Immigration - the Republicans' Big Problem


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

"The Republicans have a major problem here," said Matthew Dowd, who as an aide to President George W. Bush was part of a major push for comprehensive reform.

On ABC's "This Week" program, Dowd added, "The problem for Republicans is that immigration reform is a gateway issue. It basically says you have to do something about that in order for those voters to listen to you on all those other issues."

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:
GOP' immigration effort may have been scuttled by Sen. Cruz - SFGate
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz may have scuttled a compromise on immigration reform with just one sound bite.

House Republicans who supported the "principles" of immigration reform floated by Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, late last month grumbled Tuesday that the plan was dead on arrival because Cruz blasted it as "amnesty," spurring a blizzard of negative phone calls to House Republicans.

"After that it was 'We'll get back to you on immigration reform,' " said one Republican congressman who declined to be identified.

Boehner's plan, stressing tighter border security must come first, offered a pathway to citizenship for "Dreamers" - children of undocumented immigrants who arrived with their parents - as well as eventual legal status short of citizenship for other illegal immigrants.

Boehner released his plan to House Republicans on Jan. 30 during a three-day GOP retreat on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

Later that day while Boehner was closeted with colleagues miles from the nation's capital, Cruz used back-to-back television appearances to invoke the politically charged word "amnesty" to characterize the legalization offered by Boehner's plan.

By the time the GOP caucus broke up and Boehner headed back to Capitol Hill on Jan. 31, the House speaker was backtracking. Republican lawmakers so distrusted President Obama's readiness to enforce any immigration law that GOP lawmakers would not support immigration reform before the 2014 midterm congressional elections in November, Boehner declared.

Asked about his influential remarks Tuesday, Cruz said the Boehner plan was "inconsistent with the rule of law" and "a political mistake," adding that he was "glad to see Republicans in the House agreed."

Privately, some Republicans decried Cruz's indirect intervention in House deliberations with what they viewed as ill-timed remarks that provoked the telephone calling barrage.

Cruz dismissed reporters' questioning his role in sidetracking the House proposal on immigration reform.

"I understand that a lot of folks in the press want to focus on the Washington politics of it all," Cruz said. "I think most Americans could not care less about a bunch of politicians in Washington."
We don't even need illegal immigration to spell the death of the republicans. 2/3rds of all immigrants are non-white that are getting legalized.

10 more years or sooner the republicans won't even win texas.
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there is no problem with immigration.

GOP should just ignore all the shrieks form the left about it and pull harry reid on any legislative efforts.
I disagree with both Democrats and Republicans on the matter..

-Open the Borders, a Wall is worthless because a 10-foot wall just requires an 11-foot ladder
-2 year grace period for illegals to get work visas
-Potential immigrants should be issued a Social Security card, which would allow them to pay taxes.
-There should be a two-year grace period for illegal immigrants to attain work visas so they can continue contributing to America and begin taking part in American society openly.
-Immigrants should be able to bring their families to the US after demonstrating ability to support them financially.
-1 strike & you're out for legal immigrants who violate terms
-It should be easier for a potential immigrant to get a work visa.
-Streamline the legal immigration process to reduce illegal immigration and allow the U.S. to know who enters the country and for what reasons.
-Enforce a 'one strike, you're out' rule for immigrants who circumvent the streamlined work visa process.
-Impose and enforce sanctions on employers for noncompliance with immigration laws.
-Let some, but not all, illegal immigrants stay in US
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

"The Republicans have a major problem here," said Matthew Dowd, who as an aide to President George W. Bush was part of a major push for comprehensive reform.

On ABC's "This Week" program, Dowd added, "The problem for Republicans is that immigration reform is a gateway issue. It basically says you have to do something about that in order for those voters to listen to you on all those other issues."

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:

The sad and bizarre fact is this needn’t be a ‘problem,’ it’s actually a non-issue; it’s a controversy republicans have created on their own where they have only themselves to blame.
Fuck the left and their enabling criminal aliens. Poorly educated criminal aliens offer nothing to this country but more poverty and crime. Revamping the legal immigration system should be a priority where we allow a minimum of 5 highly skilled people for every 1 low skilled person. But before anything is done the nation should be secured, meaning our borders and entry and exit tracking systems so we know who is coming here and when they are supposed to leave and if they have done so.

Fixing immigration properly shouldn't be dictated by a bunch of name calling criminals and that is exactly what the commiecrats are, criminals, they are aiding and abetting criminal aliens every day which is a violation of federal and many state laws. That's what the GOP should concentrate on, the lawlessness of the commiecrats.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz may have scuttled a compromise on immigration reform with just one sound bite.

House Republicans who supported the "principles" of immigration reform floated by Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, late last month grumbled Tuesday that the plan was dead on arrival because Cruz blasted it as "amnesty," spurring a blizzard of negative phone calls to House Republicans.

Cruz has been a tremendous asset for democrats.

In addition to this moronic idiocy, Cruz also embarrassed himself and Senate republicans with another ‘filibuster’ concerning a vote on the debt ceiling. Senate republicans looked ridiculous as they scrambled to get the 60 votes needed to end Cruz’s pointless stunt.
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

"The Republicans have a major problem here," said Matthew Dowd, who as an aide to President George W. Bush was part of a major push for comprehensive reform.

On ABC's "This Week" program, Dowd added, "The problem for Republicans is that immigration reform is a gateway issue. It basically says you have to do something about that in order for those voters to listen to you on all those other issues."

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:

So am I to assume that you are advocating that both parties simply IGNORE the law? I realize that with the left it is done on a daily basis, but, believe it or not, republicans DO believe in the rule of law (or at least they used to).

However, now, the right is intimidated by the "idea" that illegal aliens might not vote to keep their sorry asses in office. Funny - I wasn't aware that it was legal for wetbacks to cast a ballot…but now we hear that Eric "Steadman" Holder is pushing to make sure that convicted felons are able to vote…..

Do I get a rat's ass if "hispanics are furious"? Screw 'em if they are here illegally. They have my permission to kiss my black ass. Unfortunately, republicans have been listening too much to their limp-wristed Marxists on the other side of the aisle that say "To HELL with the law!"
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

"The Republicans have a major problem here," said Matthew Dowd, who as an aide to President George W. Bush was part of a major push for comprehensive reform.

On ABC's "This Week" program, Dowd added, "The problem for Republicans is that immigration reform is a gateway issue. It basically says you have to do something about that in order for those voters to listen to you on all those other issues."

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:

Republicans have a strategy for this: prevent seniors, poor people, minorities and students from voting.

History will record Movement Conservatism as the most criminal and anti-Constitutional political movement in American history.

Welcome to Planet Citizens United.

Your government is now officially for sale

(and it has been purchased)
I don't buy into the suppressed premise. The suppressed premise is that "Hispanics" are some monolithic block who "favor" illegal immigration or "laws" that give favors or breaks to those who have come here illegally (or maybe just those who have stayed here illegally).

Why the fuck would the immigrants who got here by complying with our cumbersome laws want a bunch of "others" to do it by cheating? The ones who do that effectively marginalize the legal immigrants as well as the citizens already here.

With my rejection of the suppressed premise in mind, I think that the "problem" allegedly confronting the GOP is a lot of whoo ha.

It would be eye-opening (in a very positive way) if the damn GOP leadership would stop jumping through the numerous phony hoops placed before them by the lolberal Democratics. It would be refreshing and probably rewarding if they would (for the first time in a LONG time) stand on principle.
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

"The Republicans have a major problem here," said Matthew Dowd, who as an aide to President George W. Bush was part of a major push for comprehensive reform.

On ABC's "This Week" program, Dowd added, "The problem for Republicans is that immigration reform is a gateway issue. It basically says you have to do something about that in order for those voters to listen to you on all those other issues."

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:

Republicans have a strategy for this: prevent seniors, poor people, minorities and students from voting.

History will record Movement Conservatism as the most criminal and anti-Constitutional political movement in American history.

Welcome to Planet Citizens United.

Your government is now officially for sale

(and it has been purchased)

Hey fuck head, are you saying the laws don't apply to republican voters? Why is it you folks want to fight against election integrity? You got a problem with fair elections?
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

"The Republicans have a major problem here," said Matthew Dowd, who as an aide to President George W. Bush was part of a major push for comprehensive reform.

On ABC's "This Week" program, Dowd added, "The problem for Republicans is that immigration reform is a gateway issue. It basically says you have to do something about that in order for those voters to listen to you on all those other issues."

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:

Republicans have a strategy for this: prevent seniors, poor people, minorities and students from voting.

History will record Movement Conservatism as the most criminal and anti-Constitutional political movement in American history.

Welcome to Planet Citizens United.

Your government is now officially for sale

(and it has been purchased)

Well, let's see here….I'm black, 69 years old, retired, and have been voting since John F Kennedy ran for President. NOT ONE SOUL has ever tried to stop me from voting. As a matter of fact, the only group of people that EVER tried to "sway" my vote (by implied intimidation) was DEMOCRATS in the early 70s.

Looks as though I just blew your preposterous notion out of the water you idiot.
After the mid-term elections both Parties will pass an Immigration Reform bill that will create an ANNUAL influx of 1.5 business visas.
In other words, you better start a business NOW and apply for x number of those visas to work for you because otherwise you're not getting a job and your current career will be flushed down the toilet.

After the mid-term elections both Parties will pass an Immigration Reform bill that will create an ANNUAL influx of 1.5 business visas.
In other words, you better start a business NOW and apply for x number of those visas to work for you because otherwise you're not getting a job and your current career will be flushed down the toilet.


It would be unconstitutional for the house to take up S744, it has revenue raising provisions (fees and taxes) that can not originate in the senate. The house bill is still in committee and I seriously doubt it will be acted on this year. Both bills would have to be reintroduced and started from scratch in a new congress, they don't carry over.
We don't even need illegal immigration to spell the death of the republicans. 2/3rds of all immigrants are non-white that are getting legalized.

10 more years or sooner the republicans won't even win texas.

in ten years the Democrats wont be the same party themselves.....they will be somewhat many of their white elites head for the exits....
After the mid-term elections both Parties will pass an Immigration Reform bill that will create an ANNUAL influx of 1.5 business visas.
In other words, you better start a business NOW and apply for x number of those visas to work for you because otherwise you're not getting a job and your current career will be flushed down the toilet.


It would be unconstitutional for the house to take up S744, it has revenue raising provisions (fees and taxes) that can not originate in the senate. The house bill is still in committee and I seriously doubt it will be acted on this year. Both bills would have to be reintroduced and started from scratch in a new congress, they don't carry over.

Both Bills have a good deal of MDs in my community pretty nervous.
Hospitals and Clinics love cheap labor as much as any other type of business.
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

"The Republicans have a major problem here," said Matthew Dowd, who as an aide to President George W. Bush was part of a major push for comprehensive reform.

On ABC's "This Week" program, Dowd added, "The problem for Republicans is that immigration reform is a gateway issue. It basically says you have to do something about that in order for those voters to listen to you on all those other issues."

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:

I see that the concept of illegal immigration vs legal immigration is still too complicated for Dems to grasp.

Republicans have never had a problem with immigration. There is a huge problem with too many people illegally crossing borders and then making demands. Those are the people that the Dem party is courting and they are doing their best to legitimize them so they can vote in the next big election. They constantly promise them things and even run ads in Mexico encouraging them to come here. Once here, they are told that the evil Republicans are out to get them and that Dems will save them.

Problem is that too many coming here repeatedly are criminals. The border is not secure and hasn't been for years. The Dems outright lie about that because they want people pouring in and heading to the nearest welfare office. They need dependents, and lots of them, to maintain power. If anyone thinks that Dems actually care about the poor, they are stupid. The Dems need people to remain poor so they always have a cause and reason to attack those who are not poor.

Those on the right would rather see people come here legally with the intent of being a proud American and pulling their weight. They'd rather see people elevate and become productive citizens. The Dems like putting people on the liberal plantation to be taken care of, only they never seem to find the better life promised to them. They would find it if government hadn't all but killed the American dream. All politicians are up to their eyeballs in crony capitalism and a twisted version of our founding fathers' vision.

I don't trust a damn one of them and all this talk about winning over illegal aliens is just more rhetoric as people continue to play politics. I know it's all bullshit, but the average person might believe it after hearing this shit enough times from people masquerading as news anchors.

The idea that all Republicans are evil, wealthy, white and racist is a myth, but the left has pushed this for so long that they aren't about to stop now. The commies, socialist and other radicals cheer the liberals on, knowing that more and more people have surrendered to big government and it's controlling ways. You're all idiots.

Communists are the evil ones. Too bad so many brain dead people flunked history class.

The left did a great job of dividing people into groups and they are incapable of looking across the country and just seeing people. They see groups and they assume how they think just by looking at them.

Of course, now that millions of illegal aliens have come and had millions of children, the left knows that they are in a bad position. They need politicians to fulfill the promises made or they are screwed. But why did millions come in the first place? We don't enforce laws and they know they can get away with just about anything. These days, there is no danger of being deported, even if you commit crimes after entering. You can get welfare, huge tax refunds, housing and free schooling. They've been invited to come and have anchor babies and now they want it all. The Dems want to grant amnesty and a bunch of other goodies, so no doubt all that special treatment will garner up some votes. And some are so stupid to think it's about the little people. They are just pawns, as we all are, in the eyes of big government.

When the day comes that people wonder what the hell happened to this once great country, we can look back at all the socialist policies that took us down. And we'll be too poor and too powerless to do a damn thing about it.

They need more than half the country to welcome socialism. When we're all equally miserable, only the leaders will live the way we were all meant to in this country.
After the mid-term elections both Parties will pass an Immigration Reform bill that will create an ANNUAL influx of 1.5 business visas.
In other words, you better start a business NOW and apply for x number of those visas to work for you because otherwise you're not getting a job and your current career will be flushed down the toilet.


It would be unconstitutional for the house to take up S744, it has revenue raising provisions (fees and taxes) that can not originate in the senate. The house bill is still in committee and I seriously doubt it will be acted on this year. Both bills would have to be reintroduced and started from scratch in a new congress, they don't carry over.

Both Bills have a good deal of MDs in my community pretty nervous.
Hospitals and Clinics love cheap labor as much as any other type of business.

I don't see a need to worry for at least a couple of years, but you never say never.
Immigration and the GOP "Gateway" Problem with Hispanics | Center for Immigration Studies

This could spell the death of the GOP. What to do...what to do? Do nothing and infuriate Hispanics. Do something and increase the Democratic base.

Chose your poison...:eek:

Republicans have a strategy for this: prevent seniors, poor people, minorities and students from voting.

History will record Movement Conservatism as the most criminal and anti-Constitutional political movement in American history.

Welcome to Planet Citizens United.

Your government is now officially for sale

(and it has been purchased)

Well, let's see here….I'm black, 69 years old, retired, and have been voting since John F Kennedy ran for President. NOT ONE SOUL has ever tried to stop me from voting. As a matter of fact, the only group of people that EVER tried to "sway" my vote (by implied intimidation) was DEMOCRATS in the early 70s.

Looks as though I just blew your preposterous notion out of the water you idiot.

You must understand that because you are black (or old) democrats don’t think you are capable enough to get an ID and therefore they are trying to stop you from voting.

Of course, it is the republicans that are racist for thinking that you are just as capable as any white person is of obtaining an ID. That is obvious.


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