If they're serious......


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
If they're serious about "fighting back" and "taking power" WHERE ARE THEIR WEAPONS??? I don't see a single rifle, handgun, axe, or any other weapon.
If they're serious about "fighting back" and "taking power" WHERE ARE THEIR WEAPONS??? I don't see a single rifle, handgun, axe, or any other weapon.
They're going to use their wits

They're going to find that the current administration in DC and many State Capitola is not interested in the sorts of conversations that are required for wits to be a useful weapon.

Once they start arming themselves with useful weapons let me know. Until then they're just a bunch of fat windbags.
If they're serious about "fighting back" and "taking power" WHERE ARE THEIR WEAPONS??? I don't see a single rifle, handgun, axe, or any other weapon.

How many weapons did the people voting for Trump need to fight back and win? How many did Republican Voters need to hold Tea Pary rally's and events?
How many weapons did the people voting for Trump need to fight back and win? How many did Republican Voters need to hold Tea Pary rally's and events?

What have those groups win, either? NOTHING.

The Tea Party elected a bunch of gutless fucks who wouldn't even act like they were the Majority when they WERE the Majority. Instead they folded themselves over theur desks and let Obama abuse their backsides over and over.

Trump is NOT a Conservative ideologue. We will have to see how his administration goes, but I hold little hope for true Conservative ideological advancement.

An associate of mine attended Glenn Beck's "Rally for America" in DC some years ago. He came back all hyped up about how much good they'd done. I asked him what they'd changed, standing on The Mall with their signs. He started into a line about changing people's views and ideals. I cut him off and told him if they'd really wanted CHANGE, the supposedly 100,000 of them should have brought their guns instead of signs. THEN they might have affected some REAL CHANGE in DC.
How many weapons did the people voting for Trump need to fight back and win? How many did Republican Voters need to hold Tea Pary rally's and events?

What have those groups win, either? NOTHING.

The Tea Party elected a bunch of gutless fucks who wouldn't even act like they were the Majority when they WERE the Majority. Instead they folded themselves over theur desks and let Obama abuse their backsides over and over.

Trump is NOT a Conservative ideologue. We will have to see how his administration goes, but I hold little hope for true Conservative ideological advancement.

An associate of mine attended Glenn Beck's "Rally for America" in DC some years ago. He came back all hyped up about how much good they'd done. I asked him what they'd changed, standing on The Mall with their signs. He started into a line about changing people's views and ideals. I cut him off and told him if they'd really wanted CHANGE, the supposedly 100,000 of them should have brought their guns instead of signs. THEN they might have affected some REAL CHANGE in DC.

You keep demanding violence as the only answer. No wonder you advocated might makes right in the thread before.

The area Party accomplished many things. First by denying the Democrats the majority they needed to continue pushing their agenda. I presume you expected Congress to arm up and march to the White House or something. Nuts.

President Obama was reduced to questionable executive orders as a means to accomplish his desired change. The same executive order power that Trump now has. Legislatively we will have to see where they are going. The fact that the Congress was opposition thanks to the Tea Party meant legislatively Obama was blocked from what he wanted to do like restricting Guns.

Now if you were not such a blowhard keyboard commando you would be down in the rough neighborhoods with your firepower in hand taking care of business. Instead you are tapping furiously on your computer.
You keep demanding violence as the only answer. No wonder you advocated might makes right in the thread before

Violence and Fear are the only two truly motivating factors for human beings.

The Tea Party accomplished many things. First by denying the Democrats the majority they needed to continue pushing their agenda. I presume you expected Congress to arm up and march to the White House or something. Nuts

I expected Congress to force Barack Obama to wallpaper the inside of the White House with the vetoed bills when they took control of both houses of Congress. I expected the ink for Obama's pen to need to be brought into the White House in 55 gallon barrels to sign those vetoes. Instead they collaborated with the Kenyan-Hawaiian Turd for the last two years.

President Obama was reduced to questionable executive orders as a means to accomplish his desired change. The same executive order power that Trump now has. Legislatively we will have to see where they are going. The fact that the Congress was opposition thanks to the Tea Party meant legislatively Obama was blocked from what he wanted to do like restricting Guns

No he wasnt. He chose to use EOs because he knows he wouldn't get support. That doesn't mean the opposition in the Capitol was really that extensive.

Now if you were not such a blowhard keyboard commando you would be down in the rough neighborhoods with your firepower in hand taking care of business. Instead you are tapping furiously on your computer.

LOL. Why would I bother with the slum rats? They kill themselves and I live far enough away from them that area that I don't care.
You keep demanding violence as the only answer. No wonder you advocated might makes right in the thread before

Violence and Fear are the only two truly motivating factors for human beings.

The Tea Party accomplished many things. First by denying the Democrats the majority they needed to continue pushing their agenda. I presume you expected Congress to arm up and march to the White House or something. Nuts

I expected Congress to force Barack Obama to wallpaper the inside of the White House with the vetoed bills when they took control of both houses of Congress. I expected the ink for Obama's pen to need to be brought into the White House in 55 gallon barrels to sign those vetoes. Instead they collaborated with the Kenyan-Hawaiian Turd for the last two years.

President Obama was reduced to questionable executive orders as a means to accomplish his desired change. The same executive order power that Trump now has. Legislatively we will have to see where they are going. The fact that the Congress was opposition thanks to the Tea Party meant legislatively Obama was blocked from what he wanted to do like restricting Guns

No he wasnt. He chose to use EOs because he knows he wouldn't get support. That doesn't mean the opposition in the Capitol was really that extensive.

Now if you were not such a blowhard keyboard commando you would be down in the rough neighborhoods with your firepower in hand taking care of business. Instead you are tapping furiously on your computer.

LOL. Why would I bother with the slum rats? They kill themselves and I live far enough away from them that area that I don't care.

Preposterous. The single motivating factor is not violence and fear. It is survival. A baby is born with the first level. Survival of self. A child achieves the second stage, survival of family or group. I would continue but the higher levels of self would be unknown and rejected by you.

I will admit I am not surprised. Your stated beliefs before demonstrated a lack of understanding of other things so why not a bastardized version of motivation of the species. You are a lamb who believes himself to be a wolf.

However there is good news for the rest of us. If in the unlikely event that the world does explode and the survivors rise to form a new civilization out of the ashes your nonsense won't be the foundation of anything.
However there is good news for the rest of us. If in the unlikely event that the world does explode and the survivors rise to form a new civilization out of the ashes your nonsense won't be the foundation of anything.

If the world blows up, and I hope it does; people of your ilk will not survive. You don't have the mentality necessary to kill everyone and anyone necessary (violence being the main route to survival) to survive?
However there is good news for the rest of us. If in the unlikely event that the world does explode and the survivors rise to form a new civilization out of the ashes your nonsense won't be the foundation of anything.

If the world blows up, and I hope it does; people of your ilk will not survive. You don't have the mentality necessary to kill everyone and anyone necessary (violence being the main route to survival) to survive?

Yeah. Right. You said in another thread that you hadn't any Military experience. How do you plan on forcing you views on those who have such experience.

Oh and if there was any doubt about your military experience you have proved it here. War is not violence. War is controlled violence for a purpose. I'm sure as you watch Rambo running around you are convinced that is the way to win. Sorry to tell you this, but in real life Rambo dies in about a minute.

I could give you historical examples but why waste my time that way. I learned a long time ago that I can't pour sense into the mind of a fool.
Yeah. Right. You said in another thread that you hadn't any Military experience. How do you plan on forcing you views on those who have such experience.

Two things....

1. I don't expect this breakdown to be a War but rather the total dissolution of society. At that point the military no longer exists.

2. Even if it does end up being a War, I expect the military to be on the same side as Trump and me...... against the Liberal retards.

Oh and if there was any doubt about your military experience you have proved it here. War is not violence. War is controlled violence for a purpose. I'm sure as you watch Rambo running around you are convinced that is the way to win. Sorry to tell you this, but in real life Rambo dies in about a minute.

Total War is not controlled anything. It's total violence, which is what may be required to rid us of the Liberal disease.
Yeah. Right. You said in another thread that you hadn't any Military experience. How do you plan on forcing you views on those who have such experience.

Two things....

1. I don't expect this breakdown to be a War but rather the total dissolution of society. At that point the military no longer exists.

2. Even if it does end up being a War, I expect the military to be on the same side as Trump and me...... against the Liberal retards.

Oh and if there was any doubt about your military experience you have proved it here. War is not violence. War is controlled violence for a purpose. I'm sure as you watch Rambo running around you are convinced that is the way to win. Sorry to tell you this, but in real life Rambo dies in about a minute.

Total War is not controlled anything. It's total violence, which is what may be required to rid us of the Liberal disease.

You are a fool. But it is historically demonstrable that you are not alone in such foolishness. I and anyone who has studied any history will tell you what happens. The phrase purity purges accurately describes it although the phrase is certainly lost on you.

Let's say that your fantasy comes to pass. Then what? You have rid the world of the "liberal disease". Then someone balks at a proposed action and what happens? You kill that one who balked. It happened in China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Vietnam and every other Communist takeover in history. It happened in Japan during the Militaristic era and in Nazi Germany. It happened in Imperial Germany.

The dissidents were called defeatist or insufficiently aggressive. They were shot, exiled to work camps or gulags. Imprisoned for decades. Yet the ideas never were extinguished. You would know this if you had any knowledge of history beyond some radical cliff notes version. South Africa kept Nelson Mandela in prison for decades and still his liberal disease won.

The ISIS goons and similar ilk throw acid at girls who dare to seek an education, an act that certainly meets with your approval.

In Vietnam the US Military used maximum violence and were defeated. The great chess masters were defeated by barely educated savages. One book you might want to read, understanding it would be beyond you is Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu does. It call for loyalty tests or purges. That's why I am certain you haven't read it or if you did you didn't understand anything you read.

I'll give you a hint however. If you follow the teachings of Sun Tzu you almost can't lose the war. If you ignore the lessons, as you obviously have, you can't win.

You don't win the war with maximum violence alone. You don't win it with purges of thought. That is why there is no Soviet Union and the Chinese had to liberalize their society. East Germany had one Stasi officer or informant for every ten people and they could not suppress the thought you imagine will be easily eradicated.

I say you are a fool because like all idealists who view violence as the only answer you modify what little history you do know to fit in the philosophy you espouse.

I believe I am safe in saying that you never read the Federalist Papers. It explains why you are ignorant of the philosophy and beliefs that founded this nation. The vision those founders had is radically different than the nonsense you spout.

It would be one thing if your technique had been successful at some point in history. It hasn't ever worked. The Inquisition failed to stamp out heretical thought. Wars fought for any number of disagreements on theology were never successful in stamping out other sects even within their own population. Catholics were put to death in England and yet Catholic faith endured. Jews were hunted through history and yet the Jewish Faith endures.

You are a fool. You won't learn from history and denigrate those who would teach you truth and facts behind the truth. If the society does collapse you won't last long. Because the Military won't have anything to do with a nut who espouses such nonsense. You will be alone or at best part of a small group that is quickly overcome by larger groups who understand what war really is.

Honestly I feel sorry for you. Consumed by your hatred you will die ignorant and without God.

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