If the Comrade could only control the media, his Autocracy would be well on its way

The Russuans effected NO ONE'S vote.

DNC emails exposing them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anyi-Semites. That really wasn't a surprise to anyone.

It was exposex that Democrats rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, and cheated in debates to help Hillary defeat Sabders, something she could not do herself.

Are you suggested informing Americans who the Democrats really are xaused Hillary the election, that if they would have been alliwed to successfully lie, cheat, and con their way Hillary might have won?

Democrats did far more than the Russians did in attempting to alter the election:
Rigging Primaries

Election Fraud

Debate Cheating


Paid violence against Trump supporters


Silencing Freeom of Speech


Threatening Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the outcome of an election already decided

Obama admin. crimes:
Felony Espionage, Unmasking Americans, illegally sharing classified info, etc...

Snowflakes seem to gave no problem trying to alter elections themselves but hate when they do all of that and still lose.
Amazing...Barry was the one who told Medvedev to pass on to Putin that after his re-election he would be more flexible to do Putin's bidding...

...and it was Barry who violated the US promise to help protect the Ukraine's sovereign border, ignoring the build-up and letting Russia annex Southern Ukraine.

But hey, what do FACTS really matter, especially to snowflakes ... as proven.
Amazing...Barry was the one who told Medvedev to pass on to Putin that after his re-election he would be more flexible to do Putin's bidding...
Just one more pathetic lie, in defense of the trump crime family

Oh so in your mind Russia deciding our elections is okay because Obama said he didn't have any flexibility at the time. Good for you. :rolleyes:

Dood, you're delusional.

Point out one, just one vote that Russia changed. Define, if you will, how Russia decided our GENERAL election.

You're going say: "Ya but they hacked the DNC server!" First off it wasn't a "hack". It was a phishing expedition that Podesta fell for, opening the door to the email server. 2nd, there has been no concrete evidence presented that it was Russia that did the phishing. After Russia (if in fact it was Russia) got access to to the server, all they(?) did was made discriminating emails available to the public evidence proving the underhanded methods of Hilary's campaign. That in no way "decided" the election. People were still free to vote the way they wanted. Nobody was forced to vote in a way they didn't choose.

The fact that the Left is stuck on the "hack" (a word intentionally used to raise the ire of the Great Unwashed of the Democrat Party) and then blows off the unethical practices of their party is telling.

Trump has nothing on the Clinton Crime, Inc organization.

Did you believe the masses of FAKE ASS NEWS promulgated by right wing media? Pizzagate? Obama giving away the internet? Ted Cruz being an illegal? Etc., etc., ETC.?!

Then the Russians influenced your vote. Congratulations, you dumb fucking bitch.

Who you calling a dumb fucking bitch sphagma breath?

Besides Fox News, who else of the MSN is right wing? CNN? NBC? MSNBC? ABC? CBS? NYT? WaPo? LAT? Come on fool, point them out because I must have missed them.

You're dumber than a rock. At least rocks are good for something in that a bigger will hold the door open in the summer. You sir, make a good argument for retroactive abortion
Besides Fox News, who else of the MSN is right wing? CNN? NBC? MSNBC? ABC? CBS? NYT? WaPo? LAT? Come on fool, point them out because I must have missed them.

MSN is a web portal, you dumb fucking rube. The right wing "MSM" consists of Faux, talk radio, Drudgereport, Breitbart, and countless other outlets (Stormfront, RT, InfoWars, etc.) that let you escape reality while getting reinforced for your views should you ever start to doubt them (unlikely for you inbred wastes of humanity). Your right wing MSM has yuge ratings and web clicks. But go on and keep pretending they are some kind of underground movement instead of a corporate takeover of your tiny brain that moves billions of dollars across the market.
How to Build an Autocracy

If not for the media, none of these lies by the WH criminal family would have come to light. MORE TO COME!

The Comrade still wants to bring free media to its knees. He threatens; he bullies; be berates; he demeans...and all to cower the free media. If he could only get the free media to be a lap dog like FOX News, the official Republican news station.

that's putin's bff spends so much time bullying the media. the bigger problem is his little dum dum disciples who can't tell fact from fiction.

There have been at least a dozen occasions when the facts coming out from the Media forced these mindless minions to change their story.

Please note that none of them actually lied. They just "forgot" or it was an "oversight." The White House is.beong occupied by a bunch of criminals.
Who you calling a dumb fucking bitch sphagma breath?
You're dumber than a rock. At least rocks are good for something in that a bigger will hold the door open in the summer. You sir, make a good argument for retroactive abortion

I love this forum!!!!!
One of the few places where adults can give certified assholes the hell they deserve :popcorn:

Note to self: must make support donation soon
How to Build an Autocracy

If not for the media, none of these lies by the WH criminal family would have come to light. MORE TO COME!

The Comrade still wants to bring free media to its knees. He threatens; he bullies; be berates; he demeans...and all to cower the free media. If he could only get the free media to be a lap dog like FOX News, the official Republican news station.

that's putin's bff spends so much time bullying the media. the bigger problem is his little dum dum disciples who can't tell fact from fiction.
When Democrats are able to preent the 1st bit of evidence to support their lies and Conspiracy Theories then you can talk about fact vs fiction, Jill.

The sad FACT is liberals SNAPPED when Hillary lost, and they have not been able to recover yet.

Hillary lost.

Hillary was the worst candidate in US history.

If Hillary would have been a Republican she would have been forced from the race for being under multiple FBI investigations for crimes that included espionage, influence peddling, illegal handling of classified...some crimes she DID commit.

And the 'I Hate Trump Fan Club' us just an attempt to prevenr from having to admit righing wlections and cheating to give her the nomination was the worst mistake the DNC ever made.

The lies coming from the WH are causing nose bleeds even among Repubs. Even the nauseating Trey Gowdy has admitted this WH cannot be believed.


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