"i'm healthy, i don't need obamacare."


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


The Village Idiot said; “I am healthy, I don’t need obamacare.” Obamacare keeps the healthy, healthy with preventive medical care with yearly exams that detects the mole on you head before it takes your head off. Detect the cancer in your breast before it takes your breast of or you life. Detects the spot on your lungs before it turns cancerous. Athletes are falling dead on the football field because hidden heart defect was not detected. Some are children. Set a broken leg, etc. only a complete Village Idiot would oppose Obamacare which makes medical care affordable for those that are healthy. All of us are healthy before we become unhealthy. What is your Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) level? What is our A1C numbers? Your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers? 26,000 Americans die prematurely yearly without heath insurance.

I have a friend that waited too long before seeing a doctor for a simple cough and today I am going to her funeral.

Obamacare is affordable preventive medical care for the healthy. The main reason the healthy do not have healthcare. The fact that 60% of American oppose obamacare only say 60% of the people are uninformed and are listening to the Right and FAUXNEWS. Romney felt and still feel Romneycare was right for some of the people and not others make him one of the Village Idiots also.

“The foolish said;” “I am healthy, I don’t need Obamacare.” Then he died.

Obamacare is not "reckless spending."
Out of 300 million people, 26,000 is an extremely, EXTREMELY low number. That means we have more people dying from drunk drivers than lack of health insurance.

People who have a funny looking mole or a persistent cough can EASILY go to the doctor. I did it for YEARS, my entire life. I got sick, went to the doctor, got my prescriptions, went to the drug store, got the prescriptions filled and got better. I paid for everything myself. I paid for all my annual exams myself. I never once went without medical care. I have a friend under treatment for fibromyalgia. She can't afford to go to the doctor, not even at the reduced rates doctors charge for those without insurance. She goes to a free clinic where the same doctors I pay, donate a few hours a week.
Out of 300 million people, 26,000 is an extremely, EXTREMELY low number. That means we have more people dying from drunk drivers than lack of health insurance.

People who have a funny looking mole or a persistent cough can EASILY go to the doctor. I did it for YEARS, my entire life. I got sick, went to the doctor, got my prescriptions, went to the drug store, got the prescriptions filled and got better. I paid for everything myself. I paid for all my annual exams myself. I never once went without medical care. I have a friend under treatment for fibromyalgia. She can't afford to go to the doctor, not even at the reduced rates doctors charge for those without insurance. She goes to a free clinic where the same doctors I pay, donate a few hours a week.

And the point is? Dead is dead. No one in the country should die because of lack of medical care. That barbaric.
Good for you. :eusa_hand: But millions of Americans cannot afford medical care. And we are more civilized then to let them die but we do.
Only the homeless indigent qualify for Free Cliniics. And taxpayers pay for free clinics.

Katzndogs, I think you lie.:eusa_liar:
Romneycare a great success, none of the PUB doom and gloom.


Frontline said cost rises are now 2%, easily the lowest in the USA. So change the channel...

For this reason he also provided for subsidies for individuals living below three times the federal poverty line to make insurance affordable. This “three-legged stool”—banning discrimination in insurance markets, mandating that individuals purchase insurance, and providing low-income subsidies for insurance purchase—became the basis for both our reform in Massachusetts and for the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The enormous success of health-care reform in the almost six years since its passage in Massachusetts can make us more confident that this three-legged stool will work for the nation as a whole. We have covered about two-thirds of uninsured Massachusetts residents, and have lowered the premiums in the non-group market by half relative to national premium trends. And we have done so with broad public support. Moreover, this reform succeeded without interfering with the employer-sponsored insurance market that works for most of our residents: employer-sponsored insurance coverage has actually risen in Massachusetts, while falling sharply nationally, and the premiums for employer-sponsored insurance rose no faster in Massachusetts than they did nationally.

This was all possible because the individual mandate ended the “death spiral” of trying to obtain fairly priced insurance by just forcing insurers to charge everyone the same price. The bottom line is that we can’t have fairly priced insurance for the healthy and sick alike without the broad participation that is guaranteed by the mandate. The mandate is the spinach we have to eat to get the dessert that is fairly priced insurance coverage.

Actually, RomneyCare is an enormous success « Hot Air Headlines
Mar 27, 2012 ... Actually, RomneyCare is an enormous success. Into this chasm stepped the hero
of our story, Governor Mitt Romney, and his plan for ...

http://www.factcheck.org/2011/03/rom...nd-falsehoods/ - Cached

romneycare success - Google Search
Out of 300 million people, 26,000 is an extremely, EXTREMELY low number. That means we have more people dying from drunk drivers than lack of health insurance.

People who have a funny looking mole or a persistent cough can EASILY go to the doctor. I did it for YEARS, my entire life. I got sick, went to the doctor, got my prescriptions, went to the drug store, got the prescriptions filled and got better. I paid for everything myself. I paid for all my annual exams myself. I never once went without medical care. I have a friend under treatment for fibromyalgia. She can't afford to go to the doctor, not even at the reduced rates doctors charge for those without insurance. She goes to a free clinic where the same doctors I pay, donate a few hours a week.

And the point is? Dead is dead. No one in the country should die because of lack of medical care. That barbaric.
Good for you. :eusa_hand: But millions of Americans cannot afford medical care. And we are more civilized then to let them die but we do.
Only the homeless indigent qualify for Free Cliniics. And taxpayers pay for free clinics.

Katzndogs, I think you lie.:eusa_liar:

Just so everyone on this board will know that you are an uninformed fool, I will publish this about Free Clinics in Georgia.
About GFCN Clinics…

94% of the clinics provide primary care medical services
46% provide dental services
46% provide vision services
86% provide prescription assistance
83% provide health education
34% provide mental health services
63% accept no payment of any kind for services. If a fee is charged, it can vary from $5-$50.
A clinic’s primary source of funding is individuals and private foundations.
The average number of hours per week a clinic is open 10.
The average number of volunteer hours given a year per clinic is 2000.

Clinics are seeing an average 40% increase in patients due to the state’s record unemployment rate.
65% of the clinics in Georgia have a religious affiliation.

About the Patients We Serve…
The uninsured in 90 of Georgia’s 159 counties have access to a charity/free clinic.
80% of free clinic patients have one or more chronic illnesses, requiring extensive and ongoing medical care, care coordination and patient education. The most common diagnosis is hypertension, followed by diabetes.
57% of the patients seen in Georgia clinics are female.
85% of the patients treated are between the ages of 18 & 64 years.
Most patients are employed, sometimes holding more than one job.
At an average clinic, the percentage of patients who are: White-40%; African-American-41%; Latino-16%
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Out of 300 million people, 26,000 is an extremely, EXTREMELY low number. That means we have more people dying from drunk drivers than lack of health insurance.

People who have a funny looking mole or a persistent cough can EASILY go to the doctor. I did it for YEARS, my entire life. I got sick, went to the doctor, got my prescriptions, went to the drug store, got the prescriptions filled and got better. I paid for everything myself. I paid for all my annual exams myself. I never once went without medical care. I have a friend under treatment for fibromyalgia. She can't afford to go to the doctor, not even at the reduced rates doctors charge for those without insurance. She goes to a free clinic where the same doctors I pay, donate a few hours a week.

And the point is? Dead is dead. No one in the country should die because of lack of medical care. That barbaric.
Good for you. :eusa_hand: But millions of Americans cannot afford medical care. And we are more civilized then to let them die but we do.
Only the homeless indigent qualify for Free Cliniics. And taxpayers pay for free clinics.

Katzndogs, I think you lie.:eusa_liar:

No one asks income at a free clinic. You've never been to one so you don't know that. They will accept as a valid address "I be hangin out at 3rd and Alvarado".

The millions of people who cannot afford medical care can go to a charity provider, like a free clinic, or charity supported hospital like Cedars of Sinai, City of Hope, or any one of dozens of other charitable providers. Under the obamatax, a bureaucrat will decide whether or not anyone gets medical care at all. Then dead will still be dead, but you'll feel better about it.

I am always surprised at the number of people who think they will actually GET medical care of any kind once the government is in charge. No one has ever said that anyone would really get medical care. You are only promised access to medical care. Meaning you have the right to die in a waiting room.

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