If Trump ran on legalizing cannabis, how would the left respond ?

Seems like quite a reversal since his Jeff Sessions Justice Department aggressively prosecuted marijuana cases

Wish our president could be consistent

:iyfyus.jpg: :1peleas: Just a few posts above you bitched that Trump never changes, that he's always wrong and never admits his mistakes, now you're bitching because he isn't consistent enough and changes his mind as new information comes in! :auiqs.jpg:

Actually, Trump never maintains a solid position. He speaks both sides of an issue depending on which way the wind blows

After El Paso, all he talked about was background checks
After getting beaten up by the NRA he changed course.
He was putting his place background checks are unconstitutional
Background checks have never been found unconstitutional
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
One of the primary reasons the big wigs got behind cannabis legalization was so that once it's legal, they can use it as an excuse to disarm and remove children from the homes of those who use it.

True story.
One of the primary reasons the big wigs got behind cannabis legalization was so that once it's legal, they can use it as an excuse to disarm and remove children from the homes of those who use it.

True story.
So what will they call Constitution Day after that ....Communism Day ?
Confiscation Day ....(any 4-syllable word that starts with C....it won't matter.)
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Seems like quite a reversal since his Jeff Sessions Justice Department aggressively prosecuted marijuana cases

Wish our president could be consistent

So when Obama flipped on gay marriage, that was inconsistent? I thought was being enlightened. More proof that no matter what he does left wing nuts would be pissed.
It would cost him probably close to 50% of the Conservative vote and ensure he’s a one term President.

Actually a large number of conservatives really don't care one way or another.

He would lose some of his supporters, and he can't afford to lose any.
Sanders is the only Dem candidate he'd have any trouble with, maybe Warren or Gabbard .
If it's Biden or Harris, Trump wins in a landslide.
Sanders wouldn’t do jack shit. He’d have to move to the center and he’d lose a lot of the enthusiasm of his base because of it and they’re going to need an extremely enthusiastic electorate if they want to have any chance of beating trump assuming the economy is still doing well.
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist

Trump is beholden to the evangelicals who helped get him elected. No way he'd legalize weed.
But even if he did, I'm still voting for ANYBODY who isn't Trump, period, the fucking end.
The first thing would be to recognize Trump jumped on the band wagon at the last minute, and doesn't deserve any credit because he did nothing. A lot of work went into making legalization inevitable. It's a little late for Trump to try to claim credit.
Pretty sure if he was to direct the DEA to declassify it out of the scheduled substances that would be something he could clearly take credit for.
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Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
So when he asked who's gonna pay for it, did you ever think he would actually declare a national emergency to bypass the legislative process and shove the wall down Americans throats by decree?

Or did you parrot "Mexico"
Democrats make U-turn on calling border a 'manufactured crisis'

Yeah they are willing to acknowledge they make mistakes. However that doesn't abrogate the use of emergency power to side step the legislative process of allocating funds. That's a Genie who should have been left in the bottle.
If Cannabis was removed from the DEA schedule #1 list under the Trump administration thing would get very interesting. You do have to realize that the alcohol and pharmaceutical lobbies would be pumping in money against this.
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
You’re nuts if you think as popular as he is with his party that literally just legalizing weed would lose him 40% of them. That’s just crazy talk. He’s the most popular president with republicans since Reagan.
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
You’re nuts if you think as popular as he is with his party that literally just legalizing weed would lose him 40% of them. That’s just crazy talk. He’s the most popular president with republicans since Reagan.
A republican Legalizing weed is like have yankees co own the Red Sox, very unpopular..
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
You’re nuts if you think as popular as he is with his party that literally just legalizing weed would lose him 40% of them. That’s just crazy talk. He’s the most popular president with republicans since Reagan.
A republican Legalizing weed is like have yankees co own the Red Sox, very unpopular..
He just instituted billions of dollars of tariffs that have impacted American business and Republicans support it wholeheartedly. I support it but only because i understand why it’s necessary for the bigger picture. Most of those idiots support it literallly because it’s trump and he walks on water. They’ve got no idea why tariffs are good or bad they’ve never read about them since they learned about the smoot Hawley tariff in 7th grade. This man can do almost no wrong with his party right now. This is the best time ever to legalize and get it over with.
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
You’re nuts if you think as popular as he is with his party that literally just legalizing weed would lose him 40% of them. That’s just crazy talk. He’s the most popular president with republicans since Reagan.
A republican Legalizing weed is like have yankees co own the Red Sox, very unpopular..
He just instituted billions of dollars of tariffs that have impacted American business and Republicans support it wholeheartedly. I support it but only because i understand why it’s necessary for the bigger picture. Most of those idiots support it literallly because it’s trump and he walks on water. They’ve got no idea why tariffs are good or bad they’ve never read about them since they learned about the smoot Hawley tariff in 7th grade. This man can do almost no wrong with his party right now. This is the best time ever to legalize and get it over with.
He dumb ass China devalued there dollar so guess what WE ALL GET A DISCOUNT!
We are in a trade war.. either get behind your President or gtfo
and shove the wall down Americans throats by decree?
What shove?
What throat?
He ran on that. His voters want that. So did Obama, Hillary and every other Democrat for the past 30 years until Trump got in and said he'd actually BUILD it!

Oh sweet baby Jesus, I was borrowing a phrase from the ODS crowd. Nixon wanted National Healthcare didn't he?
At least Obama didn't do by decree.
and shove the wall down Americans throats by decree?
What shove?
What throat?
He ran on that. His voters want that. So did Obama, Hillary and every other Democrat for the past 30 years until Trump got in and said he'd actually BUILD it!

Oh sweet baby Jesus, I was borrowing a phrase from the ODS crowd. Nixon wanted National Healthcare didn't he?
At least Obama didn't do by decree.
He didn't?
How many republicans voted for it?
Who said they had to pass it in order to find out what was in the bill?
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
You’re nuts if you think as popular as he is with his party that literally just legalizing weed would lose him 40% of them. That’s just crazy talk. He’s the most popular president with republicans since Reagan.
A republican Legalizing weed is like have yankees co own the Red Sox, very unpopular..
He just instituted billions of dollars of tariffs that have impacted American business and Republicans support it wholeheartedly. I support it but only because i understand why it’s necessary for the bigger picture. Most of those idiots support it literallly because it’s trump and he walks on water. They’ve got no idea why tariffs are good or bad they’ve never read about them since they learned about the smoot Hawley tariff in 7th grade. This man can do almost no wrong with his party right now. This is the best time ever to legalize and get it over with.
He dumb ass China devalued there dollar so guess what WE ALL GET A DISCOUNT!
We are in a trade war.. either get behind your President or gtfo
God you’re a fucking moron. Either go read my post again or I don’t know, kill yourself maybe? I’m a trump supporter you stupid fuck. Im trying to explain to you that he can do no wrong and that he’d barely notice a change in the polls from his party if he legalized weed. The man literally said the words “I like to tske the guns first, due process second” and he lost NO ONE. You’re fucking delusional if you think legalizing weed is going to lose him any support. I hate his current record on the 2nd so far but im still willing to give the guy a shot.

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