If USMB members Replaced the Current Administration..........

I don't know bout you all, but I would find the choices difficult in USMB, since many in here seem to have more 'on the ball' than most elected politicians.
So many here would make a gr8 POTUS, wish we had all these gr8 choices in the real elections. :lol: I am still pondering who to nominate as POTUS etc.
Ironically, the people who would make the best Presidents wouldn't want the job.
If USMB members Replaced the Current Administration and maybe future ones

WHO would we elected in USMB as our leaders that could do a better job? At least many of us say we could. Who are they?


Vice Pres:__________

Spkr of the House:___________

Etc & Etc add as many as you want............

President: Charlie Bass

Vice Pres: Terral

Spkr of the House: Dante/DevNell

Dante for Prez

ABikerSailor for VP

Curvelight for Speaker

Charlie Bass for EEO Special Secretary

They couldn't possibly fuck things up worse then the tools that are in there now.
I did not know that current DC guru's were here at USMB in disguise. You guys let the cat out of the bag.

Ironically, the people who would make the best Presidents wouldn't want the job.
You are correct if you say that for the majority of political positions.
I want to be Secretary of Human Services! :D (They have a HUGE budget as it stands)
President: xotoxi
Vice President: xotoxi
Speaker of the House: xotoxi
Sec. of State: xotoxi
Sec. of Defense: xotoxi

All other governent positions: xotoxi

He is a one-man show and knows what is best for us all.

That would curb my posting time.

My daily average would probably drop from 36 to 32.

And Sinatra would start a daily thread tracking this.
or Secretary of Defense....that would be a great job for this DOVE! :D

Really... that ought to be interesting having you as SofD. If you were, what, if anything, would you do different, right now?

Make LOVE-NOT war, peace signs and Daisies! hahahahahahaha! I was being sarcastic on SoD position Pale! ;)

You would be better as Sec State - the velvet glove with Gunny as the iron fist to slap any country that pisses you off.
I don't think anyone would want me as the President....(although you may not get this from viewing care4all)

when I am supreme commander, I am one serious son of a gun! When the going gets tough, the tough gets going kind of gal....maybe even can carry the label of bitch....! :eek:
I'd like to multi-task: Arbiter of Good Taste and High Priestess of Dark Chocolate & Coffee.

So, whoever ends of being President - please appoint me to these!
or Secretary of Defense....that would be a great job for this DOVE! :D

Really... that ought to be interesting having you as SofD. If you were, what, if anything, would you do different, right now?

Make LOVE-NOT war, peace signs and Daisies! hahahahahahaha! I was being sarcastic on SoD position Pale! ;)

I wish the whole world would make love and not war Care, really. Why us humans are so compelled to KILL each other is beyond me.

I mean I've beat people up, and been beat up, but I never intended to KILL anybody, and don't. Mete out punishment where punishment is due, BUT STOP KILLING PEOPLE, EVERYONE!

Don't ya wish it was that easy?

Oh well... back to killing... :doubt:
Holy thread from the dead batman.

You've done this with every post you've made so far, is there a rhyme or reason?

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