Illegal sold Guns, Meth 2 undercover cops & sawed off shotguns, AK-47’s, revolvers…


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Meth! Machine Guns! Mustard? Feds charge San Jose hot dog vendor and partner with gun-running - San Jose Mercury News

San Jose, California – In my opinon, Guillermo "El Gallo" Gonzalez Castillo, 23, an illegal alien was arrest for selling methamphetamines and stolen guns to undercover cops. Rut Row… "El Gallo" is Spanish for rooster.

On July 17, Castillo in true clown fashion pushed a baby carriage with his weapons to the police officers and sold them an AK-47 assault rifle and about a 1,000 rounds of ammo for $ 1,400.00 he felt so good about the sale he even threw in a revolver for $ 550.00

Castillo was working undercover himself selling hotdogs with a partner. They worked 2 street corners in San Jose, Ca. His partners name was Jose "Chepe" Gilberto Ortiz, 58, he is a felon who had been charged for weapons and drugs. He was also selling stolen guns out of the hot dog stand.

They both have been arraigned on “charges of selling an armory of dangerous weapons and drugs to an undercover agent from an innocuous East Side hot dog stand and another city street corner.”

The two have been investigated since April 2011. The undercover officers first bought guns from Ortiz. He sold them 2 Smith & Wesson .357 pistols for $ 700.00 Ortiz told him that Castillo could get them machine guns and of course they wanted to meet him.

The pair sold the cops stolen shotguns with serial numbers filed off and a sawed-off shotgun, a number of hand guns and rifles and a quarter pound of methamphetamine.

I hope they don’t see the light of day for a really long, long time.
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