I'm a Mormom...


^Been seeing these all over... Don't know if the Church is Preppin' for Mitt or what...

I've Known some Mormons in my Day...

Here's the thing that sticks out about these Billboards.

Other than White People on them.

More than one Mormon has said that the Blacks and Hispanics and other "Dark" people were Punished by God and given the Darker Skin...

And that there are different Levels of Heaven.

Is this True about the Mormon Faith?



You know what is funny? Mormon is kind of considered a slang term to most "mormons".
Many refer to themselves as LDS or RDS. I didn't know this until my LDS friend told me, thought it was interesting. I heard them refer to themselves as Mormon all the time, I wonder if they do that please the masses or they play into using their slang term?
I think that's correct, wasn't the mormon religion the last religion to come around in terms of letting blacks in the churches?

Correct me if I'm wrong.

blacks have been part of the Church since it was founded.

Yep, as slaves or servants, unable to have temple blessings. The ban was lifted in 1978 by Spencer Kimball, the then leader of the flock. I know some black Mormons here: nice people.
Growing up in the 70s there was only one inter racial couple on the block. white female, chinese male. They were mormon.

Mormon =racist won't work for folks who actually know them.

As a religion, they are still bat shit.
Growing up in the 70s there was only one inter racial couple on the block. white female, chinese male. They were mormon.

Mormon =racist won't work for folks who actually know them.

As a religion, they are still bat shit.

They're all bat shit.

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