If one chooses not to buy heath insurance, they are not having it taken away. Stop lying, Progs


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The lies are so transparent.

If the mandate is removed and people aren't punished for not buying healthcare, that is not "losing" their healthcare...it's choosing not to buy it.

Dems are such liars.

It's also odd for Democrats to punish the poor for not buying healthcare by making them pay a fine on their taxes.

If these poor people can't afford to buy an ID so they can vote, they sure as fuck can't buy health insurance
Listen, it is totally disingenuous for conservatives to whine about ACA, when they themselves are the sole reasons people are feeling the effects of higher prems. etc...Most of the states suffering, is because GOP governors refuse to fund ACA, backed away from the mandate and left its citizens with a half ass plan to curtail insurance prems.....so when the shit hit the fan, they want to blame OBama and ACA. Typical of their voters to not see the true culprit in all this, their GOP vote!!
Not true.

Please tell these people who elect not to purchase health insurance to die in the streets and not clog up the E.R.'s for those people who did purchase health insurance.
If one chooses not to buy healthcare, they are not losing it.

Dems are flat out lying.

Healthcare and insurance are 2 different things. No one is turned away from getting healthcare, regardless of their health insurance.

Dems lie all day, every day. The truth is their enemy.
Please tell these people who elect not to purchase health insurance to die in the streets and not clog up the E.R.'s for those people who did purchase health insurance.
What a nazi commie thug! This idiot says that people who don't have medical insurance cannot receive heath care.
Please tell these people who elect not to purchase health insurance to die in the streets and not clog up the E.R.'s for those people who did purchase health insurance.

You always see those piles of dead people outside of the ER because they were refused healthcare, don't you?

I hate those, especially in the summer.
Listen, it is totally disingenuous for conservatives to whine about ACA, when they themselves are the sole reasons people are feeling the effects of higher prems. etc...Most of the states suffering, is because GOP governors refuse to fund ACA, backed away from the mandate and left its citizens with a half ass plan to curtail insurance prems.....so when the shit hit the fan, they want to blame OBama and ACA. Typical of their voters to not see the true culprit in all this, their GOP vote!!
This sounds like blaming the victim to me.

NONE of this would be necessary if the communists hadn't rammed through this disaster. Start there.
Hey, here's an idea for a law.

Since there are people who don't want to be forced to have health insurance, we'll just make it law that anyone who can't fully pay for medical services at the point of service can be refused that service ahead of time.

There ya go.
Listen, it is totally disingenuous for conservatives to whine about ACA, when they themselves are the sole reasons people are feeling the effects of higher prems. etc...Most of the states suffering, is because GOP governors refuse to fund ACA, backed away from the mandate and left its citizens with a half ass plan to curtail insurance prems.....so when the shit hit the fan, they want to blame OBama and ACA. Typical of their voters to not see the true culprit in all this, their GOP vote!!
This sounds like blaming the victim to me.

NONE of this would be necessary if the communists hadn't rammed through this disaster. Start there.
The fact that you used the word communist, with your president sleepin and butt fuckin Putin, kinda makes you look like the hick with a dick fool you are, so bye!!
The lies are so transparent.

If the mandate is removed and people aren't punished for not buying healthcare, that is not "losing" their healthcare...it's choosing not to buy it.

Dems are such liars.

It's also odd for Democrats to punish the poor for not buying healthcare by making them pay a fine on their taxes.

If these poor people can't afford to buy an ID so they can vote, they sure as fuck can't buy health insurance

Tell that to seniors for Part B and part D. They have to pay more for every year they go without. Get use to it. You pay Medicare tax, same thing.

Part B late enrollment penalty | Medicare.gov
Please tell these people who elect not to purchase health insurance to die in the streets and not clog up the E.R.'s for those people who did purchase health insurance.

You always see those piles of dead people outside of the ER because they were refused healthcare, don't you?

I hate those, especially in the summer.

ER is not healthcare. You just want everything for free. Admit it.
In part, the ACA - much like Social Security - was / became a 'Ponzi Scheme'. The reason young, healthy adults who did not want to / were not purchasing health care insurance had to be FORCED to do so through threat of monetary punishment (a non-compliance tax) was because politicians knew their MONEY was required to help cover the cost of the older generations who WERE receiving health care and NEEDED health insurance.

Ending the demand that all Americans by insurance and ending the punitive monetary tax on people who do not WANT health insurance is in essence 'FREEING' them, taking the shackled off, taking the govt hand out of their pockets...and returning their CHOICE. The ACA can no more stand on its own without Americans being FORCED to participate than can a Ponzi Scheme.
If one chooses not to buy healthcare, they are not losing it.

Dems are flat out lying.

Healthcare and insurance are 2 different things. No one is turned away from getting healthcare, regardless of their health insurance.

Dems lie all day, every day. The truth is their enemy.
Fewer people are turned away from receiving healthcare since Obamacare, but even today people are being turned away.
In part, the ACA - much like Social Security - was / became a 'Ponzi Scheme'. The reason young, healthy adults who did not want to / were not purchasing health care insurance had to be FORCED to do so through threat of monetary punishment (a non-compliance tax) was because politicians knew their MONEY was required to help cover the cost of the older generations who WERE receiving health care and NEEDED health insurance.

Ending the demand that all Americans by insurance and ending the punitive monetary tax on people who do not WANT health insurance is in essence 'FREEING' them, taking the shackled off, taking the govt hand out of their pockets...and returning their CHOICE. The ACA can no more stand on its own without Americans being FORCED to participate than can a Ponzi Scheme.
Right then they end up being the tax payers responsibility when they get ill or get in an accident.
One can choose to purchase overpriced shit health insurance, or not buy insurance and pay the penalty when you file taxes.

If you choose to pay the penalty and not buy the insurance, you did not lose your heath insurance.

If the bill is so wonderful, I don't know why Dems always lie about it.
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If one chooses not to buy healthcare, they are not losing it.

Dems are flat out lying.

Healthcare and insurance are 2 different things. No one is turned away from getting healthcare, regardless of their health insurance.

Dems lie all day, every day. The truth is their enemy.
Fewer people are turned away from receiving healthcare since Obamacare, but even today people are being turned away.

It's simply not true.

People are not turned away from the ER to die from life threatening injuries or disease.
Right then they end up being the tax payers responsibility when they get ill or get in an accident.
That's a mighty big assumption....and not a completely accurate one.

My son was a strapping, healthy young man who would not get his own insurance - 'didn't need it', despite our talks to the contrary. He developed a cyst that needed to be removed...and the bill was significant.

He took care of the cost himself...and he ended up getting insurance. He later followed in my footsteps and joined the military.

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