If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

Who should go without?

Universal healthcare is a GREAT idea. Now. How do we afford it?:eusa_think:
That's the beauty of being a left winger. Someone else will just magically pay it. Not us of course. Some mysterious rich person.
That's the way it has always worked. You pay for the next guy until your number comes up and then they pay for you.

Do you honestly believe that your Medicare is going into an account for you rather than you paying for your father's generation?
So you convinced the old people to give the government all of their money with the promise the next generation will pay for them. While at the same time telling that same next generation they shouldn't have to pay anything because they are owed healthcare. Do you see the missing component in this situation? Like anyone actually paying the bills?

Yep. They always seem to forget that part, don't they!:biggrin:
Who should go without?

Universal healthcare is a GREAT idea. Now. How do we afford it?:eusa_think:
That's the beauty of being a left winger. Someone else will just magically pay it. Not us of course. Some mysterious rich person.
That's the way it has always worked. You pay for the next guy until your number comes up and then they pay for you.

Do you honestly believe that your Medicare is going into an account for you rather than you paying for your father's generation?
So you convinced the old people to give the government all of their money with the promise the next generation will pay for them. While at the same time telling that same next generation they shouldn't have to pay anything because they are owed healthcare. Do you see the missing component in this situation? Like anyone actually paying the bills?

People on social programs. Every time this subject comes up in the media, their first concern is what about the poor people? Well, what about the working people is my question?

Working people are the ones who are paying for the non-working, and some of us working people don't have coverage ourselves. In the meantime, the poor are popping out kids like a popcorn machine and the rest of us have to support them including their medical.

You ever think there might be some people poor and not working because of medical problems they didn't have insurance to help them with?

How are the problems of individuals legally the problem of other individuals with whom there is no relation? By what authority does a government reach into an individual's pocket to cover the negligence - or simple bad luck - of another individual?

So you are against people getting healthy so they can work and become contributing members of society? So does this mean you are for just taking sick people behind the woodshed and shooting them like a horse with a broken leg?

No. I am against people being forced involuntarily into a government charity scheme for which there is no Constitutional authority.

Until you're in need of course.
So you're in need now. Who pays? The old people you convinced to pay in without actually saving the money but said the next group would pay for them. Or the young ones you're telling they shouldn't pay in because they are owed healthcare for free?
Who should go without?

Universal healthcare is a GREAT idea. Now. How do we afford it?:eusa_think:
That's the beauty of being a left winger. Someone else will just magically pay it. Not us of course. Some mysterious rich person.
That's the way it has always worked. You pay for the next guy until your number comes up and then they pay for you.

Do you honestly believe that your Medicare is going into an account for you rather than you paying for your father's generation?
So you convinced the old people to give the government all of their money with the promise the next generation will pay for them. While at the same time telling that same next generation they shouldn't have to pay anything because they are owed healthcare. Do you see the missing component in this situation? Like anyone actually paying the bills?

Well, didn't take much to confuse you. I'm not surprised.
Who should go without?
The poor, low income working Americans, the disabled, the elderly, and those who ‘failed’ to be successful in life where they don’t ‘deserve’ access to healthcare.

It’s the neo-Social Darwinism of the reprehensible right.

Show us in the US where they can't get care. Do it now.
Who decides?
I was not well off as a young man as most are not. Luckily, I never needed to use healthcare in any real way. The ability to pay at any given time should not be the deciding factor when prioritizing care. The goal rather, should be balancing those in need with those who are not.

Very simply, the people giving the care decide. If they're willing to work for free, good for you. If not, too bad.

I reset a mildly dislocated shoulder of mine twice in one year about 15 years ago, because I didn't have a medical plan or money to cover the doctor's visit. That's life.

You have no more Right to get the Government to steal money from me to pay for your medical needs thsn I would have to get the Government to steal from you to cover mine. The fact thst you support exactly that tells me some unpleasant things about your character.
I agree about having either socialized or universal health care system......not sure of the differences between those two though. Either way, I do think everyone should have the right to quality care & RX. Of course most complain about having to pay for others........but I see it as a process. Getting more people into the workforce & off assistance means more people are paying into it thereby keeping costs down. It would also stop companies such as Mylan from price gouging. And stop a lot of the unnecessary bs insurance companies demand of a patient before approving procedures that should have been done first up. It would definitely allow DR's to treat the problem, not just the symptoms
Sounds to me like you use that as an excuse. If you want people to get healthy and become members of the workforce you should be happy about the end result period.

Why would I be happy about people being forced to give up assets to a government which has no legal authority to take them?

Look don't tell me you are for poor people with health problems getting health care as long as you aren't "forced" to do it. That's just you being head strong or making an empty excuse.

I am for the rule of law, not emotion.

Another excuse. The U.S. is the richest country in the world and all the countries in the world with the top life expectancy and quality of life have universal healthcare.

The country is not rich--we have people that are rich. Our country is 20 trillion in debt, and I would hardly call that rich.

So when you say we are the richest country in the world, what you really mean is that we have the richest people in the world--and that is true. However, just because we have the richest people in the world does not mean they should be footing the bill for those that are not rich.

Then you reject public education?

Which, if you think about it, is universal education, using the healthcare terminology.
Who should go without?

People on social programs. Every time this subject comes up in the media, their first concern is what about the poor people? Well, what about the working people is my question?

Working people are the ones who are paying for the non-working, and some of us working people don't have coverage ourselves. In the meantime, the poor are popping out kids like a popcorn machine and the rest of us have to support them including their medical.

So poor children and the elderly who are poor should go without?

Do you have a good argument as to why those groups should be punished for doing no wrong?

Do you have a good argument why those who support themselves should be punished for doing no wrong?

If you consider contributing to the greater good a punishment then you don't belong in America.

If you consider "contributing to the greater good" at gunpoint is American, you're a victim of the public school system.

We could make all taxes voluntary and stop having a country.

Is that your choice?
Who should go without?
I agree with the politically centrist leader Trump and ultra LWNJ NYcarbineer. We need to have a universal healthcare system.

It is one position us centrists and the LWNJs can agree upon.

See? Some RWnuts occasionally find a squirrel. lol
And it appears that your opposition to Trump is based solely on envy and lies. It has nothing to do with policy.

Admit it, you hate Trump because of envy.
Who should go without?

Universal healthcare is a GREAT idea. Now. How do we afford it?:eusa_think:

Well, other industrialized nations can afford it. Of course most of them aren't engaged in the costly wars for profit that we are. Then there's our for sale politicians in league with the health insurers. Even obama who people call a liberal, made sure that the ACA kept insurance companies in the game.
Who should go without?

Well, other industrialized nations can afford it. Of course most of them aren't engaged in the costly wars for profit that we are. Then there's our for sale politicians in league with the health insurers. Even obama, who people call a liberal, made sure that the ACA kept them in the game.

Universal healthcare is a GREAT idea. Now. How do we afford it?:eusa_think:

They are orders of magnitude smaller than we are, and the ones that actually are able to afford are also oil rich. Norway has a population less than that of the State of Minnesota. California has a population of 37 million give or take, and they calculated the cost of giving universal health care at 400 billion. Their current TOTAL state budget is 185 billion. So, where do you get the rest of it?
Who should go without?

Well, other industrialized nations can afford it. Of course most of them aren't engaged in the costly wars for profit that we are. Then there's our for sale politicians in league with the health insurers. Even obama, who people call a liberal, made sure that the ACA kept them in the game.

Universal healthcare is a GREAT idea. Now. How do we afford it?:eusa_think:

They are orders of magnitude smaller than we are, and the ones that actually are able to afford are also oil rich. Norway has a population less than that of the State of Minnesota. California has a population of 37 million give or take, and they calculated the cost of giving universal health care at 400 billion. Their current TOTAL state budget is 185 billion. So, where do you get the rest of it?

Here's a quick list of countries with universal health care below. What good is it calling ourselves great if we can't do something as basic as keeping our own citizens healthy?

Countries with universal health care include Austria,Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands,Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.
I find it interesting that republicans are cool with billions of our tax dollars going to starting unnecessary wars and killing innocent women and children around the world, but not OK with our tax dollars going to something that actually benefits the American like healthcare.

It boggles the mind.
Who should go without?
I agree with the politically centrist leader Trump and ultra LWNJ NYcarbineer. We need to have a universal healthcare system.

It is one position us centrists and the LWNJs can agree upon.

See? Some RWnuts occasionally find a squirrel. lol
And it appears that your opposition to Trump is based solely on envy and lies. It has nothing to do with policy.

Admit it, you hate Trump because of envy.

Trump supports the GOP healthcare bill, which is in no way universal healthcare.

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