If you got the shot but also got COVID, why arent you frustrated for being lied to?

Trump complained that Obama left him short of medical supplies to fight COVID, but Trump had cancelled the supplies Trump ordered and there was no COVID before late December of 2019. Trump thrives on lies and chaos..
When did trump do that?
Tree, it's different than that. If so many people are vaccinated, why do they care about the unvaccinated?
They don't actually care. They are all about Abolishing Truth and replacing everything with politically motivated lies to achieve their agendas at all costs.
Many of the vax didn’t.
Stop lying to yourself.
Surada, why do you down vote facts? It just shows how your left bias supersedes everything including what’s good for the country and Americans. Sadly the vast majority of democrats are just like you.
The cult want you to believe the Fauci Ouchy is the first shot inhistory with noside effects.

You stupid fucks.
That has nothing to do with the op. Let’s stay on topic here. Nobody cares who I give and don’t give credit to. Makes zero difference

Try reading it again you fucking loser. Democrats lying about the COVID shot IIISSSSSSSSSS the subject, moron. And that's what you loser Democrats have done through the entire crisis, like your stupid lies that Biden had anything to do with the shot he was handed to him when he went into office
Democrats lying about the COVID shot IIISSSSSSSSSS the subject, moron.
Correct, the subject is lying about the COVID shot…. the subject is NOT who I give credit to or not. That’s irrelevant.
Try reading it again you fucking loser. Democrats lying about the COVID shot IIISSSSSSSSSS the subject, moron. And that's what you loser Democrats have done through the entire crisis, like your stupid lies that Biden had anything to do with the shot he was handed to him when he went into office
Are you talking about the shot that so many on the right are calling poison and ineffective?
You're trying to deflect from the Democrat lies lies and more lies over covid, and it's not working. Everyone remembers you ass hats lying about covid over and over
Instead of ranting about liar liar liar how about to point to something specific I’ve lied about and we can go from there….
Correct, the subject is lying about the COVID shot…. the subject is NOT who I give credit to or not. That’s irrelevant.

Right, the subject is lying about the COVID shot and that's what I'm talking about. Sleepy Joe lied his FUCKING ASS OFF. Starting with taking credit for it when it was obviously Trump.

There there, girlfriend, there there


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