminal administration collaborated with enemies of this nation to attempt a failed political coup at the beginning of the Trump Presidency and ther fact that Pelosi and the Democrats are collaborating (using footage from domestic terrorist - self-professed enemies of this nation) with domestic terrorists to attack Trump at the end of his Presidency.

'You Are The Company You Keep', as the saying goes. Democrats involved in both attacks against Trump prove they 'are' enemies of the state and domestic terrorists, since that is who they have hung around and who they have gotten their 'evidence' from.

Not an obsession, just something that has to be done so no other anti-American, anti-democracy ass hole president won't try this crap again.
He was right. We’re going to show here that quite enough video footage exists to make that case.

It’s just that our Lying Press doesn’t want to make it.

Let’s start off by saying that, if Trump were a Democrat, the Lying Media would be pointing out that
Down the lying press memory hole

Anti-Kavanaugh feminists did it in 2018. And Democrats applauded them.

Hundreds were arrested for invading the Capitol, including comedienne Amy Schumer, a relative of New York Senator Chuck Schumer.

But we can find no reports that anyone was seriously punished—least of all Amy Schumer.

Labor union activists invaded the Wisconsin State Capito l in 2011–and stayed for a month. Again, Democrats applauded them.
Antifa is the democrat's military arm. Antifa hates Trump. The video is inadmissible
No Antifa is not part of the DNC it is however against all parties in power...Too bad you are to blind to see the evidence which clearly proves you wrong.
Democrats have now used Russian Propaganda delivered by proven lying foreign ex-spies , Adam Schiff-authored false evidence, and foreign-funded domestic terrorist filmed videos in illegal, treasonous, and admitted politically partisan attempts to attack President Trump.

No Antifa is not part of the DNC it is however against all parties in power...

Russia is against us, as well, but Barry and his administration collaborated with them against President Trump, just as Pelosi and Democrats are doing with Antifa against Trump now.

Barry knew about Hillary's planned attempt to use Russian-authored propaganda against Trump, stepped in and worked withthe Russian Intel Service to acquire Russian-authored propaganda from a foreign ex-spy and intentionally used it in a failed coup attempt.

In the 1st admitted Democrat politically partisan Impeachment D-Adam Schiff, the House Intel Chief, was caught lying about a non-existent witness AND was caught authoring false / fake evidence and attempting to submit it as legitimate evidence against Trump.

Now the Democrats are using video filmed by crimimnal Antifa members who were illegally in the Capitol Building ... while Democrats and snowflakes were not involved in the Capitol violence.


All of this proves - continues to prove - Democrats will team up with US enemies, domestic terrorists, and / or even manufacture false evidence against its own President / Govt in pursuit of power / control.

Someone Tell President Trump’s Attorneys – The Democrats’ Footage Showing Violence at the Capitol on January 6th Was Filmed by Antifa

On Tuesday the Democrats in the House pled their case that President Trump should be impeached because he was behind the violence at the Capitol on January 6th. In their opening remarks they shared this shocking video of the actions that day in the Capitol.

Of course, the Democrats removed the President’s remarks where he told his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.

But what the Democrats also neglected to point out is that the video that they used comes from Antifa."

In 2016 President Barak Obama and his criminal administration intentionally and knowingly used Russian Intelligence Agency-authored propaganda, delivered by a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was working for Hillary Clinton, Russians, and Barry;s FBI, to launch a failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US government by illegally andc treasonously removing the newly elected US President.

The Democrats just engaged in self-incrimination by knowingly using video footage filmed by violent, foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa to affect their 2nd admitted politically partisan Impeachment intended to eliminate Trump[as a future political hreat to the Democrat Party (according to Nancy Pelosi herself).

The FBI proved the extemists used Twitter and Facebook to pre-plan the 6 January violence, causing the FBI to issue an advanced warning that 'extremists are heading to DC to 'wage war''. Multiple videos show Antifa and BLM instigating the riot, breaking iunto the Capitol, being in the Capitol, and foilming the footage the Democrats just used against President Trump in their latest bogus Impeachment attempt.

It is not by accident that both that both Barak Obama and his criminal administration collaborated with enemies of this nation to attempt a failed political coup at the beginning of the Trump Presidency and ther fact that Pelosi and the Democrats are collaborating (using footage from domestic terrorist - self-professed enemies of this nation) with domestic terrorists to attack Trump at the end of his Presidency.

'You Are The Company You Keep', as the saying goes. Democrats involved in both attacks against Trump prove they 'are' enemies of the state and domestic terrorists, since that is who they have hung around and who they have gotten their 'evidence' from.

I kept wondering why would these folks implicate themselves by filming themselves committing felonies.
Answer: This was a setup by the Dems.
They are working with the very people who caused and filmed the riots.
Much of it was ongoing while Trump was still at his rally talking to followers.
They somehow got all of this footage from the source....yet won't arrest anyone....and are using it first to attack Trump....then later attack every Republican that stands in their way.
Yes.....this is dishonest and underhanded.
I'm surprised that Republicans haven't knocked their teeth out yet.
Democrats are not only using foreign-funded domestic terrorist filmed video from outside and inside the Capitol, they are pulling a 'SCHIFF' by MANUFACTURING FALSE EVIDENCE ANBD SUBMITTING IT AS LEGITIMATE EVIDENCE in their admitted 2nd politically partisan Impeachment:

House Impeachment Managers Forced to
Withdraw Evidence in Case Against Trump
After Senator Mike Lee Says It Is False

"The House impeachment managers on Wednesday were forced to withdraw evidence in their case against Donald Trump after Senator Mike Lee said it was not accurate.

The impeachment managers claimed on the night of January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee in the Capitol mistakenly believing he was talking to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.

Mike Lee went off on the lying impeachment managers for attributing a false quote to him.

“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said."

Lee called out the Democrat Impeachment Manager for LYING and forced the Democrats to withdraw their FALSE EVIDENCE!


BUSTED! Eric Swalwell Caught Using
Photoshopped Tweet at Impeachment
Trial #FakeNews

"House Impeachment Manager Eric Swalwell gave a riveting performance on Wednesday reading off Trump’s tweets with emotional appeal."

The problem is, the proven Manchurian Candidate who was proven to habve facilitated CCP Espionage attempts / been involved with a known CCP Espionage Ring GOT CAUGHT PHOTOSHOPPING AND SUBMITTING FALSE MANUFACTURED EVIDENCE AS LEGITIMATE EVIDENCE AGAINST TRUMP!

"During this theatrical performance, Swalwell read off a Trump retweet by Jennifer Lynn Lawrence. But there was one problem with the tweet. It was photoshopped."

Infiltrating the morons and shooting video != to seeking to hang Pence.


I almost forgot: "They're supported by foreigners!" Check the spelling lol.
Un-Constituional Impeachment of a Civilian / former President who has left office

An admission from the Speaker of the House thatthe intent of this 2nd political vendetta Impeachment is to protect the Democrat Party from Donald Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

The FBI's report that this was not an 'Insurrection' incited byTrump on 6 January but rather a planned event byextremists who used Twitter and Facebook to plan it in advance...and that weapons / pipe bombs were planted in the area before the event

Once again we have Democrats - to include a manchiurian Candidate CCP Espionage facilitator - being caught openly lying during their attempt to illegally submit false Democrat manufactured 'evidence'

The Democrats' collaborating with foreign-funded domestic terrorists, using criminal Antifa-filmed videos, and getting caught manufacturing / photoshopping false evidence against President Trump is bowing up in the criminal, treasonous Democrats' faces. The American people are watching the bitter, butt-hurt, Trump-obsessed Democrats again working with our enemies, domestic terrorists, and desperatley attempting to create evidence to 'get Trump'.
Did you read it? It's a mess and barely makes sense.
Made sense to me when I read it- did you read what I posted? It's a similar account of what's going on-

Let me help you with some reading mat'l

Capitol "Insurrection" Hoax
How Our Lying Press Would Have Spun Jan 6 Protest If Trump Were A Democrat

The same could be said for anything political - the presstitutes lie- it is what they do best-
Did you read it? It's a mess and barely makes sense.
Made sense to me when I read it- did you read what I posted? It's a similar account of what's going on-

Let me help you with some reading mat'l

Capitol "Insurrection" Hoax
How Our Lying Press Would Have Spun Jan 6 Protest If Trump Were A Democrat

The same could be said for anything political - the presstitutes lie- it is what they do best-
I see your post with a lot of imaginary nonsense.

There is no comparison between what Trump did and what anyone else has done, certainly not in modern history by any president.

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