Illegal Immigrants Trash hotels they are staying in...Free for All...drugs, sex...


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2021
  • This is sickening. The illegal Migrants are destroying the hotel rooms, They are not held accountable for their actions. They get all kinds of amenities, free food, free room and how do they show their appreciation? By trashing the hotel rooms, staying drunk most of the day and its a free for all of activity and no-one is allowed to approach them.
  • An ex-employee of the Row Hotel in New York has exposed the appalling state of the hotel rooms occupied by newly arrived migrants in the city all at city expense
  • Carlos Arellano described the establishment as chaotic, with rampant drug use, sexual activity, and violence, and he believes it should be closed down
  • Hotel's 1,300 rooms spanning 28 floors have been allocated almost entirely to accommodate migrants, with the city paying a nightly rate of $500 for their stay.
One ex employee reported a 10 year old was drunk and no parents were around. With all the fake document papers, it was likely the migrants that said she was their daughter, was not their daughter at all.

The migrants appear to have trashed their rooms leaving stains on the carpet together with drink cans and bottles everywhere


See, if these were “decent people who only want a chance at a better life,” as my leftist acquaintances (they’re no longer friends) keep insisting, they would be on their best behavior, much like a guy on a first date eager to impress, demonstrating what good additions they will be to our society.

Instead, they crash into our country, KNOWING we don’t want lowlifes like them here, and then they proceed to demonstrate to us that they indeed ARE lowlifes who will bring down the caliber of this country.
Sorry bout that,

1. At this rate NYC will be broke in a month.
2. Can they pack in more?
3. I shake my head at stupid, let the stupid roll on in *NYC*.

I can’t understand why disgusting behavior from these illegal lowlifes don’t get them deported back to Central America on the next flight.
  • This is sickening. The illegal Migrants are destroying the hotel rooms, They are not held accountable for their actions. They get all kinds of amenities, free food, free room and how do they show their appreciation? By trashing the hotel rooms, staying drunk most of the day and its a free for all of activity and no-one is allowed to approach them.
  • An ex-employee of the Row Hotel in New York has exposed the appalling state of the hotel rooms occupied by newly arrived migrants in the city all at city expense
  • Carlos Arellano described the establishment as chaotic, with rampant drug use, sexual activity, and violence, and he believes it should be closed down
  • Hotel's 1,300 rooms spanning 28 floors have been allocated almost entirely to accommodate migrants, with the city paying a nightly rate of $500 for their stay.
One ex employee reported a 10 year old was drunk and no parents were around. With all the fake document papers, it was likely the migrants that said she was their daughter, was not their daughter at all.

The migrants appear to have trashed their rooms leaving stains on the carpet together with drink cans and bottles everywhere

Being an illegal immigrant must be so awesome you should try it
Thread up. :)

Indeed, that is what Biden brought down on America to destroy this nation. When he dies, a whole bunch of people are going to spit on his grave. And that's what I think.
Indeed, that is what Biden brought down on America to destroy this nation. When he dies, a whole bunch of people are going to spit on his grave. And that's what I think.
Sorry bout that,

1. I will be standing right behind you, waiting and ready to blow a *Luwgy*!

  • This is sickening. The illegal Migrants are destroying the hotel rooms, They are not held accountable for their actions. They get all kinds of amenities, free food, free room and how do they show their appreciation? By trashing the hotel rooms, staying drunk most of the day and its a free for all of activity and no-one is allowed to approach them.
  • An ex-employee of the Row Hotel in New York has exposed the appalling state of the hotel rooms occupied by newly arrived migrants in the city all at city expense
  • Carlos Arellano described the establishment as chaotic, with rampant drug use, sexual activity, and violence, and he believes it should be closed down
  • Hotel's 1,300 rooms spanning 28 floors have been allocated almost entirely to accommodate migrants, with the city paying a nightly rate of $500 for their stay.
One ex employee reported a 10 year old was drunk and no parents were around. With all the fake document papers, it was likely the migrants that said she was their daughter, was not their daughter at all.

The migrants appear to have trashed their rooms leaving stains on the carpet together with drink cans and bottles everywhere

Show some fucking gratitude and respect for the greatest country in the world and the US taxpayer that is making this possible for your better life. These pictures look like the shit holes you left behind.
I can’t understand why disgusting behavior from these illegal lowlifes don’t get them deported back to Central America on the next flight.
Biden needs all their votes....that's why he encouraged them for 2 years to "Come on Down!!"

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