If our troops were better trained at identifying drones than identifying diversity equity inclusion would 3 servicemen still be alive

You believers of never researching anything should look at whether any such attack took place
Was it another False Flag ?
It did not occur where the US claimed -- it happened in an illegal US base in Syria very close to the claimed location of The Tower in Jordan ( "down the road and across the border line " ).

Because experts are now seeing the likelihood of that, we are now belatedly being told that the perps were actually an Iraq force of jihadists ( ISIS) .
How convenient . Because that is precisely whom the US fund and train in that illegal base just inside the Syrian border .
So many Red Flags .

Recall the Fake chemical attacks in Syria narrative falsely pushed by the US .But 100% later shown to be Fake
You believers of never researching anything should look at whether any such attack took place
Was it another False Flag ?
It did not occur where the US claimed -- it happened in an illegal US base in Syria very close to the claimed location of The Tower in Jordan ( "down the road and across the border line " ).

Because experts are now seeing the likelihood of that, we are now belatedly being told that the perps were actually an Iraq force of jihadists ( ISIS) .
How convenient . Because that is precisely whom the US fund and train in that illegal base just inside the Syrian border .
So many Red Flags .

Recall the Fake chemical attacks in Syria narrative falsely pushed by the US .But 100% later shown to be Fake
Another Muzzie-loving propaganda stooge...
Another Muzzie-loving propaganda stooge...

Drives you crazy when it occurs to you that you might have got it all wrong .

Obviously you cannot deal with these new more likely facts as that would give you a mental breakdown .

Far more comfortable to assume it is all nonsense and remain a good Gullible .
Drives you crazy when it occurs to you that you might have got it all wrong .

Obviously you cannot deal with these new more likely facts as that would give you a mental breakdown .

Far more comfortable to assume it is all nonsense and remain a good Gullible .
Nice try, Achmed.. No Sale... :laughing0301:
Forced diversity, meaning from employers and government, is a weakness.

Natural diversity, people from different backgrounds hanging out together, is a strength. This is rare of course.

If diversity is a strength, Japan, S. Korea, or Iceland should be shit hole countries by now. The three countries have both necessary ingredients to run a country efficiently.

Culture + right people
Today's military is composed of a disproportionate amount of minorities. Diversity training is a must. Can't have our troops fighting amongst themselves . Not a good idea. Like sorts , joining the military is a leg up for all our youth . We need to respect that and help it along.
No,you can think Hillary and Obama. He was set up!
He choose a low profile place and felt safe , refused help when offered. He was young and naive , he trusted the locals , considered them friends and had an open door policy. Never saw this coming , neither did we. The response to a danish man making a cartoon of Mohammed stirred up the extremists in the area and this was the end result.
The Ambassador set his own itinerary and choose the unfinished compound over the fortified CIA complex for his visit to Benghazi. Recall Benghazi was his port of entry into Libya and he felt safe there.
And that was why he asked for more security but was denied, as it would make the brown turd a liar that Al Qaeda was dead...Real fucking safe, for the brown turd Obammy and Hitlery who sat in the White House basement and did nothing to aid them.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi
Republicans on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform have released new documents backing up claims by security personnel previously station in Libya that there was a shortage of security personnel in Benghazi.

The documents contain previously unreleased cables from Ambassador Stevens and his staff reflecting concerns about safety in the country.

The U.S. State Department did not have an immediate comment.
The problem back then was the civilian population. We quickly realized we needed to put Japanese-Americans into camps.
That was a big mistake. They were American citizens. Illegal and unconstitutional.why didn't we put all the people with German heritage behind bars. How racist we were back then.
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You ARE fucking stupid
They did fight in both wars but in segregated units. No diversity training back then. Even today , most smaller units are made up.of whoever joined from that area.These victims were obviously all from.the same unit.

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