I'm actually considering marriage


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.
I donā€™t recall if we argue or agree on stuff, but either way, Iā€™m so happy for you. This is great. Youā€™re the perfect age for it.

Donā€˜t do what so many people do. With the increased money start spending more. If your parents arenā€™t paying for the wedding, have a cheap wedding. Put the money you save into savings. You have to help your kid(s) and they are expensive! Max out both your 401ks then live off whatā€™s left over. In 30 years youā€™ll have millions.
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.
Greet her mother with flowers... smooth sailing from there.
Greet her mother with flowers... smooth sailing from there.
You got to ask the dad first too! Do it right.

Actually, ask her first then tell her youā€™re going to ask her dad. Before she tells them. But especially if he hasnā€™t even met them yet? How long has he been dating her? Maybe heā€™s moving too fast?
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.
a few quotes on marraige.

My wife Mary and I have been married for forty-seven years and not once have we had an argument serious enough to consider divorce; murder, yes, but divorce, never.

Jack Benny

Marriage is give and take. You'd better give it to her or she'll take it anyway.

Joey Adams

Getting married is a lot like getting into a tub of hot water. After you get used to it, it ain't so hot.

Minnie Pearl
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.
Why get married? Ask yourself what does being married allow you to achieve, that you couldn't do otherwise? Something to seriously consider. What is in it for you? Marriage is a contract. And any good contract benefits all parties involved. And a marriage contract particularly is a three way contract between you, her, and the State. Think this through very, very carefully...
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.

Congrats. Being married is awesome.
Why get married? Ask yourself what does being married allow you to achieve, that you couldn't do otherwise? Something to seriously consider. What is in it for you? Marriage is a contract. And any good contract benefits all parties involved. And a marriage contract particularly is a three way contract between you, her, and the State. Think this through very, very carefully...
I have been a bachelor for a long time and have dated many women but this gal has a certain quality about her that is almost irresistible.
I have been a bachelor for a long time and have dated many women but this gal has a certain quality about her that is almost irresistible.
Be that as it may. Looks, and infatuation fade. The qualities you just described will be present regardless of a contract. Unfortunately being "in love", is no reason to make a life changing decision like getting married. And having been together just a couple months? Seriously? Do what you want, but its a bad idea. A very bad idea. Again, ask yourself what you gain by doing this. It's not selfish. It's prudent. Additionally talk with an attorney and apprise yourself of what you have to lose when it goes bad.
Most men seem to want to live with a woman. I just canā€™t. I want to watch my tv shows, smoke pot, not go to your parents or shopping.

My brother has a great marriage. He does his shit and she donā€™t complain and she has her friends and things she does without him.
Be that as it may. Looks, and infatuation fade. The qualities you just described will be present regardless of a contract. Unfortunately being "in love", is no reason to make a life changing decision like getting married. And having been together just a couple months? Seriously? Do what you want, but itā€™s a bad idea. A very bad idea. Again, ask yourself what you gain by doing this. It's not selfish. It's prudent. Additionally talk with an attorney and apprise yourself of what you have to lose when it goes bad.
Well I get the sense heā€™s not going to propose tomorrow. Heā€™s just thinking sheā€™s the one. So far she sounds great. Sheā€™s pretty, likes him back and she has a job.

What happens when she gets pregnant? How much does this guy make?
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.
How much do you make? Assume when she has a kid she may never work again or stop until the kids in high school. Thatā€™s 14 years you paying for 3 people.

What I would do is ask her to get married but only after sheā€™s debt free and you have

a. A home
b. $100k in the bank

Then we can have ONE kid.
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.

Don't think about marriage for a few years. It takes a long time to really get to know someone, even two years isn't necessarily enough.
Well I get the sense heā€™s not going to propose tomorrow. Heā€™s just thinking sheā€™s the one. So far she sounds great. Sheā€™s pretty, likes him back and she has a job.

What happens when she gets pregnant? How much does this guy make?
Don't know. I'm not his daddy, but 2 months in? He doesn't even know her yet. He'll one could be married 20 years, and still not know their spouse. Like my brothers lawyer said, "you don't fully know your wife, until your across the table from her in a divorce court".

Point being any legally binding contract should be run through your legal counsel, and one should certainly educate themselves with the divorce laws, and family court system of their state before even considering marriage.
Don't think about marriage for a few years. It takes a long time to really get to know someone, even two years isn't necessarily enough.
Prove to each other it makes sense. Like I said, start maxing out the 401ks while youā€™re just living together. Donā€™t go into debt to get married.

And seriously plan to be the only bread winner for 3 or 4 people. Women find a way to weasel out of working. They convince the hubby to be a fool and work for all 3 or 4 if they have two kids.
Don't know. I'm not his daddy, but 2 months in? He doesn't even know her yet. He'll one could be married 20 years, and still not know their spouse. Like my brothers lawyer said, "you don't fully know your wife, until your across the table from her in a divorce court".

Point being any legally binding contract should be run through your legal counsel, and one should certainly educate themselves with the divorce laws, and family court system of their state before even considering marriage.
And honestly, marriage is a horrible idea if you make more than your wife.

Notice rich women always insist on a prenup but women get offended when they are asked to sign one?

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