Ilhan Omar arrested and jailed!

Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

That image is not at all accurate.
Since we learned that all humans came out of Africa only about 100,000 years ago, that explained why there really is not any significant difference between races.
The people in Somalia are not lower IQ at all, but simply don't do well on IQ tests designed for western culture.
The battle of Mogadishu happened because Somalis figured out how to turn the self destruct timer of an RPG round into a timed proximity flak. Which is pretty ingenious really.

And also it is nearly impossible for males to get welfare in the US. You have to have a disability. The statistic your image shows is deliberately deceptive, in that it reflect the percentage that get ANY welfare at all, and of course many poor people do get free ER help. But that is not really welfare, and no one lived on that like the image caption falsely tries to imply.

Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.
Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East. With Domestic Oil, and Natural Gas production increasing under Trump, we are much less dependent on their oil, but the WORLD PRICE of oil is still dependent upon their uninterrupted supply. That is why there is still a need to be concerned about that region.

Sorry, but every single point is totally wrong.

Israel is not only not our ally, but colludes against free and fair elections in the US more than anyone else.
Israel also costs us more than all the rest of our foreign aid put together.
Not once has Israel ever joined into a US mission or even ever allow us to use one of their bases.

And not buying foreign oil is just stupid.
The US has lots of coal, but very little oil and gas.
Right now oil and gas are cheap.
So it is stupid to sell US oil and gas now when it is cheap.
We will soon run out, and then we will have to buy foreign oil and gas completely, when it is going to be far more expensive.
Instead we should be buying foreign gas and oil now, and saving ours for when the price goes up.
Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

That image is not at all accurate.
Since we learned that all humans came out of Africa only about 100,000 years ago, that explained why there really is not any significant difference between races.
The people in Somalia are not lower IQ at all, but simply don't do well on IQ tests designed for western culture.
The battle of Mogadishu happened because Somalis figured out how to turn the self destruct timer of an RPG round into a timed proximity flak. Which is pretty ingenious really.

And also it is nearly impossible for males to get welfare in the US. You have to have a disability. The statistic your image shows is deliberately deceptive, in that it reflect the percentage that get ANY welfare at all, and of course many poor people do get free ER help. But that is not really welfare, and no one lived on that like the image caption falsely tries to imply.

Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.

What do you want a link on?
There were 2 captions in the image, one was claiming a low IQ for Somalians, and the other was claiming extremely high rates of Blacks living on welfare.
These should really be pretty obvious, but which do you need/want to have proof they are wrong?
Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

That image is not at all accurate.
Since we learned that all humans came out of Africa only about 100,000 years ago, that explained why there really is not any significant difference between races.
The people in Somalia are not lower IQ at all, but simply don't do well on IQ tests designed for western culture.
The battle of Mogadishu happened because Somalis figured out how to turn the self destruct timer of an RPG round into a timed proximity flak. Which is pretty ingenious really.

And also it is nearly impossible for males to get welfare in the US. You have to have a disability. The statistic your image shows is deliberately deceptive, in that it reflect the percentage that get ANY welfare at all, and of course many poor people do get free ER help. But that is not really welfare, and no one lived on that like the image caption falsely tries to imply.

Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.

What do you want a link on?
There were 2 captions in the image, one was claiming a low IQ for Somalians, and the other was claiming extremely high rates of Blacks living on welfare.
These should really be pretty obvious, but which do you need/want to have proof they are wrong?

Show a link for the IQ to prove your hypothesis that it is the test as you claim. Welfare is due to single
Mother rates. White single mothers have the same issue. It is pretty obvious to me. You’re a moron. Also obvious to me. Either back up your claims or go away.
Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East. With Domestic Oil, and Natural Gas production increasing under Trump, we are much less dependent on their oil, but the WORLD PRICE of oil is still dependent upon their uninterrupted supply. That is why there is still a need to be concerned about that region.

Sorry, but every single point is totally wrong.

Israel is not only not our ally, but colludes against free and fair elections in the US more than anyone else.
Israel also costs us more than all the rest of our foreign aid put together.
Not once has Israel ever joined into a US mission or even ever allow us to use one of their bases.

And not buying foreign oil is just stupid.
The US has lots of coal, but very little oil and gas.
Right now oil and gas are cheap.
So it is stupid to sell US oil and gas now when it is cheap.
We will soon run out, and then we will have to buy foreign oil and gas completely, when it is going to be far more expensive.
Instead we should be buying foreign gas and oil now, and saving ours for when the price goes up.

You couldn't be more WRONG.

We are now the largest oil producer in the world, and exporting Natural Gas due to fracking and that we have so much of it. We've found the largest oil and gas reserve in Texas a few years ago, and finding more all the time.

Sept. 12 (UPI) -- The United States is producing 11 million barrels of crude oil per month, becoming the world's top crude producer for the first time in more than 40 years, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said Wednesday.

The EIA said U.S. production of crude oil surpassed Saudi Arabia in February and then exceeded Russia in June and August. It had been about 20 years since the United States had higher crude production than either of those two countries. And the last time the United States had the top spot in the world was in 1973.

U.S. is now the world's top oil producer, Energy Department says
Fake News to give Conservatives a Hard on

Women of color who speak their mind makes them crazy
Only when they hate america, kinda tells us a lot about yourself.

Notice the LEFT always has to accuse us of RACISM? I'm surprised that dolt didn't say we're SEXIST too. Oh wait he did! LOL!

Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

Damn. I thought this was recent.
Don't mislead us like this.

We're not in current events and zero threads on it have ever been posted here that I could find. :dunno:

Info is info, baby. Omar displays criminal tendencies and her fellow countrymen from her district do as well and then some, by adding traitorous terrorism into the mix.
No, he just defends neo-Nazi's who run over protesters and "patriots" who chant "send her back." He is the fuckin' worst of the lot.

If they tried to block me in and attack me, I'd start doing donuts in the whole crowd, then hit reverse and do backwards donuts on their asses.

I've seen what can happen, windshields bashed in people pulled out and beaten to where they have permanent injuries. I'm not playing that.
And you’d be in prison like that nazi at that trump parade

Oh, but I would get my prison's worth, and then some!
If America is great again why you so angry?

I’m going ou on my boat today. What are you doing?

Unless it's a canoe down a spring-fed river, I'm not doing that. Probably machete-ing vines in 102 degree + 88% humidity weather. :party: :mad:

Actually it was 79 degrees and cloudy yesterday. In other words not too hot and not too cold. We ended up at the restaurant on the lake and pulled a few honeys out on the boat. It is a great way to attract women. "So do you want to go out on my boat?" Then they walk out to see it's brand new. Well, a year old.

Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East. With Domestic Oil, and Natural Gas production increasing under Trump, we are much less dependent on their oil, but the WORLD PRICE of oil is still dependent upon their uninterrupted supply. That is why there is still a need to be concerned about that region.

Sorry, but every single point is totally wrong.

Israel is not only not our ally, but colludes against free and fair elections in the US more than anyone else.
Israel also costs us more than all the rest of our foreign aid put together.
Not once has Israel ever joined into a US mission or even ever allow us to use one of their bases.

And not buying foreign oil is just stupid.
The US has lots of coal, but very little oil and gas.
Right now oil and gas are cheap.
So it is stupid to sell US oil and gas now when it is cheap.
We will soon run out, and then we will have to buy foreign oil and gas completely, when it is going to be far more expensive.
Instead we should be buying foreign gas and oil now, and saving ours for when the price goes up.

Is that you, Jimmuh Carter? We tried it your way, your way sucks, next!
I forget how addicted you guys are to conspiracy theories.
Her biological name is different then the one she used to join that family.. it’s a fact look it up

Not a fact.
What’s her biological name?
XX homosapiens
Great minds think alike. lol

if she used a fake name on immigration papers-------that is FRAUD ----if
she did so in order to USE someone else's rights----that is FRAUD----even
though she is an homo sapien of color
Last edited:
UPDATE: Yes I screwed up on her motivation for being in that lobby. There was a mob there to protest Somalia's ex-president, not be Imam groupies.

They may have intended to mob and kill him.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
That cannot be said out loud, however, or you will be branded as a terrorist supporter. The only thing acceptable to say about terrorists is that the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
Now, I hate terrorism and I think those jihadi's are the bottom of the pond as far as scum goes, but they have a different viewpoint and when you are talking about some of the ancient (and not so ancient) conflicts between peoples in the Middle East, it is pretty sensible to recall that there are two sides to every story and taking one side or the other does not necessarily make you a terrorist!

The war on Terror may have literally directly, and indirectly killed 3 million, as opposed to 9/11 killing 3 thousand.
I'm just throwing out numbers here on the amount the War on Terror has killed,
but it may very well be 3 million, maybe less, maybe more.

The bottom line is far more have been killed in the War on Terror than by actual Terrorists.

So, you tell me who's more wrong?
I have nothing against what we did when we went after binLaden. Or ISIS.

We are in a war on terror. Either you support our war or you do not. AQ is a terror group. Internationally recognized. They don't get a POV.
There is no either or. That is a fallacy.

Except there is. We are in a war on terror, that is an undisputed fact. AQ is an internationally recognized terror group. Another undisputed fact. When you defend AQ you are defending terrorists and hence are a traitor.

The logic is definitely there, I just can't see OldLady being a traitor, though.
The war on Terror may have literally directly, and indirectly killed 3 million, as opposed to 9/11 killing 3 thousand.
I'm just throwing out numbers here on the amount the War on Terror has killed,
but it may very well be 3 million, maybe less, maybe more.

The bottom line is far more have been killed in the War on Terror than by actual Terrorists.

So, you tell me who's more wrong?
I have nothing against what we did when we went after binLaden. Or ISIS.

We are in a war on terror. Either you support our war or you do not. AQ is a terror group. Internationally recognized. They don't get a POV.
There is no either or. That is a fallacy.

Except there is. We are in a war on terror, that is an undisputed fact. AQ is an internationally recognized terror group. Another undisputed fact. When you defend AQ you are defending terrorists and hence are a traitor.

The logic is definitely there, I just can't see OldLady being a traitor, though.

She is insane so she may plead insanity I guess?
I have nothing against what we did when we went after binLaden. Or ISIS.

We are in a war on terror. Either you support our war or you do not. AQ is a terror group. Internationally recognized. They don't get a POV.
There is no either or. That is a fallacy.

Except there is. We are in a war on terror, that is an undisputed fact. AQ is an internationally recognized terror group. Another undisputed fact. When you defend AQ you are defending terrorists and hence are a traitor.

The logic is definitely there, I just can't see OldLady being a traitor, though.

She is insane so she may plead insanity I guess?

I vote for inane, not insane. She can plead inanity.
Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

That image is not at all accurate.
Since we learned that all humans came out of Africa only about 100,000 years ago, that explained why there really is not any significant difference between races.
The people in Somalia are not lower IQ at all, but simply don't do well on IQ tests designed for western culture.
The battle of Mogadishu happened because Somalis figured out how to turn the self destruct timer of an RPG round into a timed proximity flak. Which is pretty ingenious really.

And also it is nearly impossible for males to get welfare in the US. You have to have a disability. The statistic your image shows is deliberately deceptive, in that it reflect the percentage that get ANY welfare at all, and of course many poor people do get free ER help. But that is not really welfare, and no one lived on that like the image caption falsely tries to imply.

Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.

What do you want a link on?
There were 2 captions in the image, one was claiming a low IQ for Somalians, and the other was claiming extremely high rates of Blacks living on welfare.
These should really be pretty obvious, but which do you need/want to have proof they are wrong?

Show a link for the IQ to prove your hypothesis that it is the test as you claim. Welfare is due to single
Mother rates. White single mothers have the same issue. It is pretty obvious to me. You’re a moron. Also obvious to me. Either back up your claims or go away.

As for IQ, anyone who ever took an IQ test should remember how culturally biased the test was. If you had not had the classes already defining the terms and procedures, you would likely do far worse, without being dumber.
But here is discussion that refutes the claim of racial IQ differences.
IQ and Global Inequality - Wikipedia

As for welfare, it is true that single mothers can get welfare, but they are not that significant portion of the population, and welfare still is not a common nor viable means of support. The reality is that welfare only about 10% of the federal budget, not many can or do get it, and it is not the freeloading many claim it is.
9 Surprising Facts About Welfare Recipients
Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East. With Domestic Oil, and Natural Gas production increasing under Trump, we are much less dependent on their oil, but the WORLD PRICE of oil is still dependent upon their uninterrupted supply. That is why there is still a need to be concerned about that region.

Sorry, but every single point is totally wrong.

Israel is not only not our ally, but colludes against free and fair elections in the US more than anyone else.
Israel also costs us more than all the rest of our foreign aid put together.
Not once has Israel ever joined into a US mission or even ever allow us to use one of their bases.

And not buying foreign oil is just stupid.
The US has lots of coal, but very little oil and gas.
Right now oil and gas are cheap.
So it is stupid to sell US oil and gas now when it is cheap.
We will soon run out, and then we will have to buy foreign oil and gas completely, when it is going to be far more expensive.
Instead we should be buying foreign gas and oil now, and saving ours for when the price goes up.

You couldn't be more WRONG.

We are now the largest oil producer in the world, and exporting Natural Gas due to fracking and that we have so much of it. We've found the largest oil and gas reserve in Texas a few years ago, and finding more all the time.

Sept. 12 (UPI) -- The United States is producing 11 million barrels of crude oil per month, becoming the world's top crude producer for the first time in more than 40 years, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said Wednesday.

The EIA said U.S. production of crude oil surpassed Saudi Arabia in February and then exceeded Russia in June and August. It had been about 20 years since the United States had higher crude production than either of those two countries. And the last time the United States had the top spot in the world was in 1973.

U.S. is now the world's top oil producer, Energy Department says

That is totally wrong.
We are pumping more, but that is not new oil but oil already assumed was there.
We are quickly running out.
Fracking is even worse, because it wastes so much natural gas that escapes.
I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

That image is not at all accurate.
Since we learned that all humans came out of Africa only about 100,000 years ago, that explained why there really is not any significant difference between races.
The people in Somalia are not lower IQ at all, but simply don't do well on IQ tests designed for western culture.
The battle of Mogadishu happened because Somalis figured out how to turn the self destruct timer of an RPG round into a timed proximity flak. Which is pretty ingenious really.

And also it is nearly impossible for males to get welfare in the US. You have to have a disability. The statistic your image shows is deliberately deceptive, in that it reflect the percentage that get ANY welfare at all, and of course many poor people do get free ER help. But that is not really welfare, and no one lived on that like the image caption falsely tries to imply.

Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.

What do you want a link on?
There were 2 captions in the image, one was claiming a low IQ for Somalians, and the other was claiming extremely high rates of Blacks living on welfare.
These should really be pretty obvious, but which do you need/want to have proof they are wrong?

Show a link for the IQ to prove your hypothesis that it is the test as you claim. Welfare is due to single
Mother rates. White single mothers have the same issue. It is pretty obvious to me. You’re a moron. Also obvious to me. Either back up your claims or go away.

As for IQ, anyone who ever took an IQ test should remember how culturally biased the test was. If you had not had the classes already defining the terms and procedures, you would likely do far worse, without being dumber.
But here is discussion that refutes the claim of racial IQ differences.
IQ and Global Inequality - Wikipedia

As for welfare, it is true that single mothers can get welfare, but they are not that significant portion of the population, and welfare still is not a common nor viable means of support. The reality is that welfare only about 10% of the federal budget, not many can or do get it, and it is not the freeloading many claim it is.
9 Surprising Facts About Welfare Recipients

A lot of the IQ testing is logic. I ve taken the tests to me it was more logic less education. 10% is significant.
That image is not at all accurate.
Since we learned that all humans came out of Africa only about 100,000 years ago, that explained why there really is not any significant difference between races.
The people in Somalia are not lower IQ at all, but simply don't do well on IQ tests designed for western culture.
The battle of Mogadishu happened because Somalis figured out how to turn the self destruct timer of an RPG round into a timed proximity flak. Which is pretty ingenious really.

And also it is nearly impossible for males to get welfare in the US. You have to have a disability. The statistic your image shows is deliberately deceptive, in that it reflect the percentage that get ANY welfare at all, and of course many poor people do get free ER help. But that is not really welfare, and no one lived on that like the image caption falsely tries to imply.

Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.

What do you want a link on?
There were 2 captions in the image, one was claiming a low IQ for Somalians, and the other was claiming extremely high rates of Blacks living on welfare.
These should really be pretty obvious, but which do you need/want to have proof they are wrong?

Show a link for the IQ to prove your hypothesis that it is the test as you claim. Welfare is due to single
Mother rates. White single mothers have the same issue. It is pretty obvious to me. You’re a moron. Also obvious to me. Either back up your claims or go away.

As for IQ, anyone who ever took an IQ test should remember how culturally biased the test was. If you had not had the classes already defining the terms and procedures, you would likely do far worse, without being dumber.
But here is discussion that refutes the claim of racial IQ differences.
IQ and Global Inequality - Wikipedia

As for welfare, it is true that single mothers can get welfare, but they are not that significant portion of the population, and welfare still is not a common nor viable means of support. The reality is that welfare only about 10% of the federal budget, not many can or do get it, and it is not the freeloading many claim it is.
9 Surprising Facts About Welfare Recipients

A lot of the IQ testing is logic. I've taken the tests to me it was more logic less education. 10% is significant.

I remember when I was a kid and each time I took an IQ test, I did much better.
It was not because I was smarter, but more familiar with the type of questions they always standardized testing.
And in fact, the teachers at the elementary school I went to had their salary based on performance, so they taught us how to almost double our score, clearly without being any smarter.

Intelligence Testing: Accurate or Extremely Biased?
While intelligence tests claim to be culture-fair, none of the tests created so far are one hundred percent unbiased. As Serpell (1979) found, when asked to reproduce figures from using wire, pencil and paper, and clay, Zambian children performed better in the wire task, while English children performed better in the pencil and paper task. Each group did better in the medium to which they were more accustomed. Pencil and paper IQ tests may be intrinsically biased towards Western culture.

Furthermore, while African-Americans have historically scored lower than white Americans on intelligence testing, this gap as been lessening in recent years (Dickens and Flynn 2006). This could be the result of one of two things; the first possibility is that average intelligence is increasing in the black community at a higher rate than in the white community (measured intelligence has been steadily increasing across all groups due to the Flynn effect). However, it seems more likely that post-segregation, white and black cultures have been merging, and schools have been integrated, meaning that white and black children have a better chance of receiving the same education. If this is the case, IQ tests are either measuring knowledge more than the test creators think they do, or the tests are extremely culturally biased, but this bias is lessening due to assimilation of white and black culture in America.

Not only are intelligence tests culturally biased, but they also seem to be biased in favor of neurotypical individuals. For example, while typically developing individuals generally perform similarly on RPM and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), individuals with Autism typically score higher on RPM than on WAIS (Bolte et al. 2009, Mottron 2004). This is because while RPM is a visual task, WAIS is almost entirely verbal. Individuals with autism seem to use visual strategies to solve tasks and therefore have difficulty on tasks that can only be solved verbally (Kunda and Goel 2010). While this phenomenon is typically seen as a cognitive deficit, it is important to note that autistic individuals outperform neurotypical individuals on some visual tasks.

Therefore, by only measuring one specific part of intelligence, some IQ tests portray autistic individuals as having a cognitive deficit. What if some disorders, such as autism, are not actually disorders, but simply a way of thinking that differs from what is considered “normal”?
UPDATE: Yes I screwed up on her motivation for being in that lobby. There was a mob there to protest Somalia's ex-president, not be Imam groupies.

They may have intended to mob and kill him.
That image is not at all accurate.
Since we learned that all humans came out of Africa only about 100,000 years ago, that explained why there really is not any significant difference between races.
The people in Somalia are not lower IQ at all, but simply don't do well on IQ tests designed for western culture.
The battle of Mogadishu happened because Somalis figured out how to turn the self destruct timer of an RPG round into a timed proximity flak. Which is pretty ingenious really.

And also it is nearly impossible for males to get welfare in the US. You have to have a disability. The statistic your image shows is deliberately deceptive, in that it reflect the percentage that get ANY welfare at all, and of course many poor people do get free ER help. But that is not really welfare, and no one lived on that like the image caption falsely tries to imply.

Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.

What do you want a link on?
There were 2 captions in the image, one was claiming a low IQ for Somalians, and the other was claiming extremely high rates of Blacks living on welfare.
These should really be pretty obvious, but which do you need/want to have proof they are wrong?

Show a link for the IQ to prove your hypothesis that it is the test as you claim. Welfare is due to single
Mother rates. White single mothers have the same issue. It is pretty obvious to me. You’re a moron. Also obvious to me. Either back up your claims or go away.

As for IQ, anyone who ever took an IQ test should remember how culturally biased the test was. If you had not had the classes already defining the terms and procedures, you would likely do far worse, without being dumber.
But here is discussion that refutes the claim of racial IQ differences.
IQ and Global Inequality - Wikipedia

As for welfare, it is true that single mothers can get welfare, but they are not that significant portion of the population, and welfare still is not a common nor viable means of support. The reality is that welfare only about 10% of the federal budget, not many can or do get it, and it is not the freeloading many claim it is.
9 Surprising Facts About Welfare Recipients

A lot of the IQ testing is logic. I ve taken the tests to me it was more logic less education. 10% is significant.
Where are all these IQ tests coming from? Our IQ scores, from ONE IQ test taken when we were in early elementary school, were kept completely confidential. Parents weren't told; teachers weren't told; students definitely weren't told. It was to put kids in groups according to their abilities ONLY. You all are talking as if they were SAT's or something. These tests are only accurate when administered and scored/interpreted by a trained professional. Not some test you can take free on line.
UPDATE: Yes I screwed up on her motivation for being in that lobby. There was a mob there to protest Somalia's ex-president, not be Imam groupies.

They may have intended to mob and kill him.
Link? Sorry but I do not value your opinion because you’re an idiot.

What do you want a link on?
There were 2 captions in the image, one was claiming a low IQ for Somalians, and the other was claiming extremely high rates of Blacks living on welfare.
These should really be pretty obvious, but which do you need/want to have proof they are wrong?

Show a link for the IQ to prove your hypothesis that it is the test as you claim. Welfare is due to single
Mother rates. White single mothers have the same issue. It is pretty obvious to me. You’re a moron. Also obvious to me. Either back up your claims or go away.

As for IQ, anyone who ever took an IQ test should remember how culturally biased the test was. If you had not had the classes already defining the terms and procedures, you would likely do far worse, without being dumber.
But here is discussion that refutes the claim of racial IQ differences.
IQ and Global Inequality - Wikipedia

As for welfare, it is true that single mothers can get welfare, but they are not that significant portion of the population, and welfare still is not a common nor viable means of support. The reality is that welfare only about 10% of the federal budget, not many can or do get it, and it is not the freeloading many claim it is.
9 Surprising Facts About Welfare Recipients

A lot of the IQ testing is logic. I ve taken the tests to me it was more logic less education. 10% is significant.
Where are all these IQ tests coming from? Our IQ scores, from ONE IQ test taken when we were in early elementary school, were kept completely confidential. Parents weren't told; teachers weren't told; students definitely weren't told. It was to put kids in groups according to their abilities ONLY. You all are talking as if they were SAT's or something. These tests are only accurate when administered and scored/interpreted by a trained professional. Not some test you can take free on line.

Every school tested at least every semester so that they could determine which experimental programs were best, if teachers earned performance bonuses, etc. And the results were public because people wanted to rate teachers performance as well. These tests were all computerized as far as scoring. They had barcodes and things for machine reader alignment, and they always required the #2 pencil, etc.

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