If Your Congressman Voted "Yes"

Sealybobo, if George W. Bush was a Democrat, you would be his knight and shining armor. If Nancy Pelosi was a Republican, you would yell at her for the partisan bytching that she laid on the Democrats.
Why would I leave when I'm about to get my wish of complete Democratic control.

That should make us all think about leaving. I remember the last time the Dems had Complete Control. Do you?

Here's a reminder about what it was like under "complete Democrat control:

The Prime Interest Rate Under Carter:
December 2, 1980 18.50
December 5, 1980 19.00
December 10, 1980 20.00
December 16, 1980 21.00
December 19, 1980 21.50

And that was PRIME!!!!

How about sum unemployment numbers? Remember this was after 4 years of good old fashioned Democrat rule. The Repubs barely had a seat in Congress.

1980-01 6.30 6.3 Carter
1980-02 6.30 6.3
1980-03 6.30 6.3
1980-04 6.90 6.9
1980-05 7.50 7.5
1980-06 7.60 7.6
1980-07 7.80 7.8
1980-08 7.70 7.7
1980-09 7.50 7.5
1980-10 7.50 7.5
1980-11 7.50 7.5
1980-12 7.20 7.2

And Finally the Democat Piece de la Resistance -- INFLATION

From Time Magazine 1980 Time Article Carter v. Inflation

As Jimmy Carter stepped before the television cameras in the East Room of the White House last Friday, his task was not just to proclaim another new anti-inflation program but to calm a national alarm that had begun to border on panic. Inflation and interest rates, both topping 18%, are so far beyond anything that Americans have experienced in peacetime—and so far beyond anything that U.S. financial markets are set up to handle—as to inspire a contagion of fear. Usually confident businessmen and bankers have begun talking of Latin American-style hyperinflation, financial collapse, major bankruptcies, a drastic drop in the American standard of living.

Thanks, but no thanks Sealy. I lived through it once, I have no desire to live through it again!!!!!
What power do I have when the member for my area is retiring? Think she really cares what I have to say. I can't vote her out of office, she's leaving the office. Dang it. I'm happy to see her go but dang right now I wish I had an election to hold over her head.

One more reason to insist that this gets deferred to the 111th congress and the next president.

See what happens? You posted a blog entry. I found that last week. But you know what I did? I went to Thomas and I did my own searches. You know what I found? McCain co-sponsoring legislation way back then to regulate Fannie and Freddie.

New York Times Article

So your blogger friend missed this one. And, to say that in a closely divided house, the minority has NO power is an OVER statement. The problem was that some Repubs, would not vote for it and the Dems were voting party line.

McCain the regulator? :lol: How did that regulation hold up? Does it still exist? Does he still support his own legislation? :lol:
Sealybobo, if George W. Bush was a Democrat, you would be his knight and shining armor. If Nancy Pelosi was a Republican, you would yell at her for the partisan bytching that she laid on the Democrats.

No. I was furious they signed that FISA bill.

But I also understand the game that is played in Washington so I know the Democrats are by far the lesser of two evils. They aren't even evil. Maybe the ones in the 80's were, but you gotta let that go. That was a long time ago. Your party is corrupt now.

And I'm sorry the GOP are represented by scumbags. Bush, Boehner, Newt, Rove, Delay, Foley, Craig, Vetter, Bush, Stevens, Ann Coulter, Barr, Liebermann, Blackwell, Abramoff, Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond, Bill Frist, Hatch, Sam Brownback, Romney, Rudy, Huckabee. All scam artists bent on stealing from the middle class to give it to the poor. One way or the other. Doesn't matter if they are conservative or not. None of them were conservative between 2000-2006. You seem to want to give them a pass everytime they fuck up.

At least we voted out the corrupt Democrats of the 80's. Imagine if they could never lose and were still in power today.
That should make us all think about leaving. I remember the last time the Dems had Complete Control. Do you?

Here's a reminder about what it was like under "complete Democrat control:

The Prime Interest Rate Under Carter:
December 2, 1980 18.50
December 5, 1980 19.00
December 10, 1980 20.00
December 16, 1980 21.00
December 19, 1980 21.50

And that was PRIME!!!!

How about sum unemployment numbers? Remember this was after 4 years of good old fashioned Democrat rule. The Repubs barely had a seat in Congress.

1980-01 6.30 6.3 Carter
1980-02 6.30 6.3
1980-03 6.30 6.3
1980-04 6.90 6.9
1980-05 7.50 7.5
1980-06 7.60 7.6
1980-07 7.80 7.8
1980-08 7.70 7.7
1980-09 7.50 7.5
1980-10 7.50 7.5
1980-11 7.50 7.5
1980-12 7.20 7.2

And Finally the Democat Piece de la Resistance -- INFLATION

From Time Magazine 1980 Time Article Carter v. Inflation

As Jimmy Carter stepped before the television cameras in the East Room of the White House last Friday, his task was not just to proclaim another new anti-inflation program but to calm a national alarm that had begun to border on panic. Inflation and interest rates, both topping 18%, are so far beyond anything that Americans have experienced in peacetime—and so far beyond anything that U.S. financial markets are set up to handle—as to inspire a contagion of fear. Usually confident businessmen and bankers have begun talking of Latin American-style hyperinflation, financial collapse, major bankruptcies, a drastic drop in the American standard of living.

Thanks, but no thanks Sealy. I lived through it once, I have no desire to live through it again!!!!!

Sealy, all I can tell you is you need to stop wasting time listening to Info-tainment and thinking you are learning something. You listed a lot of people up there, all infotainers. You will not LEARN from them, none of them. At most, one of them might say something that will spark you to look something up and learn, but that's about it.

Original sources. Only look at original sources. Otherwise all you get is what somebody else thinks about the issue.

Why don't you listen to Randi Rhodes once before telling me this? It is laughable that you have the insight, mind or contacts she has. She is not spinning what's going on in Washington. She's telling you exactly who's doing what, why, how...

Or are you too busy reading the 700 page bailout document and enterpreting the language by yourself?

I bet you are hearing economists opinions just like the rest of us.

But it would be wise to hear both sides rather than one side. So I guess if you are listening to NEITHER side, then that's better than only listening to Rush or O'Reilly or Glen Beck's take on things, which I suspect you actually do because you sound like them, and I know they are wrong and why they are wrong, so I too know why you are wrong. Does that make sense?

PS. You guys question anything found on the internet yet you seem to be telling me you only get your info off the net? Or do you go to the library? Old school.
Why don't you listen to Randi Rhodes once before telling me this? It is laughable that you have the insight, mind or contacts she has. She is not spinning what's going on in Washington. She's telling you exactly who's doing what, why, how...

Or are you too busy reading the 700 page bailout document and enterpreting the language by yourself?

I bet you are hearing economists opinions just like the rest of us.

But it would be wise to hear both sides rather than one side. So I guess if you are listening to NEITHER side, then that's better than only listening to Rush or O'Reilly or Glen Beck's take on things, which I suspect you actually do because you sound like them, and I know they are wrong and why they are wrong, so I too know why you are wrong. Does that make sense?

PS. You guys question anything found on the internet yet you seem to be telling me you only get your info off the net? Or do you go to the library? Old school.

no--that doesn't make sense.
I am shocked to hear how many people are all for sending the government their money to bail these companies and people out for bad business decisions...
No, the Republicans had control of everything for 6 years and actually, more people did leave the fucking country for Canada, Mexico or Europe. Including all our fucking companies you god damn fool!

I guess American companies took your advice to love her or leave her. They left. And you should leave. Why would I leave when I'm about to get my wish of complete Democratic control.

Then I'll go on the defensive like you are now.

I think you mean socialistic control...
I think you mean socialistic control...

Such a load of crap. My Republican sent me this UTUBE email. It's the 10 reasons why Democrats suck, or something like that. This is what you guys believe and it is just soooo flawed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw8TCCkvnkQ&feature=related]YouTube - Top Ten Reasons Liberals Are Friggin Idiots[/ame]

ps. Bush grew the government and now is socializing the banks, due to the great work of the Delay Congress from 2000-2006, so now that we know you don't vote GOP because of these things or because of fiscal responsibility, tell us the real reason you are GOP. Racism? Guns? God? Well I can tell you that Bush declared marshall law on New Orleans and confiscated people's guns when they were protecting their own homes and they don't really believe in God or they wouldn't do the things they do.

So now all you have is racism. That's the only reason a broke ass like you should be GOP, unless you are still falling for their lies? Are you? Do you still see them as the fiscally responsible party? Where were these "true conservatives" when Delay was running the show? Do I have to tell you again that they fell in line and did not buck the system as their leaders raped the treasury?

Employing a method known as "catch and release," DeLay allowed centrist or moderately conservative Republicans to take turns voting against controversial bills. If a representative said that a bill was unpopular in his district, then DeLay would ask him to vote for it only if his vote were necessary for passage; if his vote were not needed, then the representative would be able to vote against the party without reprisal.

Learn how the game is played before you talk shit! You don't see me on soccer boards talking shit when I don't even know the rules, do you?
I am shocked to hear how many people are all for sending the government their money to bail these companies and people out for bad business decisions...

Who's all for it? No one wants it. Anyone who wants it is scared because Bush scared the fuck out of them. And they believe Bush. Just like you did for 7 years. All of the sudden you have a brain?

In fact, it's looking like Bush was lying about the economy collapsing.

I learned this on Randi Rhodes last night. Did you know that Wallstreet didn't sell off shit yesterday? All they did was not buy anything. That's a BLUFF! If the market was truly taking a dump, they would have SOLD SOLD SOLD.

What WE want is if we MUST help the bankers, then we OWN the banks. No dividents to shareholders until the government is paid off. We make money on the good loans, we don't just take the bad ones. And we regulate them like we did before so this can't happen again.

This is assuming we have to do something. Bush seems to think we MUST do something and there is no time to even think about it. And you see the bullshit he put in front of us to start off the negotiations. It was simply a gift to the rich and didn't fix one god damn problem. Don't you find that odd? Of course you do not.
McCain the regulator? :lol: How did that regulation hold up? Does it still exist? Does he still support his own legislation? :lol:

We'll never know. It was blocked by a party line Dem vote protecting their boys running Fannie and Freddie (AKA the Democrat Party looting grounds).
Why don't you listen to Randi Rhodes once before telling me this? It is laughable that you have the insight, mind or contacts she has. She is not spinning what's going on in Washington. She's telling you exactly who's doing what, why, how...

Or are you too busy reading the 700 page bailout document and enterpreting the language by yourself?

I bet you are hearing economists opinions just like the rest of us.

But it would be wise to hear both sides rather than one side. So I guess if you are listening to NEITHER side, then that's better than only listening to Rush or O'Reilly or Glen Beck's take on things, which I suspect you actually do because you sound like them, and I know they are wrong and why they are wrong, so I too know why you are wrong. Does that make sense?

PS. You guys question anything found on the internet yet you seem to be telling me you only get your info off the net? Or do you go to the library? Old school.

I try, as should be obvious at this point, to cite official sources where possible. (Government documents or a recitation of government documents where a summary would help). From there I go to scholarly journal articles. From there, serious news sources like the Economist and the like. From there I will often quote from news sources that are from the other side of the political spectrum from my point (Like recently citing the New York Times).

I will not ever quote from the American Spectator or the like unless the person writing it is a former pol that has particular insight into the issue they are writing about. It is far too easy to dismiss such citations out of hand.

As for listening to talk radio, I do. I never get to hear Rush. I mostly just get Mark Levin. He's red meat kinda guy. It is what it is....infotainment. I would never quote him without researching the topic.

I did try to listen to left-wing talk about week or so ago. There were busy assessing how Sarah Palin dealt with her pregnancy and whether the various decisions she made during her pregnancy disqualified her from being VP. I'm not sure if that was your girl Randi Rhodes or not. I hope for your sanity's sake you don't listen to drivel like that on a regular basis.
We'll never know. It was blocked by a party line Dem vote protecting their boys running Fannie and Freddie (AKA the Democrat Party looting grounds).

I am looking for why the Democrats voted down that bill. Probably because it was bad. I found some opinions on why and I'll share them with you. But they are not my answers. I'm guessing the bills were bullshit. I'm guessing they did little to fix the problem and there was a ton of earmarks in them. Based on the last 8 years, I would be reluctant to sign anything the GOP want. How about you?

And Obama didn't get campaign money from Fannie May. He got the money from collections taken up between Fannie May employees---big difference. McCain got more campaign money than Obama from Fannie May CEOs and lobbyists.

• It was one regulatory bill, one which not only didn't go nearly far enough, but did little to stymie the heads of corporations just raking in money at the people's expense with little consequence. If you want to talk about who voted down regulation, who has spent the last 26 years in the Senate talking all about how he doesn't want regulation in the corporate world? Who has been in office as president, vetoing passed bills that would provide regulations? Many of the regulations that Bush and McCain are talking about now were brought before them before, and their response was no. The only reason it's yes now is because we're in crisis, and they have no choice.

Besides, your point overall doesn't make sense. Obama caused the economic crisis by voting against one bill? This is a man who's been in the Senate for 4 years. McCain's been there for 26. Who do you think could have done more to the economy? And do you really believe that the last 4 years were the only ones that could have caused this? If so, take a long hard look at what's going on, it comes from almost a decade of neglect.

Why did McCain's Economics advisor , Phil Gramm (R-TX) draft the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act that de-regulated the industry. And that was back in 1999-2000.
I try, as should be obvious at this point, to cite official sources where possible. (Government documents or a recitation of government documents where a summary would help). From there I go to scholarly journal articles. From there, serious news sources like the Economist and the like. From there I will often quote from news sources that are from the other side of the political spectrum from my point (Like recently citing the New York Times).

I will not ever quote from the American Spectator or the like unless the person writing it is a former pol that has particular insight into the issue they are writing about. It is far too easy to dismiss such citations out of hand.

As for listening to talk radio, I do. I never get to hear Rush. I mostly just get Mark Levin. He's red meat kinda guy. It is what it is....infotainment. I would never quote him without researching the topic.

I did try to listen to left-wing talk about week or so ago. There were busy assessing how Sarah Palin dealt with her pregnancy and whether the various decisions she made during her pregnancy disqualified her from being VP. I'm not sure if that was your girl Randi Rhodes or not. I hope for your sanity's sake you don't listen to drivel like that on a regular basis.

Air America and Nova M Radio NEVER talk about Sarah Palin's family. You are lying. They have enough to discuss without bringing her daughters up. LIE!
That should make us all think about leaving. I remember the last time the Dems had Complete Control. Do you?

Here's a reminder about what it was like under "complete Democrat control:

The Prime Interest Rate Under Carter:
December 2, 1980 18.50
December 5, 1980 19.00
December 10, 1980 20.00
December 16, 1980 21.00
December 19, 1980 21.50

And that was PRIME!!!!

How about sum unemployment numbers? Remember this was after 4 years of good old fashioned Democrat rule. The Repubs barely had a seat in Congress.

1980-01 6.30 6.3 Carter
1980-02 6.30 6.3
1980-03 6.30 6.3
1980-04 6.90 6.9
1980-05 7.50 7.5
1980-06 7.60 7.6
1980-07 7.80 7.8
1980-08 7.70 7.7
1980-09 7.50 7.5
1980-10 7.50 7.5
1980-11 7.50 7.5
1980-12 7.20 7.2

And Finally the Democat Piece de la Resistance -- INFLATION

From Time Magazine 1980 Time Article Carter v. Inflation

As Jimmy Carter stepped before the television cameras in the East Room of the White House last Friday, his task was not just to proclaim another new anti-inflation program but to calm a national alarm that had begun to border on panic. Inflation and interest rates, both topping 18%, are so far beyond anything that Americans have experienced in peacetime—and so far beyond anything that U.S. financial markets are set up to handle—as to inspire a contagion of fear. Usually confident businessmen and bankers have begun talking of Latin American-style hyperinflation, financial collapse, major bankruptcies, a drastic drop in the American standard of living.

Thanks, but no thanks Sealy. I lived through it once, I have no desire to live through it again!!!!!

I lived though that, too.

Now if all you're going to do is pretend that the above was because the DEMS conbtrolled our government, it is a very damning indictment.

But consider all the other aspects of the time that ALSO played a role in that time.

Are you suggesting that had the Republican been in office it would have NOT been hard times?

You are right?

Tell me, Tech, did Carter ASK the Fed to bump up the prime interest rates that high?

Or did the FED have the RIGHT BY LAW, to do whatever the hell it choose to do?

did CARTER demand that the price of oil doubled?

Or did OPEC decide to do that?

Did CArter demand that Sudi Arabia put 10% of their petrodollars into GOLD, or did they do that without asking the Democrats?

Look at the times, and ALL of the facts and get back to me.
Last edited:
Air America and Nova M Radio NEVER talk about Sarah Palin's family. You are lying. They have enough to discuss without bringing her daughters up. LIE!

First, I never said it was anything except left-wing talk. I don't make a habit of it, I was just flipping stations during commercial so I can't tell you the name of two women hostesses. Other than that, that was an honest representation of what they were discussing. Like it or not.
I lived though that, too.

Now if all you're going to do is pretend that the above was because the DEMS conbtrolled our government, it is a very damning indictment.

But consider all the other aspects of the time that ALSO played a role in that time.

Are you suggesting that had the Republican been in office it would have NOT been hard times?

You are right?

Tell me, Tech, did Carter ASK the Fed to bump up the prime interest rates that high?

Or did the FED have the RIGHT BY LAW, to do whatever the hell it choose to do?

did CARTER demand that the price of oil doubled?

Or did OPEC decide to do that?

Did CArter demand that Sudi Arabia put 10% of their petrodollars into GOLD, or did they do that without asking the Democrats?

Look at the times, and ALL of the facts and get back to me.

He gets as much of the blame as any president does for the things that happened in the the economy during his term of office. You might cite a similar list of outside forces impacting the current economy.

But, the point of my post wasn't to point out that Carter was to blame for everything. Sealy said his fondest wish was to have Dems in control of everything. My post was to review the last time that happened for any significant time.

After Watergate, the Repubs had very few elected officials in Washington, so this is a very good opportunity to reflect on what things would be like if the Nirvana of having the Repubs out of the picture could occur.

You can cite chapter and verse about how nothing that happened was Carter and the Congressional Dems fault if you want to, but I think that if you did, you would have to give the Repubs the same break to maintain intellectual honesty and consistency.

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