If Obama withhold SocSec check, will he be impeached?

Did crusaderfrank and stepanie run away? Without so much as a thank you for educating them (is that possible?) that TANF checks are not issued by the US Treasury and their attack on President Obama was based on ignorance and - dare I say - partisan bias.

Hey Jackoff, I answer right above you!

The question is Obama priorities and why he wants to starve our seniors
Six to seven white mothers on aid to two minority mothers.

Yeah, truth hurts.

Try those figures in percentages. Just to keep things honest......

So the 6 to 7 white mothers on aid cost less than the 2 minority mothers on aid? Is that what you meant by percentages?

My goodness. Didn't think I'd have to explain this.

How much of a percentage is the white mothers on welfare compared to all single white mothers and how much of a percentage is the minority single mothers on welfare when compared to all single minority mothers. Since the "white" population is so much larger the straight numbers would give an untrue picture. I hate even discussing race, but since it was brought up lets keep it fair and balanced.
Because the majority of the people wouldnt be outraged for the welfare as they would be for the SS checks. People who get SS checks worked for that money unlike the people who just sit on welfare for generations at a time. I know I will be ticked since my husband is a disabled veteran after serving and that is another thing he threatened. Yeah, just like the last supposed shut down. Dont pay our military but still give to the welfare people.. Because you know they vote for him:cuckoo:

actually, the largest single group on welfare is WHITE single mothers.

nice try... but fail...

and hint: just because you try not to use the words, doesn't mean it's not clear you're a racist loser.

thans for playing.
UM where in my quote did I mention RACE one time.. You threw the race card not me:cuckoo: Why does the left always throw out the race card when they have nothing else to contribute:eusa_whistle:

Or funding federal wildlife areas or the Robert Byrd Library of Midnight basketball...or etc

In a never ending quest to end ignorance, here is a brief overview of TANF which even CrusaderFrank and Stephanie may understand:

About TANF Program

From the link:

"Under the welfare reform legislation of 1996, (the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act – PWRORA – Public Law 104-193), TANF replaced the welfare programs known as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program and the Emergency Assistance (EA) program. The law ended federal entitlement to assistance and instead created TANF as a block grant that provides States, territories and tribes federal funds each year. These funds cover benefits, administrative expenses, and services targeted to needy families. TANF became effective July 1, 1997, and was reauthorized in February 2006 under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005."

Were is the part about the States paying again?

Nice try. Though I'm not sure if your dishonest or stupid I'll try to explain. Individual states manage the TANF program, they receive money based on a public law passed by the Congress and signed by the president. States apply for the grant money and recieve ti to provide funding for the programs the state develops. Those who participate in a program approved by Health & Human Services recieve a check from the state on monies allocated by the Congress. The Feds have nothing to do with the distribution.
And, btw, the money Congress authorized for this PL comes from taxpayers who reside in the states.
LOL, you did nothing.
The question was, why did Obama CHOOSE to use seniors and SS checks.


most people know the answer, but you all just want to DEFLECT from that.

You really are dumb. I suggest you study the theory of holes. Since the US Treasury does NOT send out Welfare Checks the President would have no reason to suggest, "I can't guarantee welfare checks will go out".
Because the majority of the people wouldnt be outraged for the welfare as they would be for the SS checks. People who get SS checks worked for that money unlike the people who just sit on welfare for generations at a time. I know I will be ticked since my husband is a disabled veteran after serving and that is another thing he threatened. Yeah, just like the last supposed shut down. Dont pay our military but still give to the welfare people.. Because you know they vote for him:cuckoo:

Have you checked with the VA lately? They have increased benefits for certain service connected disabilities. It has been worth the trip to town for some of our folks here.

Also, it isn't just our military men who won't get paid. Did you know that we are paying local security forces in countries we are occupying now? I have a friend whose sonis in Afghanistan and our guys there have concern that when the locals don't get their check from Uncle Sam, they will turn on our soldiers and leave them without back up or outright kill them.
If Obama withhold SocSec checks as he threatened, he should be immediately removed from office -- by force if necessary.

Our Seniors have paid into the "Trust Fund" their entire lives and the vast majority of them have come to depend on that check, some for their very survival. A short while ago, Obama made an outrageous, stunning threat that he will withhold delivery of the checks unless he gets his way with Congress. Obama's demands have NOTHING to do with delivering funds to our seniors.


Bernie Madoff is in prison for abusing funds entrusted to him and if Obama makes good on his threat to starve our elderly, he should be cellmates with Bernie.

It won't happen (at least to the point of a Senate conviction) but, yes.

It should result in impeachment.
There was no threat.


If the government gets shut down..bad things are really going to happen.

I know a lot of people on SS who took it as a threat. But of course if anything should happen we all know that it can't be Obama's fault. Ask him he'll tell you, or have his army of Obamabots tell you. I'm sure they will find a way to blame Bush.

Obama offered the returds a plan to cut the benefits and they ran away. Tsk!

The fuck he did, liar.....
Try those figures in percentages. Just to keep things honest......

So the 6 to 7 white mothers on aid cost less than the 2 minority mothers on aid? Is that what you meant by percentages?

My goodness. Didn't think I'd have to explain this.

How much of a percentage is the white mothers on welfare compared to all single white mothers and how much of a percentage is the minority single mothers on welfare when compared to all single minority mothers. Since the "white" population is so much larger the straight numbers would give an untrue picture. I hate even discussing race, but since it was brought up lets keep it fair and balanced.

Doesn't matter, Ollie. Say white mothers make up 3/4s of welfare recipient mothers and minority makes up 1/4 of welfare recipient mothers, while 75% of America is white and 25% is non-white, the average will end up be slightly higher for minorities but the numbers will be overwhelmingly white.

Neither race can look down their nose at the other.
i know a lot of people on ss who took it as a threat. But of course if anything should happen we all know that it can't be obama's fault. Ask him he'll tell you, or have his army of obamabots tell you. I'm sure they will find a way to blame bush.

1) whether people took it as a threat or not, it wasn't. It was a warning of what could happen in the case of default and it wasn't without merit.

2) it won't be his fault. And if recent polls are any indication, he won't get the blame by a majority of the population.

3) the current deficit, which republicans suddenly started caring about when it concerned dems pursuing their agenda, is primarily shrub's fault. You can bet your ass that'll keep coming up often.


check your numbers again on who is doing the spending. Bush spent too much, obama has outdone him by far.

And truth is i don't care what either of them did last decade or last week. I care what we do tomorrow. It is time to face realism, we are spending way too much of what we do not have. It's time to end it.

Did crusaderfrank and stepanie run away? Without so much as a thank you for educating them (is that possible?) that TANF checks are not issued by the US Treasury and their attack on President Obama was based on ignorance and - dare I say - partisan bias.

Hey Jackoff, I answer right above you!

The question is Obama priorities and why he wants to starve our seniors

Obama's priority is to head off to his $38,500 per head fundraiser/50th Birthday Party on August 3rd.
actually, the largest single group on welfare is WHITE single mothers.

nice try... but fail...

and hint: just because you try not to use the words, doesn't mean it's not clear you're a racist loser.

thans for playing.
UM where in my quote did I mention RACE one time.. You threw the race card not me:cuckoo: Why does the left always throw out the race card when they have nothing else to contribute:eusa_whistle:

In a never ending quest to end ignorance, here is a brief overview of TANF which even CrusaderFrank and Stephanie may understand:

About TANF Program

From the link:

"Under the welfare reform legislation of 1996, (the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act – PWRORA – Public Law 104-193), TANF replaced the welfare programs known as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program and the Emergency Assistance (EA) program. The law ended federal entitlement to assistance and instead created TANF as a block grant that provides States, territories and tribes federal funds each year. These funds cover benefits, administrative expenses, and services targeted to needy families. TANF became effective July 1, 1997, and was reauthorized in February 2006 under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005."

Were is the part about the States paying again?

Nice try. Though I'm not sure if your dishonest or stupid I'll try to explain. Individual states manage the TANF program, they receive money based on a public law passed by the Congress and signed by the president. States apply for the grant money and recieve ti to provide funding for the programs the state develops. Those who participate in a program approved by Health & Human Services recieve a check from the state on monies allocated by the Congress. The Feds have nothing to do with the distribution.
And, btw, the money Congress authorized for this PL comes from taxpayers who reside in the states.

But the money comes from the Federal Government. So if they don't supply the money to the States the States cannot give out welfare payments.

I am neither dishonest or stupid, the point remains that Mr Obama is using this in a lame attempt to scare seniors.
In other Dictatorships, the elderly are killed off because they don't accurately remember how great things are under the new Leader. Maybe that's what Obama has in mind? 2011 as the Year Zero?
So the 6 to 7 white mothers on aid cost less than the 2 minority mothers on aid? Is that what you meant by percentages?

My goodness. Didn't think I'd have to explain this.

How much of a percentage is the white mothers on welfare compared to all single white mothers and how much of a percentage is the minority single mothers on welfare when compared to all single minority mothers. Since the "white" population is so much larger the straight numbers would give an untrue picture. I hate even discussing race, but since it was brought up lets keep it fair and balanced.

Doesn't matter, Ollie. Say white mothers make up 3/4s of welfare recipient mothers and minority makes up 1/4 of welfare recipient mothers, while 75% of America is white and 25% is non-white, the average will end up be slightly higher for minorities but the numbers will be overwhelmingly white.

Neither race can look down their nose at the other.

Which is the point I am hoping to get the actual numbers on. Race is irrelevant.
My goodness. Didn't think I'd have to explain this.

How much of a percentage is the white mothers on welfare compared to all single white mothers and how much of a percentage is the minority single mothers on welfare when compared to all single minority mothers. Since the "white" population is so much larger the straight numbers would give an untrue picture. I hate even discussing race, but since it was brought up lets keep it fair and balanced.

Doesn't matter, Ollie. Say white mothers make up 3/4s of welfare recipient mothers and minority makes up 1/4 of welfare recipient mothers, while 75% of America is white and 25% is non-white, the average will end up be slightly higher for minorities but the numbers will be overwhelmingly white.

Neither race can look down their nose at the other.

Which is the point I am hoping to get the actual numbers on. Race is irrelevant.

Myth: People on welfare are usually black, teenage mothers who stay on ten years at a time.

Fact: Most welfare recipients are non-black, adult and on welfare less than two years at a time.


According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers.

Here are the statistics on welfare recipients:
Traits of families on AFDC (1)

White 38.8%
Black 37.2
Hispanic 17.8
Asian 2.8
Other 3.4

Time on AFDC
Less than 7 months 19.0%
7 to 12 months 15.2
One to two years 19.3
Two to five years 26.9
Over five years 19.6

Number of children
One 43.2%
Two 30.7
Three 15.8
Four or more 10.3

Age of Mother
Teenager 7.6%
20 - 29 47.9
30 - 39 32.7
40 or older 11.8

Status of Father 1973 1992
Divorced or separated 46.5% 28.6
Deceased 5.0 1.6
Unemployed or Disabled 14.3 9.0
Not married to mother 31.5 55.3
Other or Unknown 2.7 5.5

People on welfare are usually black, teenage mothers who stay on ten years at a time

And here's another:


Now, what you have to realize is that SSD recipients - disability- are another can of worms altogether. Many of them ARE on long term due to serious and persistent mental illness or other problems.

I recall one mother whose husband died and she was on SS for several years. She was a patient with a diagnosis of Dysthymia, a very mild form of depression. She lived on her ever decreasing SS as her children grew up and left home. When she was down to about 6 more checks she came in and announced "I am ready to get my disability." I absolutely would NOT help her. She wasn't disabled, didn't have a serious mental illness, and I told her I would not embarrass myself as a clinician by helping her apply, and for her to start looking for work.

For all practical purposes she could have been me. Except that I used my widow's benefit to go to college. She could have as well.
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So? what were his reasons for using SS checks INSTEAD OF WELFARE CHECKS.

Don't be stupid, Stephanie. The ridiculous notion that everybody on welfare is looking for a free ride is just plain idiotic. But that's what the right wing thinks. Bunch of dopes.

wtf? that is NOT what I asked you.
I asked, WHY did the Obama choose to USE SS checks INSTEAD OF SAYING, we can't guarantee WELFARE CHECKS WILL GO OUT.

How the hell do I know?? If the government shuts down, there will be no checks for ANYBODY!!! Don't you get that??? Must everything be spelled out for you??? Never mind. The answer is yes.

Which brings me back to my original comment. People like you just think everybody on welfare is a fraud. It pisses me off. Obama did not mention federal workers, the military, veteren's benefits, and lots of other things. So what??? Why do Welfare Checks concern you so much?? Did he say he would make them a total exception?? No.

Maybe it's just subliminal racism on your part. That's what I think. After all, welfare checks equals lazy African-Americans in your narrow world. You are so trasnsparent, Steph.
Don't be stupid, Stephanie. The ridiculous notion that everybody on welfare is looking for a free ride is just plain idiotic. But that's what the right wing thinks. Bunch of dopes.

Notice how the answer is totally avoided here......................

The answer is TANF is paid by the State.

Also, the block grant of federal money to state and local governments supports social welfare programs. The money won't be there if the government shuts down. That's how I understand it anyway.
UM where in my quote did I mention RACE one time.. You threw the race card not me:cuckoo: Why does the left always throw out the race card when they have nothing else to contribute:eusa_whistle:

Were is the part about the States paying again?

Nice try. Though I'm not sure if your dishonest or stupid I'll try to explain. Individual states manage the TANF program, they receive money based on a public law passed by the Congress and signed by the president. States apply for the grant money and recieve ti to provide funding for the programs the state develops. Those who participate in a program approved by Health & Human Services recieve a check from the state on monies allocated by the Congress. The Feds have nothing to do with the distribution.
And, btw, the money Congress authorized for this PL comes from taxpayers who reside in the states.

But the money comes from the Federal Government. So if they don't supply the money to the States the States cannot give out welfare payments.

I am neither dishonest or stupid, the point remains that Mr Obama is using this in a lame attempt to scare seniors.

Or he's giving seniors a heads up that the Republican radicals in the House are actually planning a default and Obama's doing the correct thing in warning them to be prudent as no one knows what will happen.
Did crusaderfrank and stepanie run away? Without so much as a thank you for educating them (is that possible?) that TANF checks are not issued by the US Treasury and their attack on President Obama was based on ignorance and - dare I say - partisan bias.

LOL, you did nothing.
The question was, why did Obama CHOOSE to use seniors and SS checks.


most people know the answer, but you all just want to DEFLECT from that.

OMG!!! Wry Catcher, she's all yours. My blood pressure can't take it.

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